Sentences with phrase «rather than a loser»

It really is hard to believe that trading can be that straightforward, if we stop «expecting» to be right all the time and just trade our edges, understanding that there is a higher probability that are trade will be a winner rather than a loser when we only trade our edges.
I know that Scott Greenfield made the comment that, «if you're going to screw up and have links from one attorney go to another, can you at least link Matt's website to some really good lawyers rather than losers

Not exact matches

This plays a big role in investor behavior: Investors have a (bad) habit of selling winners and not letting losers go because of loss aversion rather than for logical financial reasons.
Responding to a question on whether Trump, who comes from the private sector, felt comfortable with his proposal that the government should punish or reward companies based on where they choose to locate their factories, rather than let the free market pick winners and losers, the president responded:
«I prefer not to pick winners and losers when we're looking at cryptocurrencies like bitcoin / bitcoin Cash... Both have merits but if I was putting new money to work today... I would be a lot more interested in buying a lagger that could attract inflows rather than something that's potentially overbought.»
Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than acting cowered as losers are..
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
If I'm Ozil I'd be packing my bags in the summer, rather than hanging in with this sore loser.
I'd rather have Republicans giving their money to a lousy loser candidate than one who has a chance of winning.
Innovative — though controversial tools — could be employed by the NTC and facilitated by Western policy makers such as anti-militia propaganda, engagement with the political rather than the military wings of the moderate Islamists, and reaching out to the «losers» of the revolution.
The system provides approximately proportional representation, enables votes to be cast for individual candidates rather than for parties, and — compared to first - past - the - post voting — reduces «wasted» votes (votes on sure losers or sure winners) by transferring them to other candidates.
The gubernatorial losers are just another example of the fact that losing a race can often be a comma, rather than a period, on a political career.
Rather than taking their whupping like adults, I think, the losers have been fighting a rearguard action that will ultimately divide and weaken the legislature itself.
Rather than spell out which departments would be the losers, the government would hope to prevent rifts in the cabinet in the run - up to next year's election by simply laying out broad priorities.
«For a government that says we can't pick winners and losers in the economy,» says Jim Turk, head of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, «it seems to sure be willing to pick winners and losers in research rather than letting scientists make those determinations through peer review.»
The most successful losers learn how to look at slip - ups as a chance to improve rather than a failure they should feel guilty about.
Rather than writing himself the heroic role that central casting - traditionally obsessed with looks - will always deny him, Buscemi has identified with another loser.
Charlie (Jackman) is a consistent loser on the circuit, carting around his bots — and pieces — in an 18 - wheeler, making bad bets and usually running out rather than paying up.
The loser salesman — now hawking insurance rather than cars.
With a catchy dance song blaring on the soundtrack, Girlhood opens on a high school football game before providing two subversive reveals: it's an all - girls football game, and both teams celebrate together afterward, focusing on the fun of playing rather than categorizing winners and losers.
Played for romantic comedy yuks rather than gravid melo - operatic contortions (and distinguishing itself from other products of the UK comedy mill by not featuring any old men and women or young boys naked), the picture follows the plight of shiftless loser, small - time criminal Jimmy (Robert Carlyle) as he steals a lot of money from three circus clowns and returns to his small Scottish burg to reclaim his lost love Shirley (the insufferable, simpering Shirley Henderson) and their daughter Marlene (Finn Atkins) from the clutches of mild - mannered simp Dek (Rhys Ifans).
Because the lottery is random, any differences in outcomes between lottery winners and losers can be attributed to the effect of enrolling in the G&T magnet program rather than one of these alternatives.
They argue the money could be better spent on bringing innovations to traditional public schools, rather than picking «winners and losers» and propping up a specific few nonprofit charter operators, whose «schools of hope» could essentially replace failing neighborhood schools.
«The Government's NFF proposals will lead to funding losers and winners among schools, but rather than cut the funding to some schools, we urge the Government to level up funding.
• Be confident in your trading strategy and rely on the long - term edge to recover any short - term losses, rather than trying to get «revenge» on the market and jump right back in after a loser.
Heuristics that blur our judgment The aforementioned tendency to go with the «winners» rather than the «losers» is ubiquitous.
Rather than engaging in the futile attempt to guess next year's winners and losers, hold all of them in your portfolio all the time.
You need to have patience to sit on your hands when your trading edge is not present, and you need to have patience to see your trading edge play out over a large series of trades, rather than getting emotional after hitting a few losers.
By setting performance rather than prescriptive standards, Congress will not be picking energy and efficiency technology winners and losers.
The TUSK home page states: «Republicans want the freedom to make the best choice and the competition to drive down rates» — true, but a core value of the Republican Party is allowing the free markets to work rather than governments picking winners and losers.
Exelon, largest utility in the Fortune 500, has made clear its preference for outcomes based on free markets, «rather than through the government picking technology winners and losers,» and proudly declared itself «anti-subsidy.»
No, one of the ostensible virtues of a carbon tax or a cap - and - trade system is that they are «market - based» solutions, which allow governments to address climate change in a flexible way, rather than imposing a top - down solution of picking winners and losers.
Many of the commenters critical of loser pays are arguing against a specific form of loser pays rather than considering various approaches that might be adopted within the American system.
Through the years I've heard almost every kind of excuse imaginable, but there are always new ones; losers become quite creative in trying to avoid being responsible in order to direct blame elsewhere rather than
Rather than a business plan competition in which teams were competing on the basis of a PowerPoint slide deck, Kashyap says, «these were real companies with real products» and some considered the notion of choosing winners and losers unappealing.
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