Sentences with phrase «rather narrow view»

However, it's a rather narrow view — there's so much more to smart speakers than impressive sound with a side of voice control.
When I started Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Trials and Tribulations some months back, I still had a rather narrow view of the series in mind.
Cash provides no return — This appears to be a rather narrow view, because a reasonable definition of cash can equate to a 1 to 2 % return (without inflation adjustment), which is not too different than the current expected return on intermediate term bonds (as of November 2017).

Not exact matches

In less complex occasions, with a narrow range of potential response to their inherited data, conformity to that data and to the restricted ideal aim offered by God in view of their simplicity is rather massive; thus, for example, actualization of God's aim for a molecular occasion in a silicon crystal is ideal.
In the least, they will more likely tend to focus on narrow issues critical to their view of the world as colored by their evangelical faith, rather than logically solving the problems that need to be solved.
Within the more traditional framework, fundamentalism has been described as a «world - view,» a rather tight (or narrow, or simplistic) view of the world — an orientation that is perhaps hierarchically organized around the ultimate value of otherworldly salvation, an orientation that supplies totally encompassing normative expectations for how people should behave, a set of beliefs and assumptions that are deeply meaningful to the people who hold them and that give meaning to these people's lives.
He departs from much pietistic tradition by making Creation and divine providence subservient to the evolutionary world process, rather than viewing God's activity as a sporadic set of interventions designed to inform man of some eternal truth or to keep him traveling the straight and narrow.
The people who are here tend to have the same views, some rather narrow - minded, because there simply aren't enough people to split into separate interest groups!
She'd rather terrify women and harass them than do any research beyond her own narrow view.
This narrow view has been becoming overshadowed by genetic findings that support the more recent hypothesis of complex roots, which emphasizes lateral genetic exchanges or horizontal gene transfers (HGT) rather than vertical mutational progression in the development of nucleated organisms, through a clearly defined «tree of life» (Mark Buchanan, New Scientist, January 26, 2010).
«Although exam results are often good, the curriculum has become too narrow, reflecting the personal views of a small number of governors, rather than the wider community in Birmingham and beyond,» he said.
Amazingly, the Justice Department has taken an extremely narrow view of the antitrust laws, prosecuting the publishers resisting Amazon's pricing rather than the behemoth pressuring them.
Climate change advocates will see it as a way to curb the consumption of fossil fuels, in part by narrowing the competitive gap with renewables; their opponents will see such a tax as meeting a long - held conservative view that it is more growth - friendly to tax consumption rather than the proceeds of work and risk - taking, to be paired with environmentalists» agreement to substitute the tax for the EPA's regulations.
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