Sentences with phrase «rather than centuries»

Oh, and did I mention that this one is likely to happen in decades rather than centuries, with a quarter of the world's species wiped out by 2050?
It's a useful way to look at the short term rather than centuries from now.
The study, initially made public in draft form last July as a «discussion paper» so it could be circulated ahead of the Paris climate talks, holds that multi-meter sea rise could happen within a matter of decades, rather than centuries as previous estimates suggested.
During this study, a team at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory examined historical and projected changes over decades, rather than centuries, to see what kind of warming world we can expect.
«From a policy standpoint, the payoff for controlling soot could be on the scale of years rather than centuries
The oil rich countries who have gained wealth through the luck of geology rather than centuries of industrial development are amongst the worst culprits.
That signaled that the water and minerals in the surrounding sandstone had reached a chemical equilibrium with the injected seawater far more quickly than anticipated — in two years rather than a century.
The other thing they did was use local warm peaks in 1870 and 1940 as baselines rather than century - long mean, or more recent, trends.

Not exact matches

But rather than start up any old publishing company — after all, times and technology have changed in the last century — Gao would build an e-book empire that didn't rely on authors to pump out blockbuster ideas.
«Twenty - first - century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom up rather than the top down; from the outside in, rather than the inside out.»
The philosophy of stoicism, founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC, asserts that virtues (such as wisdom) should be based on behavior, rather than words.
It shows Nintendo, which started life in the late 20th century as a playing - card manufacturer, staying true to its ethos of focusing on fun, rather than just flashy technology.
So rather than get dragged along, screaming, into the 21st century, we volunteered to be first,» says Tom Corbo.
As she explained at the Summit Conference in Los Angeles last weekend, a soulmate used to be something you found in religion — up until the 18th or 19th century, depending on how you mark it — rather than romance.
Valdis Krebs of Orgnet explains that «Schools are still stuck on teaching 20th century math for building things rather than 21st century math for understanding things» and suggests that curriculums focus less on the mathematics of engineering (e.g. algebra and calculus) and more on the mathematics of patterns (e.g. set theory, graph theory, etc.).
A quarter - century down the line, analysts say, there's little reason to expect that the consumer will be more often flipping the pages of an e-book on their tablet computer than picking up a hardcover, and streaming video through their Web - enabled TV rather than turning on their Blu - ray player.
Like most academic economists, Mr. Cowen focuses on the next quarter - century rather than the next quarter.
Two centuries ago, French followers of Count Henry St. Simon outlined an industrial system that was to be based mainly on equity financing (stocks) rather than debt (bonds and bank loans).
It was only with the construction of a national railway system in the middle decades of the 19th century, using coal rather than muscle as its source of mechanical energy, that transport could achieve advances to parallel those already long achieved in the branches of industry in which cheap and abundant heat energy was the key to rapid expansion.
The decades - long conflict that is currently raging over short - termism and activist hedge funds strikes me as analogous to the Thirty Years» War of the 17th Century, albeit fought with statistics («empirical evidence»), op - eds and journal articles rather than cannon, pike and sword.
Rather than debate academic studies about first - century womanhood, why not try out a biblical notion such as head covering and see what happens?
This decision should not be interpreted as an incipient feminism in Southern Baptist life (out of more than forty thousand churches, only a few dozen have female pastors), but rather as an affirmation of a pattern of cooperation that has served Baptist mission causes well for more than a century.
Rather than embracing that challenge, however, those who have been in charge for most of this century seem prepared to forego democracy.
In doing this, Hartman opts for the more «nomic» messianism of Moses Maimonides (eleventh century), with its emphasis on the creation of a just society, rather than for the messianism of Judah Halevi (tenth century), with its greater apocalyptic emphasis.
Over the past century the United States has moved increasingly in Smith's more evidently ideological direction rather than following Churchill's more cautious path.
Thus, to invoke the Russian Church's traditions of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries requires us to engage in historical reconstruction rather than to nurture beliefs and practices that are ongoing.
«I see this preference for knowledge over hope as repeating the move made by leftist intellectuals who, earlier in the century, got their Hegelianism from Marx rather than Dewey.»
Carroll's preference for Jesus as Revealer rather than as Savior turns Jesus into a mere moral exemplar — the same fatal move liberal Protestantism made at the turn of the 20th century.
