Sentences with phrase «rather than a loaf»

Also, do you have any baking time suggestions for trying to make rolls rather than a loaf?
I baked my bread in muffin tins rather than a loaf since I wanted to freeze half the batch for later.
I will try this again, maybe in a shallower pan rather than a loaf pan.
Is there a reason for baking it in a tube pan rather than loaf pans?

Not exact matches

The church does much better when it functions as its founder envisioned — as salt or leaven — rather than when it attempts to be the whole loaf.
Perhaps other people made 2 small large loaves rather than just one or maybe other people had to leave it in for a long time like me??? I noted someone else had the same problem but there was no solution given — any ideas are welcome as obviously it works for a lot of people!
I tried it yesterday and the only thing I did was differently was that I added some mini chocolate chips, and I made the six mini loafs rather than one large one.
I ended up with much more than 12 muffins, put the additional batter in an ungreased loaf pan and cooked it a bit longer, it came our rather easily also.
I used the batter for fry bread rather than baking a loaf, and the cakes turned out perfect.
From another post on this bread... sorry didn't save who wrote it: «I only have a full size loaf pan, and did as someone else mentioned, increased the recipe by.5 (for the eggs did 8 eggs rather than 7), and it came out the perfect size and absolutely delicious.
I went through the comments because I only have a full size loaf pan, and did as someone else mentioned, increased the recipe by.5 (for the eggs did 8 eggs rather than 7), and it came out the perfect size and absolutely delicious.
Try shaping the dough into small bun - shaped loaves, rather than one large one - perfect for Sunday tea with Cheddar and olives
While the slow cooker is preheating, make the English Muffin Bread dough, but rather than covering the dough and allowing it a first rise, scrape the dough right into the prepared loaf pan and smooth the top with a wet spatula.
I made the bread in a loaf pan, rather than free form.
I suspect it is because I used puy lentils rather than regular lentils that made the loaf so dry.
The Cranberry orange muffin at Starbucks was my inspiration but rather than make muffins, I wanted to make a loaf.
I used KA whole wheat flour rather than white whole wheat which yielded a lovely, dark loaf.
I bake this as a single free - standing loaf rather than divide it.
Mini-loaves are awesome for baking a variety of fresh batches more often rather than having one big loaf for the whole week.
The loaf flattened out, to only about 1.5» deep — had I put the braid in a 9x9 Pyrex, rather than on my cookie sheet, I believe this would have allowed room for the braid to expand, but not so much as to spread out so thin.
If you use a loaf tin rather than a cast iron casserole dish, you will only need plain flour and your bread will raise beautifully.
I had a similar situation a few weeks ago with trying to make my own pumpkin bread — I ended up with 7 loaves of pumpkin bread, just because I wanted to make my own recipe rather than follow others!
The idea of making mini loaves rather than a big loaf is so cute!
Perhaps its because I am making one loaf rather than splitting into 2?
I sent off the majority of the batch with Man - thing, as well as the rest of the poppy lemon loaf cake from yesterday, to the in - laws, because keeping so much nom in the house is not always for the best:p The recipe is rather healthier than most cinnamon roll versions I've come across, especially considering one subs the traditional oil for applesauce.
At the weekend, rather than making my normal loaf for my work sandwiches, I thought I'd try something a little different to take in for lunch.
The top came out rather browner than I would have liked, but luckily it was not overcooked inside and in fact had the perfect texture for a loaf cake — moist but not too crumbly.
I doubled the proportions for a large loaf however found the end result a tad bit too egg - y in flavour rather than the strong coconut essence I was hoping for.
The loaf was not very high and the slices turned out to be rectangles rather than squares.
But why would I buy Claus Meyer's rye loaves only to watch (and taste) them getting slightly staler every day on the countertop rather than put it in cold storage?
Rather than six loaves, I diveded mine into three 16 inch ones that I baked in my baguette pan over my stone.
* Note: If you don't have a silicon loaf pan, a regular bread pan will do, however, I recommend combining the ingredients in a bowl rather than the bread pan, and coating the pan with some coconut oil or lining with parchment paper (which makes for easy lifting of the bread) before pouring in the dough.
Dave: We also made the intentional decision to start with loaves rather than hearth breads, because we thought: Are we doing this for us or are we doing this for the customer?
Anyone try this as a loaf rather than as muffins?
Mistakenly used two loaf pans rather than three so they were a little crispy at the edges.
This bread yields a very crusty loaf, if you prefer a softer crust, mix the butter into the batter, rather than brushing it on top of the loaf.
The first time I followed the recipe mostly - I used wholemeal self raising flour and did one big loaf cake rather than two, equally, I didn't bother with the icing but added the juice of one orange in the batter.
I used wholemeal self raising flour, made one loaf rather than 2 smaller cakes and skipped the icing but added the juice of one orange to the batter.
Let's get real, your body would much rather you get your carbs from sweet potatoes, than a loaf of bread.
I really love that law about their bread, it means it's free from preservatives and such and it also means you only buy what you actually need for the day rather than buying 100 loaves and freezing them.
You can use cookie cutters to create interesting shapes from the dough, in which case you'll roll it flat rather than into a loaf.
Rather than two slots it has one long, wide one big enough for two slices, or, and this is a feature we particularly loved, you can pop in one long loaf slice — round artisan soda bread or pitta for instance — without having to cut it in two.
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