Sentences with phrase «rather radical idea»

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But it does suggest that the radical falsity of primitive religious ideas as they stand is not an argument for atheism, as it is rather commonly held to be.
Radical ideas are rather presented in poetry, philosophical parables, sufi - metaphysical ideas and so on; for these modes of communication were safer for the writers.
Two days after the Obergefell decision, New York Times columnist Mark Oppenheimer suggested that it is now time to rethink the idea of tax - exempt status for religious institutions: «Rather than try to rescue tax - exempt status for organizations that dissent from settled public policy on matters of race or sexuality, we need to take a more radical step.
The Court moved a long way toward making homosexual conduct a constitutional right, adopted the radical feminist view that men and women are essentially identical, continued to view the First Amendment as a protection of self - gratification rather than of the free articulation of ideas, and overturned two hundred years of history to hold that political patronage is unconstitutional.
For example, an absolute threshold in the number of votes (e.g. requiring a certain proportion of the whole population or of registered voters to be elected rather than a plurality of the vote) can seem intuitively appealing but has never, to my knowledge, been implemented for a national election, precisely because leaving an important office unfilled is a problem (unless, of course, you subscribe to radical small - government ideas, in which case the question seems moot and you might just as well do away with elections or democracy itself).
But the idea is so radical, that the banks would rather have the rating agencies exist, than use my idea.
A more recent precedent for this kind of dialogue at Pomona occurred in 1969, when gallery director Hal Glicksman proposed the then radical idea to work with artists directly, commissioning installations and artists» projects, rather than solely exhibiting discrete art objects.
We are all rather astonished that the bias of the students is even being discussed, and was automatically assumed to be that of tree hugging radical warmers (that are reflexively sucking up to Prof Curry's perceived radical warmer ideas).
David Schnarch's book The Sexual Crucible presents the radical idea that good sex is not reducible to a technical intervention, based on anxiety reduction, but is rather a function of personal development.
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