Sentences with phrase «rather than a distraction»

The Good Society ends with an appeal for a democracy of attention rather than distraction.
As the founding document of Union shows, such a school would quite deliberately be set in the midst of a major metropolitan center on the grounds that this environment was necessary to, rather than a distraction from, its proper academic purposes.
This decision by CAF should be applauded as it favours the continent's World Cup representatives, allowing them to make the most of that international break to prepare for the challenges to come, rather than the distraction of a qualifier.
The aubergine top has a gorgeous lace and bulb bib and ruffles that add completeness rather than distraction.
What if your students» mobile devices became an instructional asset rather than a distraction?
With this in mind, instructional designers can reverse engineer a game so that it becomes a teaching tool rather than a distraction.
When trying to combat leash reactivity, the first step is redirecting your dog's focus back on you, rather than the distraction or trigger.
But for the natural sciences to make human activity central to its conception of the world, rather than a distraction, would mark such a shift for real.

Not exact matches

Rather than ban certain sources of distraction outright, measures should be put in place to ensure they don't generate into tools for mishap.
Which, as it turns out, can be a long - term problem (and distraction) to an entrepreneur — most of whom would prefer building their company rather than working to shed those extra pounds.
However, rather than being a distraction, having strong relationships is actually seen as a good thing.
Rather than open a new tab and open yourself up to distraction, you can select the icon in the bottom - right corner and search without leaving your document.
«Distraction does work but, oddly enough, studies suggest it is better to distract yourself with one thing, rather than letting the mind wander.
This distraction is usually due to team members jockeying for power or one person's ego taking precedence over others», rather than keeping the focus on the common good.
But by only purchasing a minority stake in SoundCloud, rather than acquiring the company entirely, the worst case scenario for Twitter will be if the investment turns out to be a distraction.
It's like unplugging without actually unplugging: rather than being driven to distraction by your gadgets, you drive them into productivity.
It also capitalizes on the endless public appetite for distraction and the desire for self - fulfillment rather than social good (as if the last term even has any agreed meaning).
Rather than shrugging off an awareness of our sinfulness, and regarding our temptations as tiresome distractions, we should face up to both.
And then I start looking at my loved ones as the distraction, rather than the other way around.
Studying God's word should possibly be done when comfortable and with less distractions rather than more.
If I had decided to chime in I would have recommended reading Ian Bradley's fine book Abide With Me: The World of Victorian Hymns (1997), where he details the heated debates in 19th century England over whether to have choirs, and if so, if they should be kept at the rear of the sanctuary in order to «back up» the congregation in its worship rather than being a visual distraction in the front.
In this world, gratitude to the past and obligations to the future are replaced by a near - universal pursuit of immediate gratification: Culture, rather than imparting the wisdom and experience of the past toward the end of cultivating virtues of self - restraint and civility, instead becomes synonymous with hedonic titillation, visceral crudeness, and distraction, all oriented toward promoting a culture of consumption, appetite, and detachment.
Rather than being explicit and showing his hand, he practices slight of hand, distraction, illusion, and diversion in order to keep his customers entertained and paying.
I would rather pay Buckner, Tartt, and Brown a combined $ 20m / year than one club house distraction.
This incident may have provoked Garcia into something more than the annoyed glance Scott gave to the man in blue moving behind him on his backswing, a distraction that resulted in a rather heavy mishit.
Distraction is usually the best option at this age, rather than giving in if it is something they can't have.
It is best to use the food as another distraction rather than combining it with the stroller toys.
However, a recent report from Friends of the Earth entitled «A Dangerous Distraction» was highly critical of the CDM, suggesting that rather than reducing global emissions or benefiting developing countries, offsetting was merely leading to more ingenious ways to avoid cutting emissions.
Before today's speech, it was rumoured that, because of the distractions of the Scottish referendum and «The English Question», Miliband would this year be relying on flash cards, rather than delivering his usual note - free tour de force.
When you're depressed, it can feel easier to retreat inward into the world of your depression, rather than reach out to others and seek healthy distractions.
The confidence to take over the world and pursue my real vision rather than finding oblivion through short - lived distractions and infatuations — that's...
• To prevent visual food distractions, keep all food stored in the kitchen cupboards or refrigerator, rather than out on the counter.
Rather than feeling bored and searching for distractions, you'll feel inspired to create and spread your ideas for the sake of enjoyment, without worrying about impressing others.
In younger subjects (18 - 37 years), caffeine has been shown to improve performance during distraction, rather than during simple tasks.
This is one instance where bolder colors and prints can work for you, rather than be a distraction.
But the portion of users looking for a single scintillating night — or just a few minutes of distractionrather than a long - term relationship, varies wildly according to the particular app, according to a new sex study of readers.
Or maybe not... Here is an actual quote: «Online dating is a distraction and the experience had evolved to where information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment rather than a tool of empowerment.»
Grinderman 2 RMX provides an enjoyable enough distraction but ultimately this is a collection of material that would have worked better as an EP rather than an album.
Its lack of subtlety in its mechanics, it's rather clunky nature and its somewhat dull, basic setting mean it will never be more than a decent distraction: a game to play in between other games, or while you wait until Bloodborne early next year.
In 1985 Neil Postman published a book, «Amusing Ourselves to Death, «in which he argued that of the two great dystopian novels from the first half of the 20th century — Aldous Huxley's «Brave New World» and George Orwell's «1984» — it was actually the former, whose weapon of governmental control was distraction, rather than the latter, whose weapon was dictatorship, that was the more prescient and more deadly.
Visually appealing and off - kilter enough to remind even the worst cynics that games can actually have a fun core and work out from there — rather than building something then trying to figure out the fun part — BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger offers an interesting distraction, which might not be enough for hardcore fighting fans (who probably played the game to exhaustion years ago), but I'm not one of those people so I actually had some fun with the game.
For those of us who chose to bury ourselves in movies rather than pay attention to the events transpiring across the country, the mention of the inauguration jolted us briefly back to reality — a needle puncturing our cozy Hollywood bubble, if you will — shortly before the lights dimmed and a fresh distraction took over the screen.
That this story is far more interesting means the «comedy» of seeing Ferrell with big hair proves a distraction rather than an entertainment.
She kicks ass and a romantic subplot is only hinted at, rather than becoming a distraction.
When it comes to Hollywood blockbusters, that's often the best one can hope for, and Scott Pilgrim might almost be described as a better sort of misogynistic film because if offers distractions from its misogyny rather than foregrounding it as so many others do.
Every scene is constructed with a need for mass appeal, targeting slapstick for the kiddies and plenty of old film references for the adults, and almost all of these are a distraction from the main story, rather than a means to enhance the characters or plot.
But rather than support the story, it ends up becoming an annoying distraction.
The Chancellor's pledge to make every school in England into an academy shows a continued effort to place education into the hands of head teachers and teachers rather than bureaucrats, despite the heavy distraction of the European referendum.
By the end of the 2000s, web - search and constant connectivity had given the world's information to every employee, whenever and wherever they needed it, and eLearning seemed like a facile distraction rather than a critical performance enabler.
Professionals who will be affected by proposed changes often see new policies and regulations as distractions from or add - ons to their «real work,» and therefore interpret those policies to fit their needs.245 Rather than being passive recipients of policy, they are actors in the process of making policy.
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