Sentences with phrase «rather than a writer»

I will answer my own more moderate question, rather than the writers overhyped one.
Once you make a comedy film, especially as your first, people will see you as «the comedy writer», rather than a writer.
Jane was embarrassed when Alice referred to herself as an artist rather than a writer, and thought her books strove to appear more highbrow than they were; Alice found Jane's work rather formless, and at times bleatingly autobiographical.
Looks like you're in the publishing business rather than the writer business — blogging, a podcast, and Theme of Absence.
This is a business, and if you're going to be an author (professional) rather than a writer (for personal satisfaction), then you need to approach it as a business.
In America the Authors Guild, an organisation notorious for representing the interests of publishers rather than writers, and whose members are almost entirely traditionally published, recently announced: «the majority of authors would be living below the Federal Poverty Level if they relied solely on income from their writing.»
For their nature books, some of the authors were basically photographers rather than writers.
She talks about what readers, rather than writers, need to know about the issue at hand.)
«The market is stabilizing as the trend of self - publisher as business - owner, rather than writer only, continues.»
It was written by members of the editorial board and is unsigned as it represents the opinion of the newspaper rather than the writers.

Not exact matches

As the Financial Times (whose writer also testified) reported, a diamond - registration blockchain exec noted that the system was «garbage in, garbage out,» and a researcher designing blockchain - based voting systems said the technology would only be useful for recording final results, rather than validating individual votes.
As for teaching growth mindsets, writer Angie Aker summarized Dweck's work and put it like this on Upworthy: «Praise your child explicitly for how capable they are of learning rather than telling them how smart they are.»
Rather than assuming that people understand their own interests and act according to them, the writers approach the negotiation process as a phenomenon that's only understood as a set of essentially irrational and emotional responses.
The company became known as a content farm in part because it paid writers very little, and the content catered specifically to search engines rather than readers.
Using searchable keywords in both the summary and title — in this case, «writer» rather than «writing» — will get the attention of people searching for specific skills.
To avoid bad but vaguely plausible start - up ideas — what the Y Combinator team calls sitcom ideas, i.e., the kind of ideas TV writers would make up if a character on a show had a start - up — choose something that some people want a lot rather than something lots of people might sort of want a little.
This is a concept that most commonly applies to fiction writers rather than marketers, but it's just as important.
Much as it is possible for someone to get rewarded for performing a work — as opposed to writing it, which involves copyright — publishers would get to command fees for the stuff their writers write, based their own (new) rights rather than the copyright held by the journalist.
I think you should be a content writer rather than «just» CEO of Groove
He surveys Catholic literature from the end of Vatican II to the present and finds dynamic writers with «personal visions of faith fueled by idiosyncratic passion rather than orthodoxy.»
Most patristic and medieval writers preferred to talk about miracles and miracle workers rather than charismatic gifts for a number of reasons such as the dominant gift list being Isaiah 11, not 1 Corinthians 12 and Jerome's translating charismata as «graces» (gratiae).
Laura is a fantastic writer, with a background in publishing, so I recommend subscribing to her blog sooner rather than later.
If the new verbalizations of earnestness are causing a stylistic rupture, as I think they are, that may be because the Mad Men writers» room is highly practiced at making these characters go in circles regressively or statically — rather than, as here, progressively.
Naturally the priority is the theology of Nicky Gumbel, vicar of HTB and writer of the Alpha talks, rather than what the Catholic tradition understands as the Deposit of Faith entrusted to the Apostolic Church.
One or two modern Muslim writers, rather than just repeating the condemnation of Christian doctrine have tried to understand it, but they are the exception.
The Jewish writers of the New Testament introduced the «ecclesiastical attitude» and other distortions that led to what Rauschenbusch calls «ascetic Christianity,» a religious attitude that thinks in terms of heaven, divine intervention, and personal salvation rather than social justice.
It just seems to me that as a writer / researcher who clearly knows better, it is really your job to attack, debunk and tear these assinine arguments about Obama's religious convictions to pieces rather than giving them some kind of legitimacy.
Further, the writer doesn't seem to realize that he is being hypocritical by judging those who judge him, rather than loving those who judge him.
He quotes another modern writer who says that «it is femininity rather than masculinity which symbolizes the right attitude of the whole person before God.»
