Sentences with phrase «rather than a crisis»

Music videos, which exploded so spectacularly in the 1980s with the dawn of MTV but experienced something like a midlife death rather than crisis, when MTV dropped the music part of music television, have roared back to life in the past decade with YouTube Vimeo and other saviors.
«I like to think of it as a mid-course correction, rather than a crisis,» chuckles Susie.
As Luton Sixth Form College demonstrates, with the right tools, educational institutions can ensure the time spent by the IT staff is on continual improvement and innovation, rather than crisis management.
The idea of attending couples counseling for preventative maintenance rather than crisis control can be of enormous value.
9) New Reverse Mortgage Rules In September 2013, the FHA put into effect new rules meant to encourage seniors to tap into their equity strategically, and use the reverse mortgage as a long - term financial planning tool rather than a crisis management tool.

Not exact matches

«If Russia considers this a hostile act rather than an error, we could see a crisis that invokes the charter of NATO, given Turkey's status in the multilateral organization.»
When you discover your error, rather than firing executives and / or creating a crisis, you simply change the hypotheses.
Shirakawa's doubts kept the BOJ firmly focused on interest rates, rather than the size of its balance sheet, even after it had driven its policy rate down close to zero after the global financial crisis.
But even before the financial crisis, the reform movement was stalled by the need to stimulate the economy rather than cut spending.
In 2010, as the dust from the financial crisis settled, three women working in disparate parts of the economy noticed that startups in «hard science» (think biology or chemistry rather than tech) weren't getting the attention they deserved from big investors.
The economic crisis magnified this venomous cycle: «Whether it's financial bailouts or oil spills, it seems every time one turns on the television there is some executive testifying before Congress... blaming other organizations rather than taking any accountability.»
Rather, it means only that, in a crisis, for a limited period of time, the ability of the employee to do some essential functions is better than none.
In 2010, as the Federal Reserve continued its quantitative easing program, Buffett sent the government a «thank you note» (in the form of an op - ed) for its actions, rather than its paralysis or politicking, after the crisis.
The tax was suggested by the IMF as a way to force banks to fund their own bailouts in times of crisis, rather than drawing from taxpayers» pockets.
But rather than act strategically, the Amplifer does this same thing repeatedly, and often when there is really no crisis at hand.
Rather than concentrating on the immediate prologue to the crisis and its day - to - day dramas, they go back 30 years to Salomon Bros.» Lewis Ranieri, BlackRock founder Larry Fink, Fannie Mae exec David Maxwell and the invention of mortgage - backed securities.
If you listen to the latest buzz, House Republicans are now thinking of triggering a crisis over the debt - ceiling debate, likely coming up in late October, rather than the federal budget.
Rather than being a crisis, it all just melts away in the face of your advanced planning.
The debt deal, which came on Friday after about 19 similar summits since the start of the debt crisis (with few results), called for countries that use the euro to allows two European bailout funds to aid European banks directly, rather than make loans to governments to bail out the banks.
Rather than eliminating the controls that protect China from a financial crisis, leaders should confront their debt problem head - on and begin deleveraging.
Since the financial crisis, several trends have kept it in check, including a surge in business models which are less asset heavy, a shift in focus toward consumer - facing technologies, and passive investing strategies that reward companies for spending free cash on stock buybacks rather than capital goods.
The only saving grace of the situation is that everyone knows Trump is bullshitting, so we have a minor trade crisis on our hands rather than a major national security one.
Rather than retaining earnings and building capital in accordance with the goal of rehabilitation (as required in a conservatorship pursuant to HERA, and as was demanded of every other financial institution after the crisis), the Third Amendment ensured that the GSEs could never rebuild capital nor — no matter how much money they returned to the Treasury — be allowed to ever repay the government.
I'm referring to the burgeoning student loan crisis that has yet to reach the implosion point but that will likely happen sooner rather than later.
Notably, the economic slowdown in the US has, by and large, followed the sub-prime crisis rather than been a cause.
According to the Kerner Commission's analysis, racist white America was similarly bereft of moral resources, such that government, rather than the institutions of civil society that had been so central to the classic civil - rights movement, had to become the principal agent of enforced social change in order to deal with the crisis of an America «moving toward two societies... separate and unequal.»
but considering: a) his divorce * preceded * this crisis of faith (& therein career, education, etc.) b) he is marketing this paradigm shift rather than simply experiencing it c) he appears to be reciprocating the recent rash of «i followed the bible for a year» model of book - writing & simply applying it to atheism
