Sentences with phrase «rather facile»

I think it is rather facile, from the comfort of the wealthiest nation on earth, to dismiss those who have been concerned about the «population bomb».
In some accounts, where I know the science, the explanations are rather facile.
That's a rather facile answer.

Not exact matches

Such joy is not facile or simpleminded, but rather a recognition and celebration of created life:
By the end of the 2000s, web - search and constant connectivity had given the world's information to every employee, whenever and wherever they needed it, and eLearning seemed like a facile distraction rather than a critical performance enabler.
In a search for questions rather than facile conclusions, each student develops a work ethic and philosophy for life appropriate to his or her own aesthetic.
IMO, the point is to call out the facile nature of statements such as «global warming has stopped,» rather than to argue how, if you squint just so in the exactly right kind of light, it might not look exactly like propaganda.
We have for generations heard from freaks who advocate studying science with little discernible effect in attracting new students in either secondary or tertiary studies; one of the reasons for this is that we have been inundated by facile boosters rather than hearing from older, mature scientists who can present a philosophically considered point of view on the value and the limitations of science.
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