Sentences with phrase «rather than wife»

I pump the gas and run into the store if we only need one or two items, rather than my wife.
So rather than Wife and her lawyer looking to maximize Wife's position on every issue in the divorce, as over and against the Husband (while he and his lawyer do exactly the same thing), parties who choose collaborative divorce agree to (and empower their attorneys to) work toward a «mutually acceptable durable agreement.»
In this case, the husband wished to appeal a decision that it was he, rather than the wife, who had retained a disappeared sum of # 340,000 in cash.
While Wilson LJ made the point that his decision would not have been any different in reverse had the assets derived from the husband's family, rather than the wife's, it remains to be seen what the outcome will be if and when a wife is awarded a mere 9 % of the assets following a long marriage, notwithstanding the parties» equal contributions to family life and the source of the assets.
Households are less likely to adapt their cuisines to local preferences when the husband, rather than the wife, is a migrant.
Does your son wake up if you put him to bed and get up (rather than your wife)?
He was no longer turned on by a woman who was a «businessperson rather than a wife,» according to his book.

Not exact matches

Executives also feared that quotas would result in too many women being appointed because they were the daughters, wives or sisters of prominent men, rather than women who were successful on their own merits.
When details of her self - titled 2013 album were originally leaked earlier that year under the moniker Mrs. Carter, it was panned by some critics for its foreshadowed embrace of the artist's still - new identity as hip - hop mogul Sean «Jay - Z» Carter's wife rather than the trailblazing feminist icon who coined powerful female anthems like Irreplaceable, Single Ladies and Independent Women from her Destiny's Child days.
So my wife, Linda, and I decided to model our actions on the wisdom of the French proverb and turn ownership of the agency over to the employees rather than sell it.
Another, settled in 1998, alleged that men in the asset - management division mockingly awarded the «pink pump» — a woman's high - heeled shoe — to colleagues who went home to a wife or girlfriend rather than out for beers with the guys.
Her idea is simple: everyone with a video camera has a crapload of priceless family footage; however, because the footage is unorganized, and generally not put together well, people would rather pull their fingernails out than watch a half hour of family memories; therefore, working within different pricing models, my wife takes video, photos, and music, and edits people's stuff.
Rather than retire, Rand and his wife, Janeel, both in their 50s, started their own business: eyeSmith Sport & Fashion Optical.
Bonnie (my wife) and I tried two more churches after that, with (shall we say) some close - encounters that were wounding rather than catastrophic.
It amazes me that Americans would rather elect a drunk, a philanderer, and a pot - smoking revolutionary rather than a guy that actually is faithful to his wife, has done no drugs, doesn't drink alcohol, and has actually had a job that created tens of thousands of jobs.
Although he has a track record of breaking promises — both to his voters and his wives — some evangelicals would rather gamble with Trump than lose for certain with Clinton.
Why do you want to believe the liar, rather than the angry wife?
What is less clear to me is why complementarians like Keller insist that that 1 Timothy 2:12 is a part of biblical womanhood, but Acts 2 is not; why the presence of twelve male disciples implies restrictions on female leadership, but the presence of the apostle Junia is inconsequential; why the Greco - Roman household codes represent God's ideal familial structure for husbands and wives, but not for slaves and masters; why the apostle Paul's instructions to Timothy about Ephesian women teaching in the church are universally applicable, but his instructions to Corinthian women regarding head coverings are culturally conditioned (even though Paul uses the same line of argumentation — appealing the creation narrative — to support both); why the poetry of Proverbs 31 is often applied prescriptively and other poetry is not; why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob represent the supremecy of male leadership while Deborah and Huldah and Miriam are mere exceptions to the rule; why «wives submit to your husbands» carries more weight than «submit one to another»; why the laws of the Old Testament are treated as irrelevant in one moment, but important enough to display in public courthouses and schools the next; why a feminist reading of the text represents a capitulation to culture but a reading that turns an ancient Near Eastern text into an apologetic for the post-Industrial Revolution nuclear family is not; why the curse of Genesis 3 has the final word on gender relationships rather than the new creation that began at the resurrection.
Rather than aristocratic images of noble birth, we are presented with a laborer's wife, from a poor village, the status of which — even among Jews — is suggested by the phrase, «Can anything good come out of Nazareth?»
When read with pater familias, rather than the Dunphys, in mind, we see just how radical Peter and Paul must have sounded when they instructed husbands to love their wives as much as Christ loved the church and to be willing to give their lives for them!
I would rather be digging holes in the desert and have my family intact than plant a thousand churches and lose my wife and girls.
She would rather go to a seminar on finances than to one on «expectations of ministers» wives
In the Hebrew idiom, reflecting the patriarchal system, a man committed adultery only if he took another man's wife; that is, for a man adultery was an offense against another's marriage rather than against one's own.
In fact, here is what one commentator said: «Here is a woman who is willing to stay in Persia and sleep with a heathen king, rather than to return to Israel and become the wife of a godly Israelite — she is a schemer and a manipulator.
Rather than women always marrying older men, the age of the husband and wife became closer, and marriages occurred later in life.
