Sentences with phrase «rather than cloth»

The SE does offer significantly more equipment than the S, including an 8 - inch touchscreen, panoramic moonroof, imitation leather rather than cloth upholstery, and the aforementioned safety features, but whether or not all that is worth that kind of money is up to you.
I also have better luck using the Italian Wax Brush, rather than a cloth to apply wax.
Paper towels that are discarded after each use should be used for drying rather than cloth towels.
It's better to cover the kefir grains with a lid (do not tighten the lid) rather than cloth, more hygienic.
When traveling or doing outdoor activities, I recommend that you will bring disposable diapers rather than cloth diapers.
I vaguely remember someone telling me where they disposed of their baby's diaper and I vaguely remember telling myself to check that it was the trash bin rather than the cloth diaper pail.
Paper towels that are discarded after each use should be used for drying rather than cloth towels.

Not exact matches

I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
When working with store - bought phyllo dough keep in mind it is usually frozen so defrost in the refrigerator overnight rather than trying to defrost in room temperature and keep the extra dough covered with a damp cloth as you are working with another phyllo dough piece.
PRO 2: Large cloth diaper stashes also give you the option to limit your washing days so rather than having to wash every other day to avoid running out of diapers you can easily do diaper laundry every couple days, yay!
Most cloth diapers are made with knit, rather than woven, fabrics.
For many cloth diaper companies, it is an easy choice to keep production here in North America, rather than outsourcing the manufacturing jobs to other countries that may may not have the same ethical and environmental standards we enjoy in North America.
Rather than just expecting us all to use the same thing and like it, now we're blessed with an overwhelming array of cloth diaper brands to choose from!
Rather than throw them out, many cloth diaper manufacturers will offer these less - than - perfect diapers for sale at a discount.
Cloth diapers use absorbent fabrics rather than chemical gels which can be found in disposable diapers; parents can save significant money when they choose to use cloth (even part - time); and the reduction in waste is so powerful it speaks for itself.»
Diaper services are also an eco friendly diaper alternative to home laundering; while most parents find this service more expensive than the costs of buying and laundering their own cloth diapers, diaper services use less water and energy per diaper, and most use green detergents such as oxygen bleach rather than chlorine bleach.
And are you concern about less expense for diapering system?Let's have a look at the best cloth diapers reviews (recommended by thousands of mothers) that can give you a quick solution to choose the best one rather than searching and spend a ton of time to surf the internet.
This time around, I got a small package of Pampers newborn disposable diapers to use for the first few days until baby has regular poop and I'm able to get out of bed to wash the cloth diapers myself, rather than having to rely on someone else to wash them properly.
The shell is made from a degradable TPU rather than PUL which most of your cloth diapers are made from.
If you're emailing out your invites, include the link to the cloth diaper retailer, and have your friends «buy» 1 or more diapers or accessories off your registry - these would probably be best shipped to you, rather than to your friends.
After doing a lot of research, I was set in wanting to use pocket diapers rather than prefold, but decided that if I wanted to be full - blown into cloth diapering, I needed a small stash of prefolds.
Rather than worrying over the specific type of cloth diapers you might need, consider instead the type of cloth diapering system you want.
To be more green, I recycle as much as I can, compost, reduce / reuse / recycle, fix things rather than buy new, use cloth bags for shopping and have switched to energy efficient lighting.
Rather than the hard shell seat of the Fisher Price swing, this is a cloth seat stretched over a wire frame, and is not molded to support a baby without the belts.
«Rock star Dave Matthews's infant son, August, is getting an early lesson in environmental protection: He wears reusable cloth diapers rather than the disposable kind.»
I love the bidet idea, but I think I'd have a hard time using family cloth rather than toilet paper.
Rather than a piece of cloth attached with safety pins, modern cloth diapers have a waterproof outer layer, fasten with Velcro and come in a variety of colors.
Parents choose to swaddle their little ones in cloth rather than disposable diapers for many reasons: most would like to raise their children with the least environmental impact possible; many worry about rashes or other conditions caused by the chemicals and fragrances in disposable diapers; others have done cost - effectiveness calculations and found that cloth diapers may be more economical for their family; and many are hoping that, yes, cloth diapers would lead to earlier potty training.
New cloth diapers don't leak, are designed to reduce the grossness factor by being easy to launder, and employ velcro and snaps rather than pins.
I'd much rather wash cloth diapers than deal with the frequent disposable diaper - induced poop blow - outs.
The Middle English word diaper originally referred to the type of cloth rather than its use; «diaper» was the term for a pattern of repeated, diamond shapes, and later came to describe a white cotton or linen fabric with this pattern.
Rather than cleaning baby's gums with a toothbrush, try a soft, damp cloth, or even a soft rubber or silicone finger brush, both gentle options with a nubby texture babies tend to love.
With these systems, there's no need to spend your money on literal garbage every week, and your baby can have the comfort and assurance of cloth against the skin, rather than chemical soup.
I realize that both cloth and disposable diapers also take a toll on the environment in their production, but rather than delve into that, I think it's safe to say that the difference between production and disposal of twenty four diapers and the production and disposal of 6,000 diapers is huge.
In the first few days when meconium is being excreted rather than breast milk poo, disposables can be better as meconium stains are very difficult to remove from cloth diapers.
If you absolutely know you'll have a smaller child (planning a delivery earlier rather than later, for example) you might want to invest more in newborn cloth.
I have found that cloth wipes do a better job at grabbing the poo because the texture from the cotton tends to grab onto dirty particles rather than smearing it like disposables tend to do.
It was so odd because I haven't had one in a long time but after a warm wash cloth, super massaging (I always apply pressure outside the lump and push with my thumb toward the nipple rather than in circular motions) while nursing (or pumping), lots of pumping because baby didn't want to nurse, and then finally nursing that baby, it broke free!
PRO 2: Large cloth diaper stashes also give you the option to limit your washing days so rather than having to wash every other day to avoid running out of diapers you can easily do diaper...
Reusing the same cloth diapers (rather than trashing disposables) allows your family to save money and reduce your household trash.
Eventually, the actual cloth diaper, rather than the cover, began to change.
I was and am very pleasantly relieved we chose to cloth diaper rather than use disposables.
Link your cloth diapers to their problems, and «sell» them on the «benefits» that really matter to your provider, rather than irrelevant features of the product.
Many parents find that fitted diapers make a great overnight cloth diapering system, because the entire fitted diaper is absorbent all around, rather than just the smaller rectangular area of absorbency found in a pocket diaper or AI2.
If you have decided to try out cloth diapers, before baby comes start out with a small number of a couple of different styles you are interested in rather than stocking up on one kind.
Always use a wet cloth rather than dry dusting.
For our dining tables, we used farm tables and rather than cover them in table cloths, we let the natural wood shine and used long table runners of greens sprinkled with florals, white candles and raw pineapples.
Once finished, dry the body with a microfiber cloth if there's one around, rather than a cotton towel.
The 4 Series convertible will use a hard top rather than a soft cloth top, following in the traditional footsteps of its 3 Series convertible predecessor.
It cleaned up nicely and Vickers re-covered the seat in a durable cloth rather than vinyl.
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