For a Biblical concept of justice has been the real concern of a few of these writers.58 Evidence is of course mixed, but the overwhelming thrust of Scripture's discussion of «social justice» suggests the following Biblical definition: «to each according to his or her needs» Rather than act on the basis of society's most common definitions of «social justice» those of merit or equality - the Christian seeking a Biblically derived social ethic must respond, first and foremost, on the basis of need.
bit, but I thought we were focusing on what Jesus actually said as a whole via his teaching and parables rather than what he did or what the gospel writers or St. Paul said.
But I'm also a «side - writer», meaning that I hold my hand to the left of the line I'm writing (rather than above or below).
What we find is a series of separate scenes — snapshots rather than a movie — and the four writers, who in the closing scenes were constrained to follow a fixed order of events, use a large liberty in arranging the separate stories they tell, and the arrangement comes out differently in each of them.
An ingenious writer bears the culture forward toward new truths, rather than a humble scribe recalling it to old ones.
Like Gombrowicz, Kornowski comes from the lesser Polish - Lithuanian gentry; like Gombrowicz, he becomes a fashionable writer in Warsaw in the 1930s; like Gombrowicz, he is on a trans - Atlantic liner when war breaks out with Germany and, like Gombrowicz, rather than return to fight for his country, he jumps ship in Buenos Aires.
Perhaps because Safranski is a freelance writer rather than a professional philosopher, he is able both to make Heidegger accessible and to do him justice.
But, I question what the fuss is about that we have no new Flannery O'Connors, when the old O'Connors, the Catholic writers of an earlier day, seem to have gained popular attention largely by giving a slightly Catholic accent to the conventions of existentialism rather than offering a vision of the world that really captured its intelligible and lovable quality — one that prepares us, as Beatrice prepared Dante, to enter into the presence of grace.
Podhoretz has his own twinges of pride: He writes as if the neoconservatives, those Family members who reacted to the late «60s by moving right rather than left, supplied Ronald Reagan with everything he needed to think about communism, although Reagan often said that the writer who most influenced him was Whittaker Chambers.»
Since you have the «one» correct interpretation of the Bible, you obviously need your own blog rather than trying to take over someone elses and in the process call the writer of that blog and many of the people who comment there false teachers and other demeaning terms.
However, the people that wrote the Bible or even interpreted it from the greek I would take as men of God, Servants mind you, and, if God had meant or wanted it to read «two» rather than «two men,» don't you think he would have influenced the interpreters and the original writers to write and print it as such?
But the fact remains that for all these writers the life of Jesus is rather the preparation for His death and resurrection than itself a part of the decisive eschatological event.
In Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers, Barbara Christian points out that «a persistent and major theme throughout Afro - America women's literature [is] our attempt to define and express our totality rather than being defined by others.»
When Paul did write it was as a speaker rather than as a writer.
Broadcast by tweets from influential theologians / pastors such as John Piper bidding «Farewell, Rob Bell,» the article's writer is convinced that Bell can no longer claim the title of «Christian» because he suspects Bell of universalism (this decision being made, it seems, simply by viewing the video above and reading the publisher's summary rather than, you know, reading the book first).
These «Fathers» spoke of the specific activity of God in Jesus Christ as being indeed the fulfillment, completion, and adequate expression, vis - à - vis men, of the Eternal Word of God, but they did not regard salvation as available only through Jesus; even in the Fourth Gospel, it would seem to be the writer's intention to have the Word speak, rather than the historical Jesus in isolation from that Word «who was in the beginning with God», «by whom all things were made», «who was the light of every man», and who in Jesus Christ was decisively «made flesh and dwelt among us».
His words sounded so much like they came from a book that they did not engage anyone desiring to weave along with the writer, rather than nodding and thinking «that's from «Partial Magic in the Quijote,» last paragraph.»
He is the individualist as writer, who must learn to turn his loneliness into creative energy rather than fall into self - pity.
It refers to a people whose concerted gathering increases until it reaches a collective number («ordinal,» rather than «cardinal,» as A. Koyré suggested to the writer in 1932), attaining a Herbartian threshold, with a quantum qualifying it, reversing, as it were, a providential role.
A brilliant writer and orator, Jabotinsky argued impressively that Palestine on both sides of the Jordan should be made the place of salvation for the wretched Jews of eastern Europe rather than the Jewish «spiritual center» or «model community»» proclaimed by Ha - Am and Buber.
That meant that often he found things that others missed; he did so at the risk of appropriating other writers for his purpose rather than listening to them on their terms.
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