Sentences with phrase «rather than antibiotics»

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However, we saw that, in children with asthma, most of the antibiotic prescriptions in children were intended for asthma exacerbations or bronchitis, which are often caused by a virus rather than bacteria.
Heavy use of antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance, but researchers now speculate that antibiotics can also upset the balance of the microbial community, allowing disease to take over rather than fighting it.
Prof. Raymond Kaempfer, the Dr. Philip M. Marcus Professor of Molecular Biology and Cancer Research at the Institute for Medical Research Israel - Canada (IMRIC), in the Hebrew University's Faculty of Medicine, explains: «Rather than targeting the bacterial pathogens, which can then mutate to develop antibiotic resistance, host - oriented therapeutics have the advantage of remaining effective even against infections with antibiotic - resistant strains.
And he wanted bacteriophages that could work with antibiotics, rather than replace them.
In the United States, nearly half the antibiotic prescriptions given for respiratory infections are inappropriate: for illnesses caused by viruses rather than bacteria, antibiotics won't help the patient get better.
But this study took a different approach — rather than just focusing on antibiotic - resistant strains, the study tapped into an unbiased collection of 1509 E. coli, the majority of which were from the British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Bacteraemia Surveillance programme collected over 11 years from across England.
It is the number one cause of systemic antibiotic use, which floods the whole body with antibiotics rather than just a specific region, said Rodrigo Bicalho, assistant professor of dairy production medicine at the College of Veterinary Medicine.
To reverse the tide of resistance, the report recommends safeguarding the potency of existing antibiotics rather than focussing on developing new ones.
Fixing the market failure in antibiotics production means transforming pharma companies — or parts of them — into public goods producers, with public interest rather than profit driving R&D and marketing.
Karl Hoenke questions whether we should adhere to the medical orthodoxy of completing a course of antibiotics, suggesting that this might encourage the emergence of resistant bacteria rather than discourage it (13 June, p 25).
A test that can detect bacterial infections within hours, rather than days, could prove a crucial weapon in the fight against antibiotic resistance
It concludes that in order to reduce the risk of infection with a «superbug», health care institutions need to take an ecosystem - level approach, rather than one that aims at fighting just one antibiotic - resistant bacteria at a time.
Nearly a third of all antibiotics prescribed for hospitalized children globally were intended to prevent potential infections rather than to treat disease, according to the results of a worldwide survey published in the Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
(Persistence differs from antibiotic resistance, which occurs when mutations in microbial DNA, rather than a dormant state, enable them to tolerate drugs.)
You might not actually have a yeast infection: Other problems, like bacterial vaginosis or certain STDs, can cause itching or discharge that mimic yeast symptoms but require antibiotics rather than antifungals to treat.
Currently, the AGA says that doctors should use antibiotics «selectively, rather than routinely» in people with mild cases of diverticulitis.
Antibiotics are increasing body fat accumulation on these animals, rather than purely inducing sheer hypertrophy of muscle meat — unless you know of any bodybuilders who cycle penicillin and cipro — and the resulting weight gain is coming more from fat than protein.
Modern science has shown that garlic is a powerful antibiotic, albeit broad - spectrum rather than targeted.
It is best to consume foods only from natural sources, which rules out, for example, farm - raised fish and meat from livestock fed grains [rather than grass] and pumped with hormones and antibiotics.
Rather than treat with antibiotics, which are ineffective against viruses, Dr. Smith opts for natural antibacterial agents such as Cat's Claw, an herb from the Amazonian rain forest.
Even if you're positive you have one, though, head to your gyno rather than asking her to call in an Rx — you might really have interstitial cystitis, which has similar symptoms, but can't be treated with antibiotics.
Another mini-trend that we've noticed — the neon pink eye — makes us want to run for some antibiotics rather than our makeup bags.
Rather than just prescribing more topical antibiotic / steroid medications like Mometamax or Otomax, it is important for animal guardians and veterinarians to look at underlying causes to avoid frustrating relapses and repeat veterinary visits.Many animal guardians will often erroneously think that their animal companions have ear mites; however, ear mites can be easily ruled out by having the ear discharge examined under the microscope.
These usually require further surgery to resolve them rather than just antibiotics.
If there is a long term infection, culture and sensitivity testing should be done to identify a suitable antibiotic rather than relying on the same old antibiotic as before; culture and sensitivity testing is relatively inexpensive at $ 50 (approximately).
These oral prescription antibiotics are used if the bacteria your pet has in their ears are invading the cells rather than living outside the cells: quinolones, azithromycin, and clindamycin.
Rather than pill a cat, I prefer using liquid antibiotics or, if clavamox is being used, I have great luck with crushing the pill and mixing it into canned food.
7) Many medications (such as corticosteroids, antibiotics, etc.) can be given in pill form rather than by injection.
«Topical» means that this antibiotic should be applied to the skin rather than taking orally.
We'll see how this ruling is taken by farmers and whether they'll start to use more antibiotics for what they claim is sickness rather than growth.
By using two drugs, we can delay the inevitable evolution of antibiotic resistance by attacking the bacteria in two vulnerable locations, rather than just one, making it more difficult for the bug to mount a defense and pass on its superior survival skills to subsequent generations.
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