Sentences with phrase «rate paid»

The interest spread is defined as the difference between the average interest rate received on interest - earning assets less the average interest rate paid on all deposits.
That's the highest interest rate you pay on your taxes.
This is one of the highest interest rates paid for accounts.
And there is a wider variation in the property tax rates paid by property owners to support public schools.
In order to determine the total tax rate paid in your province, you'll have to add together the federal and provincial tax rates.
It set a shadow price that reflected the highest rates it paid for electricity, making energy efficiency and renewable energy investments more viable.
You may not realize it, but the insurance rates you pay for your car can vary dramatically depending on the insurance company you choose.
Having that debt hanging over your head can be difficult to deal with, especially when you consider the high interest rate you pay when you carry a balance.
Actual rates paid on outstanding loans differ from these for a few reasons.
Further, you have less protection against hikes in the interest rates you pay with a business card compared with a consumer one.
Further, interest income is taxed at the same rate they pay on ordinary income.
Another way would be to increase the premium rate paid by workers and employers to help fund an increase in the size of pension you receive when you finally quit working.
These laws are another location related variable that plays into the determination of auto insurance rates we pay as consumers.
The interest rate you pay depends on factors like your loan type and credit score.
The rate the employee receives is therefore naturally less than the hourly rate paid by the temp agency's client employer.
The average commission rate paid on American home - sale transactions continues to decline and could dip below 5 percent within the next few years.
This is accomplished by the fact that a single interest rate on the principal sum costs less than 4 or 5 different rates paid through the individual loans.
This is an adjustable rate mortgage on which you make both interest and principal payments; the initial rate you pay is fixed for 5 years.
It's true that those people getting the better rate pay a hefty fee up front in insurance premiums, but they also represent a greater risk to the taxpayer.
There is no change in the flat rate pay plan for mechanics.
The pass - through of lower wholesale prices for natural gas into rates paid by retail customers may also be reducing expenditures.
The investment holders of the underlying mortgage loans and the lower shorter - term rates paid directly to the known investors.
The size of your down payment can also affect the mortgage rate you pay.
People who live in areas with a high crime rate pay more.
When plans incur debt, the response is to raise contribution rates paid by teachers, school districts, and state governments.
We offer competitive pay with a performance based on Flat Rate pay plan.
The interest rate you pay remains stable over the life of the loan.
Because transactions are filling up blocks to the limit, this has caused the network fee rate paid to miners to increase exponentially.
That results in different rates paid by different districts to the same charter school.
Whatever rate you pay, it should be well below the tax rate on your ordinary income.
With variable rates you pay less interest but also have less security if rates do eventually rise.
People mainly do this to reduce the interest rates they pay overall and to reduce the number of payments.
During this low rate environment the interest rate paid out by many senior loans has been held to minimums or «floors».
But through things like mortgage and charitable deductions, and our progressive tax scale, many people's effective tax rate is considerably lower than the top marginal rate they pay.
I can't rate the paid investment management service because I haven't used them.
As a result, the work comp rates they pay are often some of the lowest.
For example, there isn't much transparency around the top up rates paid to providers.
The interest rate you pay usually is low, and the loan doesn't appear on your credit report.
The interest rate you pay after the introductory period won't matter if you pay the balance in full and don't plan to charge additional items on your credit card.
The loan refinance rate you pay is determined by a number of factors.
Banks, in the normal course of business, assume financial risk by making loans at interest rates that differ from rates paid on deposits.
It means that the interest rate you pay stays the same within the whole repayment period.
As technology costs fall, the tariff rates paid to owners of new installations can systematically and logically be lowered over time in order to reduce the overall costs of the program.
Often, the first metric considered is price - related, such as partner billing rates paid to each firm in the company's panel.
Every final expense company will determine the precise rate you pay based on your exact age.
The renters insurance rate you pay buys an advocate because the insurance company wants the same result you do, and for the same reason.
This is a very interesting question because your credit score helps determine what rate you pay for car insurance.

Phrases with «rate paid»

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