Sentences with phrase «rather big savings»

It's a rather big savings if your budget allows for it.

Not exact matches

«We have signed an agreement with the big pension funds that will see them investing British savings in British infrastructure, building an economy based now on savings and investment rather than on debt.»
One of the biggest financial benefits of owning your own home is the fact that it forces you to save (granted, you're not putting this money into a savings account, but rather putting it towards your mortgage payments).
Rather than ditch the idea of savings credit unions offer much better interest rates — rates you can save with — that are five to ten times higher than big bank rates (the average credit union savings account earns about.11 % interest annually, compared to the.01 % at big banks).
Now, you can put it in a savings account or sort your finances before death rather than having a big rush and paying huge taxes later in life.
There are a zillion reasons why this works for us but a few are: 1 - it allows us to actually be together - there is no hiding out in a room alone (so we do institute a «quiet hour» during the day so we all can find some solitude) 2 - it's absolutely counter culture to have bigger and better but we enjoy that we make the most out of what we have and use our savings to have «experiences» rather than things 3 - it allows us to make updates and changes to the house bc we aren't spending a lot on heating, cooling, furnishing etc. 4 - it staves materialism and consumerism to a degree 5 - it's easier to work room by room like you are doing bc it isn't overwhelming time wise or financially.
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