In sum, because it treats belief as an atomistic decision taken piecemeal by individuals rather than a holistic response to family life, Nietzsche's madman and his offspring, secularization theory, appear to present an incomplete version of how some considerable portion of human beings actually come to think and behave about things religious — not one by one and all on their own, but rather mediated through the elemental connections of husband, wife, child, aunt, great - grandfather, and the rest.
Nonetheless, I have decided to love my wife, rather than divorce her.
Soon, religious men who idolize the bungholes of young males will be sent to prison rather than being tranferred to another archdiocese or kept secret by cohorts like their wives who will also be going to prison as accessories.
They thought the truth of the Church's teaching about conjugal morality and fertility regulation could be presented in a humane and personalistic way: one that acknowledged both the moral duty to plan one's family and the demands of self - sacrifice in conjugal life; one that affirmed methods of fertility - regulation that respected the body's dignity and its built - in moral «grammar;» one that that recognized the moral equality and equal moral responsibility of men and women, rather than leaving the entire burden of fertility - regulation on the wife.
I believe that when people espouse the values of a mother or wife exclusively being a homemaker, they are longing for a perceived simpler and easier time as opposed to truth, elevating a nostalgic look at motherhood from the standpoint of the post-war American dream of the white, upper - middle - class rather than Scripture.
Rather than focus on those who do not show Jesus, my wife and I try to focus on Jesus, his message and his love, then try to show that love to those around us.
If the anthropologist identifies herself with the group under consideration when the word «men» is used, she soon finds that men's wives come in for discussion — that her sex is being talked «about» as the «other» rather than being included among those addressed directly.
Cotton Mather, the New England Puritan divine, is generally reputed a rather grotesque pedant; yet what is more touchingly simple than his relation of what happened when his wife came to die?
It is possible for the minister unwittingly to block rather than facilitate the wife's release of the alcoholic.
The decisive innovation was the idea that one wage earner should be able to support a wife and a few children, rather than that every employable person in a household should support himself or herself and some fraction of a baby or two.
For example, rather than insisting that a woman stay attractive for her husband lest he be tempted to cheat on her, Mark suggests that a man make his own wife his standard of beauty (and vice versa).
Kenneth agree with you totally its not just adams and abrahams problem its us guys we give in to our wives to keep the peace we should learn that the best way is always Gods way not our way or mans way.That to me is the message behind the story.The issue is rather than taking on the burden of his wife Abraham should have taken it back to the Lord its in our weakness he strengthens us.In the end he did what any married man would have done in order to please his wife.We are no different we put our wives or children church work before the Lord just as he did and loo at the consequences that came from that decision the arab nations became a thporn in there side.In my mind we need to put him first always.When we please the Lord he will bless us and our relationships when we do it our way there will be consequences.brentnz
Mark also misses the point when he praises Martin Luther and his wife Katherine because «they set in motion a model for Christian faith and maturity through marriage, sex, and children, rather than through singleness and celibacy,» a position that wholly discounts the apostle Paul's high praise for celibacy in 1 and 2 Corinthians.
One pastor says, «Abram was clinging to his wife's petticoat for protection and blessing, rather than to the promises of God.»
Ray I agree with you 100 % and more Pat roberson is a confuse old man who will not give up power to his son, poor billy can not remenber, and his son is in charge, if Billy son and all the born again christians vote for a cult may God help then, do you want a mornan President in the White hous with 4 Wives, and worship a man name Joseph Smith, rather than Jesus Christ, Pat Roberson need to tell his listeners the truth about cults.
Others stay put rather than risk starving their wives and families.
It means not marrying a single person but marrying the whole Church, giving himself completely to and for all rather than giving his whole heart to a wife.
Consider the following statement made by Popcak in the book: «Rather than suggesting that pleasure is bad, official church teaching insists that both husband and wife have a right to expect the heights of pleasure from their sexual relationship.»
But rather than driving to Rome and receive our blessings, my wife Renateand I preferred to invite the «Pope of Peppers» and bring him to Bavaria, complete with «Popesse» Mary Jane.
But rather than driving to Rome and receive our blessings, my wife Renate and I preferred to invite the «Pope of Peppers» and bring him to Bavaria, complete with «Popesse» Mary Jane.
ThanksKen I was told I would be better taking my own Chef with me bit to be honest I would rather take my chances over there than gamble on the wife's food.WIBBLE
At this point, a husband in the stands chose to get up and run away as the bat flew towards him and his wife, rather than stay and protect her.
Rangers pitcher Cole Hamels and his wife, Heidi, are donating a mansion in Missouri to a local charity rather than put it on the market, a press release posted on Monday revealed.
My wife would rather the daughter not be left out than... no, that's not really fair.
His addiction has been going on for so long (basically since his teenage years) that I realized 6 months ago (after crying and bawling and telling him how bad it hurts me that he would rather get his fix through a computer screen than his wife) that it was just who he was and I would have to accept it or move on... I thought I could just accept it....
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