Sentences with phrase «rather odd circumstances»

However, the image has arrived under what would appear to be rather odd circumstances, further confusing the question of whether it's genuine or not.

Not exact matches

A man who is utterly self - contained and whose chief ambition is to be «self - existent» and hence to exist without dependence upon relationships of any sort, is a man whom we regard as an unpleasant if not vicious specimen of the race; and it is odd that deity has been regarded, and this even in Christian circles, as more like such a self - contained human being rather than as like a man who in every area of his life is open to relationships and whose very existence is rich in the possibility of endless adaptations to new circumstances.
It's rather odd that Biel's contribution to the commentary isn't trumpeted either on the box or the disc menu, but then again she, like the other two, have fairly little of interest to say — nothing more than the usual info about locations and the circumstances surrounding a particular shooting day.
The company have also served us another rather odd set of circumstances.
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