Sentences with phrase «rather than destructive»

Hand - in - hand combat: An experimental test of affectionate touch to promote relational well - being and buffer stress during couple conflict Romantic couples benefit from having constructive rather than destructive conflicts, but there have been limited attempts to influence conflict behaviors and to reduce the stress of relational conflicts using non-intensive interventions.
Although researchers have identified constructive and destructive approaches to conflict engagement, there is more to learn what underlies the choice of constructive, rather than destructive, strategies, particularly in light of the emotional environment of many conflict episodes.
t Alternative Resolutions, LLC, our vision is to redefine the way people and organizations approach and handle conflict and to enable them, through training, to address and resolve conflict so it becomes a vehicle for change and growth, rather than a destructive force.
When family law attorneys expand their scope of advocacy to include a duty to «act honorably» in considering intra-familial relationships, attorneys can oversee a divorce process that results in healthier family reorganization, rather than a destructive family break - up.
The anger management classes are designed to teach you tools how to deal with anger in a positive way rather than destructive ways.
«We started to talk about our issues in a productive way... it was extremely helpful in learning tools that are Constructive - rather than Destructive - in addressing issues!»
While we can not control the emotions that we experience, we can control our behaviors, and work to find appropriate and healing expressions of anger, rather than destructive ones.
We help families learn to make their differences enjoyable rather than destructive.
Human rights set standards to guide the exercise of power into positive and advantaging, rather than destructive and disadvantaging, courses.
By eliminating sewage output, the home dramatically lowers its environmental impacts, and by creating useful compost the toilet actually becomes a generative rather than a destructive feature.
Those who engage in these tactics have no business doing what they are doing and should find something more productive, rather than destructive, to do.
In contemporary terms there is of course the work of John Bunker or John Eaves, who use both painted and unpainted paper and a constructive rather than destructive take on the material; they are part of a small bubble amongst the post-modernist torrent of deconstructed, reconstructed cut - up archival photographic and modern advertising imagery (not to mention the application of untold technology).
I want to find an attitude basically constructive rather than destructive.
I was responding to the threat from the mainstream publishers rather than the destructive elements within the indie camp, but its the same problem really and needs the same solutions.
This guidance does more to hold students accountable and ultimately improve behavior than suspensions ever can, creating a positive climate that gives students a productive pathway to express the pain and hurt they may have experienced in creative - rather than destructive - outlets.»
That is why paradoxes in Singapore are creative tensions rather than destructive ones, and result in positive rather than negative developments.
The other thing that I would suggest is you look after your own mental health — make sure you have a good diet, exercise and sleep — healthy habits rather than destructive habits are really important for teachers who find themselves in stressful teaching situations.
Both he and «euro Ken» will introduce tensions into the shadow cabinet which DC by now should have the experience to keep creative rather than destructive.
Whilst I respect the fact that everyone is entitled to an opinion, I would dearly hope that any criticism is constructive rather than destructive.
The rainbow after the Flood, rather than the destructive Deluge itself, is to be emphasized, and each child given a card with a little rainbow on it.
Its effects will be creative rather than destructive and it will vindicate its promises of human fulfilment.
Male aggression was made «useful rather than destructive
This made iTunes an experiment rather than a destructive paradigm shift.
Peer feedback can be helpful, as long as it is constructive rather than destructive.

