Sentences with phrase «rates of certain types»

Studies have linked the frequent use of turmeric to lower rates of certain types of cancers.
Given that many breeds have high rates of certain types of cancer, joint deformities, heart and eye problems, aggression, nervousness and other conditions known to have a strong genetic component, the evidence that's happening now is clear.»

Not exact matches

The CRTC found that the practice, called «zero rating,» violated network neutrality regulations that prevent ISPs from privileging certain types of Internet traffic.
It prohibits certain types of businesses and charges a monthly rate in lieu of taking a cut of the money earned.
Our Global Market Strategies segment, established in 1999 with our first high yield fund, advises a group of 46 active funds that pursue investment opportunities across various types of credit, equities and alternative instruments, including bank loans, high yield debt, structured credit products, distressed debt, corporate mezzanine, energy mezzanine opportunities and long / short high - grade and high - yield credit instruments, emerging markets equities, and (with regards to certain macroeconomic strategies) currencies, commodities and interest rate products and their derivatives.
Convertible Auction Rate Preferred Stock - a convertible auction rate preferred stock is a certain type of an auction related preferred stock that can be converted into shares of the underlying security an underlying security is a commodity or security, which is subject to delivery when an option is exercised on a convertible securRate Preferred Stock - a convertible auction rate preferred stock is a certain type of an auction related preferred stock that can be converted into shares of the underlying security an underlying security is a commodity or security, which is subject to delivery when an option is exercised on a convertible securrate preferred stock is a certain type of an auction related preferred stock that can be converted into shares of the underlying security an underlying security is a commodity or security, which is subject to delivery when an option is exercised on a convertible security.
estimate of annual income from a specific security position over the next rolling 12 months; calculated for U.S. government, corporate, and municipal bonds, and CDs by multiplying the coupon rate by the face value of the security; calculated for common stocks (including ADRs and REITs) and mutual funds using an Indicated Annual Dividend (IAD); calculated for fixed rate bonds (including treasury, agency, GSE, corporate, and municipal bonds), CDs, common stocks, ADRs, REITs, and mutual funds when available; not calculated for preferred stocks, ETFs, ETNs, UITs, international stocks, closed - end funds, and certain types of bonds
Certain types of bonds offer a degree of protection from rising inflation and interest rates, though they come with their own risks.
And there's no reason you couldn't use both types of cards: a flat - rate card for everyday purchases, and a card with tiered rewards for purchases within a certain category.
I rate Per but you need to be set up for a certain type of performance to see the best of the man.
While there's no apparent effort to force him out, Johnson may be sick of the gig and ready to be replaced after nearly 25 years on the job — and after a torrent of criticism of his low conviction rate and his poor relations with the NYPD for declining to prosecute cases that arise from certain types of stop and frisks, sources told the News.
The teenagers were asked to rate how often they faced certain types of bullying in the past two months, with at least two or three incidents a month being classified as regular bullying.
Al - Haiqi points out, however, that success rates are mostly from tests of keystroke - deciphering techniques in controlled settings — assuming that users hold their phones a certain way or sit down while typing.
Studies of farm laborers who worked with the compound showed rates of certain cancers double to eight times the national average, but those exposures were intermittent and not exclusive, because workers handle many types of chemicals.
Ion channels are generally selective for certain ions, allowing specific types of ions to flow through at very high rates, while hindering the flow of others.
Individuals with high levels of these inflammatory molecules are more likely to be frail, hospitalized, and less independent; are more susceptible to certain types of infections; and have a variety of chronic, late - life diseases such as dementia and cardiovascular disease, as well as higher death rates.
According to Morton, the rate at which people use certain types of words constitutes «consistent habits» that can identify the speaker or author.
By performing this type of training you rev up the basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is the minimal rate of energy spent by our body at rest during a certain period of time.
When rats with a certain type of cancer are exposed to shocks, studies show that the rats who learn to escape the shocks die of cancer 30 % of the time, compared to a 73 % death rate when the rats become passive and just lay down and accept their fate.
Having a certain body type can tell you a lot about whether you'll excel at a certain sport, what will be the type of exercises that will benefit you the most, the rate at which you'll gain or lose weight, as well as what the most suitable foods will be for you that will provide the best fuel for your body and help you with losing weight.
This is particularly true for those who are on certain types of medications or have preexisting heart conditions such as tachycardia, which is a prolonged elevated heart rate, or arrhythmia, which is an abnormal heart rhythm.
If we only think about the calories burned during exercise, we ignore the fact that certain types of training (think metabolic conditioning and heavy weight training) raise your metabolic rate for HOURS after you finish your workout.
