Sentences with phrase «rather than bits»

They were for the most part a lot of fun, the new tools really make it seem like you're playing a brand new game rather than bits and pieces of other games.
We want shelter staff to be focused on animal care and adoptions rather than bits of paper, so we have made this as no - fuss as possible.
The original experiment was done with digitally generated pixels rather than bits of paper, and the shift was also exactly digital.
Perhaps if the media would report the WHOLE story, rather than bits and pieces, people could be rightly informed.
You could make them smaller as they are like cookie size rather than bites.
Hi Rebekah, I would say that the colour of the soup is not the most important thing, if you follow the instructions for this recipe and the colour turns a bit different there is no need to worry, as you say it may depend on the red cabbage itself, but I would focus on the balance of the ingredients in this soup that makes it highly nutritious and its taste rather than a bit of variation in colour.
Then it bites your finger rather than your bite.
Going for the neck rather than biting down on a bony part of the body might explain how the cats avoided snapping their teeth.
Of course, for those Austin singles who are seeking a lasting love rather than a bit of fun, it's important to pick the right dating site, one designed to create long - term relationships.
and in the end there really is only one choice [forget about the laughable AM] when it comes to a 21st century exotic GT... if its a car you want rather than a bit of automotive jewelry to keep up with the Jones's / Gesualdo's... though it is a bit on the Jolie Laide side perhaps... The Porsche Panamera Turbo S
I am hoping at some point, everyone will just agree however we read is the best way for each individual reader rather than a bit of a competitive edge about opting for one version of a story over another or making someone feel bad (which you weren't!)
I suspect he is really mouthing rather than biting you.
His air of calm appraisal can be intimidating, although he is more likely to use his big body to control people, rather than biting.
Quiet dogs that rarely bark knocking down and pin the intruder to the ground rather than biting.
(It is the flea's saliva rather than the bite itself that causes the itching.)
In this case, future CO2 level from human combustion of fossil fuels would be constrained to the same as occurred in the past or ~ 110 ppmv above today's level = a bit more than 500 ppmv, rather than a bit less than 1000 ppmv).
The sound might best be described as having sparkle rather than bite.

Not exact matches

Shark bites (that's the term researchers prefer to «attacks,» since it implies toothy curiosity, rather than aggressive intent) are extremely rare.
But, by being a supportive mentor rather than a negative back - biter, you'll keep them around to learn from you (and contribute to your own growth) that much longer.
«Rather than meeting in my office, I'll grab a cup of coffee, sit in the corner and have a bit of a chat.
Make the most of your non-work time to refill the well a bit each day, rather than relying only on weekends or vacations.
So rather than learning that you're a little bit Eastern European, 23andMe will inform you that you're 10 percent Romanian or Polish, for instance.
It might cost a bit of money and possibly take funds you don't have, but it's better to spend a few thousand now to get things right, rather than losing your entire business — and your sanity — later.
«Our principle in business is doing whatever we do to the best of our ability and executing it with a bit of panache rather than the same as everybody else,» Harris says.
Partly as a result, Black has noticed that Gen Zers are a bit more inclined than Gen Y to favor the idea of developing skills and building career in one place, rather than hopping around from one employer to another.
I'd rather it be a bit wrong than not have a view at all.
They have been opting to pay a little more for goods and services from local restaurants and vendors, which supports their local economy rather than shopping at mega stores where they could get things a little bit cheaper.
All the best, I realized that I left the growth factor a bit lacking in that message, but I also think you will find that in most investment senerios the compounding of the dividend / income is what drives portfolio performance rather than capital gains.
Examples of such projects providing marginal benefits are: improving financial reporting systems through better information technology, minor tweaks to supply chain logistics, cutting back on marketing or increasing low - cost advertising (like social media), «rationalization» of head count, holding average wages as low as possible, squeezing suppliers a little bit, not repatriating earnings to stave off taxation, refinancing rather than retiring debts, and the share buyback that is insensitive to a company's current stock price.
«I would say it's a little bit like we're willing to go with junk bonds rather than AAA stocks because the payoff is big,» he said in a 2013 interview with Bloomberg Television.
To that end, Maher also runs a program called Recess Tuesdays, where he fills the office plaza with playground toys and workers can take a break to play a bit of tetherball, rather than go for another refill of coffee.
It's a bit odd to me that the import of this meeting is framed in terms of financial products rather than fueling the innovation economy.
I suspect that if it was making billions of dollars a year, rather than losing billions of dollars a year, then the investors might have been a bit more tolerant of bad publicity and sexual harassment and discrimination and privacy violations and theft of trade secrets and obstructing government authorities and I am sure I am forgetting some things.
That weighting feels a bit like cheating, an index based on investor choice and convenience rather than market definition.
Looking a bit deeper reveals a method for young people to identify their passions and determine the most expedient path forward, rather than having others set a path for them.
Bitcoin looks to find the $ 8,000 range sooner, rather than later and will potentially hold there for a bit.
If you're a dividend growth investor who prefers a bit more of a bird in the hand (rather than two in the bush), this stock offers one of the biggest safe dividends out there.
However, since the price action setup tail high or low is very close to a key level in the market, logic would dictate that we make our stop loss a little bit larger and place it just beyond that key level, rather than at the high or low of the setup's tail.
We expect that the majority of tellers will use it as a supplement to an existing cash business, or as a bit of side income, rather than as their main revenue source.
The dangers with so many of these opportunities is that small businesses in particular lose focus and spread their advertising efforts too broadly and end up doing a bit of everything poorly rather than concentrating on doing 2 or 3 things really well.
Traditionally, the housing market slows a bit during the holidays as buyers place more priority on celebrations rather than house - hunting.
I do SEO and for on - page copy rather than focusing on the primary keyword phrase to start, I focus on 2 things, writing for the reader and a bit of direct response copy (i.e. I get the reader to envision using a product or how to solve their problem — future pacing).
Datacenter YoY compared to Q1 2017 was +24 % with $ 5.2 B. Makes Epyc look more like a bit player rather than a major competitor.
I have to say that I'd suggest that for anyone with a bit of personal finance knowledge you are much better served by organising your own finances rather than paying anyone else, including a robo - advisor.
The last patient enrolled in this study in October 2016, and it sure looks as if investors a bit too eager to call this one a win rather than wait for the final data set.
That's causing some customers to pause a bit on decision - making so it's more of a timing issue rather than a volume issue.
I am a bit more interested in truth, in what is true about the universe, rather than is what is true to me.
For my own taxes, I pay a professional; I figure I would rather pay a bit more today than risk being audited later.
There is no reason why Jacobs should not lampoon a book after a brief glance rather than dignifying it with a review, but it is a bit much to accompany the caricature with advice to the author on the virtues of close reading.
rather than seeing these as an imposed set of rules, we can see these as a benediction, empowering us to be better... a bit like visions, rules can make failures of us, where as with a benediction we are not bound, but free to become more human.
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