(1) Crises happen in rather than to us.
Cloistered in red or blue communities and steeped in tell - me - what - I - want - to - hear media coverage, both sides have duped themselves into believing that our current crisis stems from a failure of the political class — «the swamp» — rather than the tragedy of a divided nation.
The translation «deliverance» has usually been chosen rather than «salvation,» in accordance with the emphasis of the crisis theologians that Christian salvation is not a possession.)
The report repeatedly stresses that «this crisis [is] one of the episcopacy as much as it is a crisis of the priesthood,» and it cites the 2003 apostolic exhortation by John Paul II, Pastores Gregis: «The title of Bishop is one of service, not of honor, and therefore a Bishop should strive to benefit others rather than to lord it over them.
, Peter Parker is hindered by his cockiness and self - centeredness, and the movie addresses those flaws by exploring the identity crisis of being a teenager rather than through the villainous Vulture.
Hopefully, our prolonged economic crisis will lessen the appeal of a «Gospel» that feeds rather than challenges the narcissistic ego.
But to me it seems the timing of it - when we have a divided population more influenced by the ever - present, privately owned media rather than education - leaves the door is wide open for a crisis.
(1) It emphasizes short - term, crisis counseling methods aimed at helping the person cope constructively with his current situation rather than exploring the past extensively.
But now at last he has considered the question of the modern crisis in language at length, and we can follow his thinking in ordered steps rather than in scattered, specialized bits.
In that case, the crisis becomes a catalyzing moment rather than an originating one, and the chances of that person continuing on that journey are much greater.
But the history of our time is no less the stage upon which the drama of salvation is played out than was the history of the fifth century B.C. or the first century A.D. Accordingly, the Christian does not doubt that God is moving with power in the world today — the world of African nationalism, thermonuclear politics, metropolitan planning, and space exploration, The Christian's problem is rather to discover when, where, and how God is moving with such decisiveness as to create a crisis of decision for the church and to summon it and its resources into the struggle.
It is with active intervention like this that some crises are contained rather than allowed to explode with more destructive consequences.
Third — and perhaps most importantly — Driscoll and other leaders in the «masculinity movement» have made a terrible mistake in combating the perceived «crisis» with an image of Jesus that conforms to the world's view of masculinity, rather than the image of Jesus we actually find in Scripture.
Soul - crises such as mine, if experienced within an empathic and compassionate human relationship, within a culture that makes room for them without judgment and condemnation, have the possibility of becoming opportunities for personal growth and transformation rather than dreadful experiences simply to be endured and survived.
But, Jesus tended to be thought of as «God» rather than «man»; and Luther's mind was already tending towards a crisis; the paralysing four Latin words with which the prayer began had their effect regardless of what the rational mind knew would follow them; the moment of horror ensued.
The bill's backers insisted that runaways are a social rather than criminal problem, and that receiving homes, crisis centers and mental health agencies are better prepared to handle abandoned children than punishment - oriented law - enforcement agencies.
However effective such approaches turn out to be as instruments of inquiry and change (and I will explain my doubts about them later), their current vogue is a sign that the crisis in higher education is at least being joined at the level of meaning and purpose rather than merely at the level of methodology.
No longer plagued by wearisome journeys and constant anxieties for the health of the churches, the more meditative and developed tone of these writings show Paul's ability to think things through rather than react to crises on the hoof, as in Galatians or the Corinthian correspondence.
But rather than simply warning readers of impending doom, he offers ideas on how to fight the crisis, such as reducing waste and refashioning the world diet to include more indigenous vegetables.
Why are we letting Silicon Valley problem solve and wade in to remedy the food crisis rather than it being led by existing brands and with the heritage, expertise and knowledge that it should take to drive innovation?
Also despite our EXTREMELY SEVERE defensive crisis I read this morning that Wenger is haggling over the asking price for Mustafi from Valencia and, yet again, he seems more concerned with saving the club pennies rather than saving the club's season — and again I ask you, why is this??
That could be bad news for the Giants who have lost three straight by an average of 17.7 points after winning three in a row, and in contrast, they are being struck by an injury crisis rather than seeing their players return.
Let's say you have to give birth in a stuck elevator and there's only one person there to help with whatever crisis comes up — I'd rather be stuck in that elevator with an MD of any kind than a CPM.
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