The reasons given for this being the best type of training for a healthy heart are basic weight training builds up the muscles around the chest and this can help prevent certain heart diseases such as angina, the short bursts of rapid heart rate followed by a minutes rest is good for accustoming your heart to work at a rapid pace if necessary and finally weight training will maintain and build muscle mass which helps control your weight because as mentioned before the more muscle you have the more calories you need to feed it.
Recent research ranges from reducing the levels of heterocyclic amines (carcinogenic compounds that are formed when meats are barbecued, boiled or fried) by up to 40 percent, it can inhibit the growth of certain types of skin and breast cancers, and it can even help prevent brain decline which may explain the low rate of Alzheimer's disease in India.
As per the studies in a meta analysis, it was found that consumption of soy lowered the risk of breast cancer in women from Asian countries, it was even linked to the longer survival rates of women with certain types of aggressive breast cancers.
The loan agreement was dated Sep 2016 and was made between Affinitas and certain persons and entities with an interest rate of 8 % (Loan type A) and 9 % per annum (Loan Type B) in an amount of $ 5.85 M ($ 1.85 M of which is under the Type A Loans and $ 4M of which is under the Type B Loatype A) and 9 % per annum (Loan Type B) in an amount of $ 5.85 M ($ 1.85 M of which is under the Type A Loans and $ 4M of which is under the Type B LoaType B) in an amount of $ 5.85 M ($ 1.85 M of which is under the Type A Loans and $ 4M of which is under the Type B LoaType A Loans and $ 4M of which is under the Type B LoaType B Loans).
WHIPS utilizes a specially designed hinge mount that attaches the back rest to the seat bottom, which has a pre-determined rate of rearward movement in the event of certain types of rear impacts.
Do you see patterns in your book's category — does a certain type of cover always appear on a highly rated book or not?
Adding an addition or certain types of pets can also raise your rates, as can having a home business.
This task becomes much easier if you limit your shopping to a certain type of mortgage: for example, comparing 30 - year fixed rate mortgages at the same price point is much faster than trying to figure out the relative costs of a 15 - year mortgage against a 5/1 ARM.
Low or zero tax rate is given to certain types of financial income.
Interest rates on all types of loans, including credit cards, aren't just made up and pulled out of the air but are based on certain criteria as they pertain to the consumer.
Certificate of Deposit — a type of investment that requires you to invest money for a certain length of time and guarantees the same rate of return (interest) for that entire time.
PROMOTIONAL OFFERS AND RATES From time to time and at our discretion, we may offer special promotions under which purchases of goods or services or certain types of Cash Advance transactions may be billed to your Account with special promotional terms.
Negative amortization can occur in certain types of adjustable rate mortgages.
Interest rates on certain types of government student loans are subsidized by the government, and so they remain fairly low.
In addition to the fees described above (except for margin rates, futures commissions, paper statement fees, and alternative investment fees that are not applicable to these types of ERISA plan accounts), E * TRADE may also receive direct compensation in the form of sales loads for the purchase and sale of certain mutual fund shares purchased for the plan.
Keep in mind, however, that there is usually a fee for this type of transaction, and the lower rate may last only for a certain period of time (e.g., six months).
While conventional wisdom would be against using credit cards and we would never advocate carrying any type of balance on one because of the near usurious rates, in certain situations, it might just be your only option.
The flexible yield strategy certainly has the ability to take aggressively stance on interest rates so we could think that maybe under a certain environment it's attractive to take a lot of interest rate risk but that type of environment hasn't been around for long time.
Some promotional or introductory rates may only apply to certain types of transactions such as balance transfers and / or require a minimum transaction amount.
The type of services covered under the new rules are companies that promise to 1) work with a creditor to settle the debt for a lesser amount than is owed, (debt settlement companies) 2) work with all of a consumer's unsecured creditors to promulgate a debt management plan to vary the terms of all such debts, under a debt management plan (debt management companies) and 3) negotiate with a creditor to lower the interest rate of the outstanding debt and / or waiver of certain debt fees, such as late fees or over the limit fees (debt negotiation companies).
Raising your deductible, lowering your limits, or excluding certain types of perils from your coverage will immediately reduce your rates, but beware: Policy alterations can end up costing you more out - of - pocket if and when an incident occurs where you need your insurance policy to kick in.
Certain types of personal loan providers offer better rates and loan terms than others.
These cards provide a cash - back rate for a certain type of purchases that change quarterly.
These offer one cash - back rate — say 1.5 % — on all purchases or on certain types of purchases, such as restaurants or gas.
A loan that it guaranteed to return a certain interest rate over a fixed period is one type of security, and that is what your mortgage is.
The fixed income market is more complicated than it seems, so managing a bond portfolio involves more than just forecasting interest rates or overweighting certain types of bonds.
While carriers can charge a small amount more than those numbers with a form called «consent to rate,» that still doesn't necessarily make certain types of risks logical to take on.
This type of loan offers extremely low rates for the first five or seven years of the loan, which is great for certain circumstances (say, if you're definitely planning on moving before that time is up).
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