Sentences with phrase «rather than despair»

Rather than despair, take the next step to achieving the life you desire.
They know they can't understand «the complexity of loops and feedbacks,» (though they don't use those words,) and rather than despair they have faith.
«To be truly radical is to make hope possible, rather than despair convincing» Raymond Williams, Resources of Hope Caitlin and Andrew Webb - Ellis are artist filmmakers.
«I foster celebration rather than justification, and hopefulness rather than despair,» says Davis.
Add to that the fact that The Voices was made by a woman — let alone an Iranian who has survived war, persecution and the murder of friends and relatives, all of it documented in Persepolis with flair rather than despair — and it becomes clear what an unusual achievement this movie amounts to.
Still, Schaffer counsels hope rather than despair.
I know that great temptation brings great suffering, but if you can you should feel exhilaration rather than despair.
But perhaps, if we continually offer to one another words of hope and encouragement rather than despair, we will start to believe them again.

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Reading this account, which covers the period from 1492 to 1783, while following reports on the 2016 presidential campaign, will enable us to maintain a degree of philosophical detachment rather than falling into fits of apoplexy or despair.
I have decided that, rather than be someone who denies the existence of the mountain entirely — whatever that represents in the moment — or simply gives up in despair, that I will be a woman who picks up small stones and moves them.
It is better for denomination or network leaders to be prepared to respond to dying churches rather than to react to the despair of confused churchless members as churches move toward closure.
It may happen, however, that he falls into despair just for the fact that he has opened his heart to another; it may be that he thinks it would have been infinitely preferable to maintain silence rather than have anyone privy to his secret.
Rather than trading shot for shot, rage for rage, despair for despair, I will step out of that cycle of death and walk straight out onto the water, with my eyes on Jesus, he is making a path in the wilderness.
They will not commit the suicide of the Jewish soul by succumbing to the despair that follows when the Holocaust becomes our central point of reference rather than something the Torah teaches that God Himself will conquer, when he «will destroy death forever, and will wipe away tears from every face» (Isaiah 25:8).
Yet to bear rather than strike back in anger or hate, to believe rather than engage in groundless suspicion or attack, to hope rather than give in to despair, to endure rather than surrender to difficult circumstances — these are requirements that test the Christian's commitment.
Rather than trading shot for shot or rage for rage or despair for despair, you would step out of the cycle of death and walk straight out onto the water, eyes fixed on Jesus, making a way where there was no way.
Can we make our social environment — especially our deteriorating inner cities — places of life and growth, rather than misery and despair?
According to the deconstructionists, however, this decentered world, rather than producing despair, now offers us wider options for human liberation.
These provisional hopes are no doubt rather better than despair, for desperate actions and policies are generated in despair.
A great many different motives may lead to an action of this kind; indeed in cases where it is an act of despair, performed in circumstances of extreme human or economic destitution and misery, the guilt may often lie rather with the community than with the individual.
We need to help each other build community where we are rather than encouraging dreams which turn to despair over a community that will never be for us,
There is an epidemic of disillusionment, loneliness, and despair among youth.4 Learning to turn toward people, rather than away, when the roof caves in, is part of the answer.
Rather than acknowledge that it is itself comprehended and contextualized by a transcending field of influence, the mind would prefer to remain in its position of pretended mastery, even if this leads to the isolation of despair.
Rather than surrendering to despair and impersonal medical treatments, growing numbers of cancer patients are empowering themselves with information and control over their therapies.
Rather than exhilaration, this bilious film offers only entrapment and despair.
Ryan, we learn early, is a grieving mother but rather than treat her loss as an excuse for despair, she uses the memory of her daughter to drive her on.
Not only is it good for the bottom line (audiences hunger for films with characters they can relate to, and with themes that touch on hope rather than mere despair and destruction), but it can lead to a change in the conversations about our future.»
With Danny Gallagher, Urban is embracing his inner Robert Mitchum, owning this rather overt sadness as he knows this quest will more than likely end in death and despair, while staring at the woman he lost along the way (Kate Byers) from a safe distance.
«Local philanthropists, educators, judges, clergy and others around the country are starting local residential schools rather than just despair of the conditions so many youth live in, and fail in,» said Heidi Goldsmith, founder and executive director of the Washington - based Coalition for Residential Education.
Plus, I find I feel better when I am splashing around in hope rather than in despair.
If you are concerned that your new cats or kittens are not settling in as expected call us for advice — we are very happy to provide follow up support and guidance, and would rather hear from you sooner rather than when you are at the point of despair and wanting to give up.
Dark Souls» difficulty has always been in service of building on themes of desperation and despair, rather than being hard for the sake of «get gud» video game egos worldwide.
I still love my Wii console, and I am falling in love with my 3DS, but I am looking forward to the promised future with hope, rather than toward the sordid past with sadness, because... Well, to put it in pirate language, «Arrgh... That way lies despair
Another is our ability to be energized by that urgency, rather than paralyzed by nihilistic despair — whether real, or feigned as a convenient excuse for inaction.
Another is our ability to be energized by that urgency, rather than paralyzed by nihilistic despair
Even though human civilisation is threatened by grave environmental crises and global warming and many people are scared of impending catastrophe, Resurgence's vision is not driven by doom and gloom; rather it is inspired and motivated by love of nature, respect for the earth, reverence for all life and a fair «deal» to all people, believing that the power of love is greater than the force of fear and despair.
For many who heard Wangari tell the story, the message of maximizing our abilities and passions for the greater good rather than descending into cynicism or despair was galvanizing.
Moreover, for those students who do not do well in the «first - year tournament,» a common response appears to be disengagement and despair rather than a sense of agency and ownership in which students decide to become self - directed and begin the process of life - long learning.
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