Sentences with phrase «rather higher ideal»

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Whether or not there is a heaven, as reward, I would rather strive to a truly higher ideal, than live down to a common «social norm» that degrades us to mere animal status, living for our own pleasure and telling us that our more base desires are good, natural and should not be considered something to be overcome.
Rather, it will serve justice, by upholding our highest ideals of offering refuge to genocide survivors and others among the world's most vulnerable.
Tomasi tries to deflect worries about capitalism in practice by claiming the high ground of ideal theory: the philosophical choice between free market fairness and its alternatives ultimately rests not on empirical and feasibility concerns, but rather on which vision of justice is most compelling at a moral level.
But rather than look down on the process of politics, the successful scientists and engineers of the future will find ways of understanding and participating in «politics» while not losing sight of the higher ideals of their scientific community.
Regardless of whether or not the ideal intake of vitamin A is much higher than the RDA, over a quarter of Americans consume less than half the RDA.49 If people eating diets this low in vitamin A begin supplementing with vitamin D rather than cod liver oil, the danger of such a low intake of vitamin A may be greatly increased.
When you're really on it the downshifts can be a little slower than you require but the shift comes just in time, rather than leaving you a ratio higher than ideal as you roll off the brakes and back on the throttle.
But rather than avoid the US, or agonise over the timing of a potential buy, I think it presents the ideal opportunity to slowly but surely average into high quality US growth stocks which have already (and / or perhaps will still) suffer a temporary share price / valuation setback.
An understanding of total body water volumes aids in fluid therapy: for example, knowing that fluid loss from young puppies takes a much higher percentile of their body weight, making fluid replacement vital, and, conversely, understanding that fluid administration to an obese patient may need to be based on their lean or ideal body weight rather than their actual weight.
Also, geometric abstraction is in line with classical aesthetics: Plato for example maintained that the highest form of beauty lies in the «ideal» concept or geometry of a thing, rather than its actual appearance in the natural world.
Furthermore, this consideration might influence the ideal location or orientation of a solar design (such as siting the design where it will get more afternoon light, and thus offset energy when electricity prices are higher, rather than where it would produce the most energy overall).
Which is a rather more elegant way of saying you have to be realistic, rather than idealistic, much as you may be loath to compromise your high ideals.
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