Sentences with phrase «rather than dinosaur»

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Kids might begin to organize their dinosaurs into mean ones and nice ones rather than distinguishing between the animals based on more overt physical properties.
Their work suggests that the family groupings need to be rearranged, re-defined and re-named and also that dinosaurs may have originated in the northern hemisphere rather than the southern, as current thinking goes.
The hole in the hip socket probably helped dinosaurs position their legs underneath their bodies, rather than splayed to the sides like a crocodile's legs.
The dinosaurs and other species would then have been wiped out in steps rather than all at once.
Insects are rather more important to us today than dinosaurs — they are now arguably the most successful group of animals ever to have existed.
A new study published in the peer - reviewed journal PeerJ introduces modern techniques to better understand the landmark site's history, suggesting that the quarry represents numerous mortality events which brought the dinosaurs to the site over time, rather than a single fatal event.
In fact, rather than wholly dismiss dinosaur art, many scientists use its popularity to their advantage.
The researchers were able to see signs of watery adaptation not seen in other dinosaurs: a small nostril located far back on the head, apparently to limit water intake; relatively long forelimbs; big flat feet suitable for paddling as well as walking on muddy ground; and very dense limb bones, which would have allowed Spinosaurus to submerge itself rather than float at the surface.
Can I use regular organic spinach rather than... swiss chard, dinosaur kale, red russian kale.
The idea of dinosaurs being able to talk while humans can't is fine and all, but it comes across as more of a Disney ordered mandate rather than a Pixar one.
Aidan and his family live in a Los Angeles where home - schooling the children is met with as much derision as Amish people using electricity (and Braff's «teaching» is no different from parents who homeschool their kids to believe dinosaurs never existed), and sexual harassment laws are a courtesy rather than something to enforce.
The film is about an orphaned dinosaur who befriends a young human boy, and reportedly features relatively little dialogue as the two communicate through action and expression rather than words.
The Good Dinosaur is more humble than Pixar's typical fare, choosing to refine and riff on familiar ideas and themes rather than build new ones from the ground up and live on the cutting edge.
Rather than colliding with big blue, it whiffs and zooms onward into the cosmos, birthing an alternate timeline in which dinosaurs rule the planet for millions of years to come.
With the exception of an intriguing scene in which an eager crowd places bets on a dogfight between a pit bull and a smaller MTR, the humans seldom interact directly with these enormous E.T.s. Just imagine how dull «Jurassic Park» would be if the dinosaurs were seen exclusively in the far distance, as the paleontological safari intended, rather than endangering the characters in close proximity.
But altogether, The Good Dinosaur feels like a patchy suite of numbers, rather than an organic film.
This time Traveller's Tales ridiculously productive team of developers are taking on dinosaurs, rather than superheroes or goblins, with Lego: Jurassic World.
Just like in Spielberg's Jurassic Park where you just forget that you are watching visual effects rather than real dinosaurs, here you will forget that this is an actor and that somehow Abraham Lincoln has been brought to vibrant life.
Our goal is not to relegate publishers to the dinosaur age, rather than bring them up to speed with the current tools of technology to keep them relevant.
«It's funny that the mechanical beasts have been built like dinosaurs rather than having been given more efficient ways moving or having extra appendages,» remarked Horne.
Get caught by the game's only real antagonist, a dinosaur - like bird that swoops down from above, and you'll lose only seconds of progress, rather than minutes or hours.
In this digital age of e-book readers, smartphones and tablets, it may seem that paper books will soon go the way of the dinosaur as outdated relics, rather than relevant icons of our times.
Typical old school dinosaur thinking only of cost rather than benefit.
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