Sentences with phrase «rate than other approaches»

TECHNIQUES While there is no single or sure way to stop a baby from crying, the following interventions have been found to have a much higher success rate than other approaches.
No wonder that people trying to recover in AA have much higher suicide rates than any other approach.

Not exact matches

In another study, Kabacoff noted that 60,000 managers and executives in more than 140 countries rated a strategic approach to leadership as more effective than other skills like innovation, persuasion, communication, and results orientation.
Fidelity ® Conservative Income Municipal Bond Fund (FCRDX) This fund, whose income is normally exempt from federal income taxes, might be appropriate for investors looking for more yield than money market funds are providing, and wanting to take a more conservative approach to both credit and interest rate risk than many other bond funds.
But Americans are curiously unwilling to learn from Europe, even though almost all member - states of the European Union have better policies and lower rates of addiction than the U.S.. On other points, Massing is in agreement with the harm - reduction approach: he favors free needles, methadone treatment, decriminalization of marijuana and repeal of mandatory sentencing.
Armed with 200 years of taxation receipts and other economic indices from developed countries (mainly France, Britain and the US) he shows there is one economic law that approaches a constant: the rate of return on capital (r) is usually higher than the rate of economic growth (g).
big mistake to let the states dictate there own Medicaid rates which gives us a hodge podge approach and states like NY end up having Cadillac plans that cost much more than others for no particular reason.
Conducting HIV testing among the social and risk networks of those recently diagnosed with HIV helps identify undiagnosed cases of HIV at significantly higher rates and at a lower cost than other testing approaches, finds a new study conducted in Ukraine by an international research team.
According to a meta - analysis by the University of Colorado Denver Business School, students who played learning games ended up with 11 % higher factual knowledge, 14 % higher skill - based knowledge, and 9 % higher retention rate than those who used other approaches.
Writing about Illinois» newly approved NCLB waiver, it breathlessly reported that, «Under a dramatic new approach to rating public schools, Illinois students of different backgrounds no longer will be held to the same standards — with Latinos and blacks, low - income children and other groups having lower targets than whites for passing state exams, the Tribune has found.»
Despite such controversies, Los Angeles school district leaders are poised to plunge ahead with their own confidential «value - added» ratings this spring, saying the approach is far more objective and accurate than any other evaluation tool available.
If you are using the strategy of paying off the highest rate debts first (the «Avalanche» approach), it becomes a complex optimization problem to determine the ideal payment plan if you have a credit card with a 0 % introductory period that later rises to a nominal rate higher than your other debts.
One approach has been to appeal to consumers interested in benefits other than typical financial inducements such as low interest rates, no annual fees and travel rewards.
It seems to me that this data argues powerfully for both increasing eligibility for legal aid, so that fewer litigants are left without counsel, and lawyers to consider the unbundling of legal services, providing services at a flat rate or on a barter basis, and exploring other creative approaches to paid legal services than the billable hour.
However, the paper also suggests that there are reasons to believe that non-lawyer ownership will not lead to significant access gains because (i) those in need of civil legal services often have few resources and, for them, legal aid is the answer, (ii) non-lawyer ownership is likely to be attracted to profitable sectors of the market, (iii) some legal services require the individualized attention of an experienced practitioner who charges high rates and the traditional worker owned partnership model may be the better approach in this context and (iv) there may be reasons other than price causing people not to address civil legal needs.
The use of this approach by thousands of my clients has demonstrated that it generates interviews at a rate far greater than any other approach.
Also, we used objective approaches to quantify neighbourhood attributes that allowed us to partially control for potential reverse causality due to depressed individuals tending to exhibit negative cognitive bias resulting in negative thoughts and perceptions.65 Residential self - selection bias is likely to be a trivial source of reverse causality in this study because Hong Kong's high levels of population density (6760 people / km2) and low percentage of developed land (less than 25 %) 66 limit most residents» choice of accommodation and 37 % of Hong Kong older adults live in public rental housing.67 Given the satisfactory response rate and the level of similarity in depressive symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics of participants recruited from two types of recruitment centres, the findings from this study are likely to be generalisable to the population of Chinese Hong Kong older adults matching the study eligibility criteria and other populations of older adults living in similar ultra-dense metropolises of Southeast Asia.
Program evaluation has supported this multifaceted approach in multiple countries and settings.83 Analyses by Nobel Prize — winning economist James Heckman reveal that early prevention activities targeted toward disadvantaged children have high rates of economic returns, much higher than remediation efforts later in childhood or adult life.84 For example, the Perry Preschool Program showed an average rate of return of $ 8.74 for every dollar invested in early childhood education.85 Targeted interventions foster protective factors, including responsive, nurturing, cognitively stimulating, consistent, and stable parenting by either birth parents or other consistent adults.
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