Sentences with phrase «rather searches fields»

Not exact matches

Rather than opening the web browser, going to Wikipedia and looking for a topic there, the site can be searched from the Just Type field on the home page.
Ever since Curie conjectured on «the symmetry in physical phenomena, symmetry of an electric field and a magnetic field,» it has long been a dream for material scientists to search for this rather unusual class of material exhibiting the coexistence of magnetism and ferroelectricity in a single compound known as a multiferroic compound.
When Bill and Diane trek morosely through a field of reeds in search of their missing son, it feels like a borrowed reference rather than a natural outgrowth — all indie - flick house style atop the shakiest of foundations.
Rather than resist the flotsam and jetsam floating around inside their minds in search of some pure, uncontaminated language that might wash it away, as so many of their avant - garde forebears from Kandinsky to the Surrealists to the Color Field painters had done, the Pop artists accepted it.
Note: Author names will be searched in the keywords field, also, but that may find papers where the person is mentioned, rather than papers they authored.
There are plenty of SS7 - related demos & presentations posted here on HN, I suggest you use the search and find them, the people making those have much more experience than me in the field and you're better off with then rather than my half - assed explanations, but the point is, call and text interception is possible, among other nasty things (silently tracking a phone» approximate location, DoS, etc).
Rather than make a «cold» leap to a new career, and potentially lose ground in your current field, a more conservative option is to wage a dual search.
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