Sentences with phrase «rather than a workout»

more into the fancy health club amenities rather than their workout; long before Crossfit became all the rage near...

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Rather than trying to make up for a day of eating in excess by doing two hours of cardio, or not eating until dinner because you missed a workout the day before, focus on what you can do the next day to stay on track.
And I'll gladly suffer through all these pet peeves rather than return to the days when workout rooms were the size of walk - in closets, HBO cost extra, Wi - Fi was a novelty and the average hotel bed had the topography of a mountain range.
Krinzman says the entrepreneurs who pitched the idea of a «Boogie Box» workout DVD likely would have gotten some capital if they'd asked for only enough money «to get to a milestone that would let them prove they can sell DVDs,» rather than asking for full funding for an unproven idea.
For instance, rather than get upset when the yard was locked down because of riot or fight, which caused me to miss my workout, I chose to work out in my cell instead.
Would you be able to recommend a good alternative protein source to eat / drink rather than a whey powder drink after a weights / Kettle Bell Kickboxing workout please as after the wonderful find and use of your website and new book, I'm reluctant to put anything into my body which isn't natural?
Rather than going to the other extreme and starving yourself during or after a workout, you want to eat for your sport, White says.
Simple to prepare, I prefer to get my arm workout in and hand beat with my trusty OXO whisk rather than lug out any heavy machinery.
It is a place for people who want to do workouts that they enjoy, rather than seeing it as a punishment and people who want to get the most out of life and be as happy as they can be.
In terms of both pre and post workout nutrition (which is when protein powders are most often consumed) protein AND carbs are essential, so it makes sense to me to consume the protein along with carbohydrate rich foods rather than as a standalone shake.
I've heard they typically won't extend an offer until they see a kid in person, preferably in a workout setting, rather than simply following the herd and offering blind.
The most common complaint is that it's only designed for short - term usage and, since it's manual rather than automatic, it can give parents a workout!
Two of those for me are cutting myself off from work stuff at 2:30, making sure I'm showered and dressed before the kids get home from school rather than staying in sweaty workout clothes and showering after the older kids get home, and not unpacking lunch boxes immediately after the kids walk in the door.
If you look at this time as furthering your children's fitness curiosity rather than your personal workout time, there will be fewer frustrations.
According to the creators of Active Start - the most basic set of workout strategies for babies, designed by pediatric specialists and employed by the NASPE (National Association for Sport and Physical Education), it is better to use 10 to 15 minutes to walk a kid rather than use baby carriers, cars, infant seats, etc, because all of these could hinder the physical and mental growth in a child.
This means reaching repetition goals before increasing weight, or increasing your mileage gently on endurance workouts, rather than rushing to increase your pace.
You should think about getting your day started with your workout, rather than trying to do it in the afternoon or the evening.
«Interval training offers a convenient way to fit exercise into your life, rather than having to structure your life around exercise,» says Gibala, who has studied high - intensity interval training for more than a decade and recently wrote a book on its efficacy entitled, «The One Minute Workout
Rather than decreasing the tempo of the workouts, they should increase it, with as little rest between exercises as possible.
Split your program up and focus on two to three muscles groups per workout rather than full body.
If you are recovering fast enough, it would be logical to do multiple sets to failure rather than less, because it will stimulate more muscle growth in one workout
You're going to want to stick to the same weights that you were using on the previous two workout regimens, but rather than going for 50 reps like the previous one, you're going to want to push it up to 100 reps for each of the exercises without taking any breaks in between.
«Athletes go into a workout with a sense of purpose, focusing on what they need to do rather than just the goal they want to accomplish,» says Williams.
I prefer my workouts to be something I can look forward to, rather than something to compete for, however, I can adopt this by competing against my own best running times or thinking about an upcoming social event.
If you get an hour break at lunch time, rather than sit in the canteen reading the newspaper or watching lunchtime soaps on TV, get a brief workout in.
My workouts became an opportunity to experience joy in my body rather than punishment for what it had eaten.
The general perception by bodybuilders seems to be that yoga is a means of achieving deep relaxation, rather than providing a «real» workout for muscular growth and strength.
And since training plateaus are usually the result of mental barriers rather than physical limitations, strongman training can be used as a vacation from your traditional workouts that will overdose your entire musculature and help you overcome any weakness, both in the mental and physical realm.
For activation / toning: Warm - ups that are dynamic, rather than static, can help to increase movement ranges and activate the muscle groups that your workouts will target.
Stretching between exercises rather than waiting until the end of your workout seems like a good way to save time.
The prevailing attitude in fitness is that you should stretch only after working out rather than before completing your workout.
By putting exercise first, you are less likely to miss a workout, and enjoy doing your fitness regime in a new environment, rather than in the cold at home.
Her story inspired me to give myself a few days of rest rather than forcing a workout when my body's not ready, because that could sideline me for months.
«While this might feel tedious at first, with some practice it has a way of getting you to just focus on what's going on in the moment, rather than having your mind get caught up in a negative cycle of thinking about how boring or painful treadmill workouts can be,» Havey says.
I have a question for you: is it possible to divide this up into a six - day - a-week routine that alternates two groups of exercises rather than doing everything in one hour - long workout three days a week?
Since I'm still in recovery mode and taking things easy with my hip and the healing stress fracture and such, I've been choosing sleeping in rather than getting up early to get my workout done before anyone wakes up.
Rather than focusing on one style of martial arts, you should mix in workouts from different styles.
Walking my large, energetic dog for 30 minutes to an hour a day, at his pace rather than my naturally slower pace, gives me a good cardio workout.
As you can see, you only workout 4 times per week to gain muscle fast on this schedule rather than 6 days per week.
Why not empower yourself rather than allowing a machine to do a workout for you?»
Rather than solid food, many athletes prefer a liquid meal using a commercial post workout drink containing whey protein and maltodextrin plus dextrose or glucose (fast acting protein and high GI carbs) because the rapid absorption time may speed recovery.
The best time to have honey in your smoothie is right after a workout out, as your body is depleted and will use the sugar for energy, rather than storing it.
I tend to eat a small meal or just workout an hour or so after I've eaten a normal meal rather than having a «pre-workout
In fact, I would rather have you do a HIIT workout rather than walk / run on the treadmill.
Rather than forcing yourself through a cardio workout you can't stand, come up with some original cardio variations to try.
Rather than focusing on being fatigued I find myself focused on making gains during workouts.
Your body has used a lot of stored carbohydrates (glycogen) during the workout, and will use the carbs you eat to replenish the glycogen in your muscles, rather than store it as fat.
In fact, you'll likely begin looking forward to your workouts and will genuinely enjoy performing them rather than viewing them as some unwanted chore that you need to «get over with».
It's a golden rule when you workout with me, I'd rather see you take your reps slower and do great reps than go fast and have them be sloppy.
Many people are now ditching the steady state cardio in favor of shorter, more challenging workouts that focus on intensity rather than duration.
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