Not exact matches

Rather than obtaining meat from animals raised on environmentally destructive factory farms and slaughtered in filthy slaughterhouses, clean meat is produced by taking a small sample of animal cells and replicating them in a culture outside of the animal.
Contemporary warfare has in fact taken the form of local conflicts, more often than not civil wars, in which no great alliances of nations are involved; these have been wars fought for reasons based in local rivalries, typically inflamed by historical animosities, ethnic disparity, or religious difference, rather than for reasons of global Realpolitik; they have been fought not with nuclear weapons (or, indeed, other types of weapons of mass - destructive capability) or the latest in military technology, but instead with conventional weaponry, often of old design, and often limited to rifles, knives, grenades, and light, crew - served weapons which individual soldiers can carry on their persons.
He makes two points: first, the raw alcohol intake from a communion cup or chalice is so very small as to be harmless; second, in the communion service the alcohol — rather than being destructive to the alcoholic — serves a positive and even redeeming purpose.
Rather, without God, we have no innate human dignity or value, which is more than humbling: It's destructive.
The lamentable polarisation and confusion which has developed as a consequence of these conflicting interpretations of our present situation is only too familiar to anyone involved in the life of the Church and has led all too often into destructive polemic rather than real dialogue about the best way forward for Catholic Christianity in the third millennium.
One of the most destructive mistakes we Christians make is to prioritize shared beliefs over shared relationship, which is deeply ironic considering we worship a God who would rather die than lose relationship with us.
My recommendation to many clergy (including myself) who become trapped in the role of ministry rather than in fulfilling the vocation of ministry, and hence on their way to any number of destructive mistakes), is to walk away for awhile.
The qualities I have listed become destructive only when they are employed in order to defeat another person or to take something away from another rather than to stretch one's own being.
The third scenario would seem to be where the two tendencies continue, each on its own path, in a dynamic but notnecessarily destructive tension, with secular rationalists seeking to discredit the motives and actions of the Church leadership in the post-Vatican II era, while those who affirm a hermeneutic of continuity urge that the Good News be understood as primarily concerned with eternal life rather than secular interests.
Moreover, 9:17 should be «I am Father - Mother,» rather than «I am father and mother,» and 9:16 should be «I am Fire - Water,» the integration of destructive dualities, rather than «I am the fire of offering, and I am the poured oblation.»
Unlike midrange families, people are often accepted in their differences, and understood to be struggling to do right rather than as inherently hostile or destructive.
These forces tend to be divisive rather than integrating in their total impact, destructive of civility rather than supporting it.
It is with active intervention like this that some crises are contained rather than allowed to explode with more destructive consequences.
Tinder's notion of Christian egalitarianism is based upon a Cartesian / Lutheran notion of the «exalted individual,» wherein «all individuals without exception — the most base, the most destructive, the most repellent — have equal claims on our respect,» rather than on a more ancient notion of dignified personhood, in which individuality is only the beginning of a complete view of man.
In contrast to Freud, Adler saw human beings as essentially creative (rather than impulse driven and destructive).
At their best, such «chaplains» help to «damp» the explosions of social conflict, to channel it into constructive or at least rational forms (rather than impulsive or self - destructive), to provide links to the other structures of society, to lend legitimacy to the objectives of the militant groups, to help them to weigh the choices before them and to communicate their hopes and needs to the «outside world,» and to supply spiritual nurture and encouragement.
«the revelation of God on the cross, together with a wealth of confirming scriptural evidence, makes it clear that to bring a judgment on people, God need only withdraw his merciful protecting hand to allow people to experience the self - destructive consequences of their own wickedness, including the wickedness of trusting in violence rather than in God.»
Rather than using heat, HPP uses pressure to kill pathogens and microorganisms in foods and is less destructive to elements such as vitamins, flavor compounds and pigments.
Rather than obtaining meat from animals raised on environmentally destructive factory farms and slaughtered in filthy slaughterhouses, clean meat is produced by taking a small sample of animal cells and replicating them in a culture outside of the animal.
And I firmly stand on the point that this is a result of the destructive approach the top teams in England take rather than it being really good for the league.
Ordinary voters will only be alarmed if they think Tory policy is actually more destructive rather than being worried if a few nurses and policemen lose their jobs (they're far more likely to worry about their own jobs and security than that of public sector workers).
AAAS presented Kokabee with the 2014 Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award in absentia «in recognition of his willingness to endure imprisonment rather than apply his scientific expertise for destructive purposes and for his efforts to provide hope and education to fellow prisoners,» said Alan Leshner, then AAAS CEO and executive publisher of Science in a letter to Ayatollah Khamenei requesting Kokabee's release.
In some cases, rather than slipping, the two sides along a fault rub together, which can cause a destructive, high - speed quake.
Advocates of embryo - destructive research and related practices, in particular, are treading on a very thin layer of ice that could easily crack beneath them if some new development underscores the ethical questions surrounding such research, rather than the potential for medical progress alone.
The board and membership of the Weston A. Price Foundation stand united in the belief that modern technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a force destructive to the environment and human health; and that science and knowledge can validate those traditions.
The board and membership of the Weston A. Price Foundation stand united in the belief that modern technology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a force that is destructive to the environment and human health; and that science and knowledge can validate those traditions.
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