To see Plato through fourth - century Athenian eyes as just another young aristocrat, his dialogues a way to attract a following by which to further his own political agenda or feather his nest financially, is to strip away the later accretions of canonicity and to see him for what he was rather than for what the Western world has made of him.
Mar. 12, 2013 — A century old mystery as to why, for some animals, it's the father rather than the mother that takes care of their young has been cracked by researchers at the University of Sheffield.
Twenty centuries later, I think we are the ones who invest our ego in the church and make the church about our values, rather than seeing our relationship to Jesus as finding expression in a community of believers — quite literally a new family.
For the tradition to which Plato had been heir, paideia was as essential to the well - being of the public realm as of the political realm, by forming virtuous citizens capable of filling political roles wisely; for fourth - century Greek - speaking Christians paideia, while it aimed to shape persons» private interiority rather than their public political activity, contributed to the well - being of the public realm as a cultural realm accessible to any literate, educated person, Christian or pagan.
If I had decided to chime in I would have recommended reading Ian Bradley's fine book Abide With Me: The World of Victorian Hymns (1997), where he details the heated debates in 19th century England over whether to have choirs, and if so, if they should be kept at the rear of the sanctuary in order to «back up» the congregation in its worship rather than being a visual distraction in the front.
Luther described egoistic narcissism centuries before Freud and his «cure,» focusing on Christ rather than the imperial self, is a lot simpler and more effective than Freud's.
But it could be the nucleus of a complete neighborhood, one which has a church community at its enter, and the potential to promote growth in an urban rather than suburban sprawl pattern (much as the most beautiful parts of contemporary London grew in the 17th and 18th centuries around small residential - square developments).
And today, rather than playing defense, American seminaries like Mundelein in Chicago are exploring how the Church might go on offense — not in an offensive way, but by developing new models of a 21st - century apologetics that invites disenchanted post-moderns to experience the divine mercy and come to know the truths to which that experience leads.
From our 20th century scientific perspective in which we have seen space vehicles that rise into the atmosphere, we might suppose that the ascension placed our Lord into orbit rather than into heaven.
I use the word limitations rather than mistakes, for none of the biographer's statements seems to me false.2 What I miss in the book is awareness of some intellectual advances during the century or more between the end of Darwin's career and the publication of this biography.
Part of the problem with Evangelical Christianity is that many wish to stay comfy in the dusty pews of centuries old Christianity rather than getting their toes wet by dipping their lives into today's uncertain post-modern society.
Prayer but a shortened version of meditation that having come over the many centuries / as the art of true prayer in meditation was lost / where the focus of reality had turned to the external based on ideas belief / rather than practical spiritual experience of one turning the senses inward / thus knowing / not believing.
However, what really characterizes the Irish Church of the mid-twentieth century is a highly orthodox rigorism: most Irish Bishops were canonists rather than theologians, and that legalism ran through everything.
That a similar one will hit the earth in the future is probable rather than possible; the chance that it will occur in the next century may be slight but it can not be ruled out.
The new naturalism and science of the 17th century initially had the effect of restoring the vision of nature as good, orderly and benign — the arena of the manifestation of God's divine reason, rather than of the devil's malice.
His is the early - nineteenth - century's liberalism of Friedrich Schleiermacher, an «enormously courageous move» that, «focusing on religious experience rather than religious ideation as the object of theological reflection,... combined faith in one's own experience with faith in the God who will not abandon those who trust in Him.»
The puritan conservationists have too readily accepted a 19th century theology that sets history against nature — a theology which is basically western European rather than biblical.
It has always seemed to me, however, and I have been walking around this planet for half a century now, it takes more thought, action, trust, study and a far greater degree of intelligence to believe in something rather than nothing.
Emphasizing the Spirit could release the Christian from the rational constraints of logos, and that could lead to heresies like second - century Montanism, a movement based on prophetic utterances rather than dispassionate theologizing.
Rather than consider that Paul's writings on women might have been culturally (mis) interpreted for centuries, Mollenkott instead concludes that some of Paul's arguments reflect his «rabbinical training and human limitations.
Allowing the younger, secular, and educated youth to seize control and take Iran into the 22nd century, rather than hang around in the 10th in a sense.
If indeed Christian existence offers to the Jew the fulfillment through transformation of his own existence, how can it be that millions of Jews have lived among Christians for nineteen centuries, unshaken in the conviction that Christianity represents a distortion of Israel's faith rather than its fulfillment?
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