Sentences with phrase «rather than disposable diapers»

Parents choose to swaddle their little ones in cloth rather than disposable diapers for many reasons: most would like to raise their children with the least environmental impact possible; many worry about rashes or other conditions caused by the chemicals and fragrances in disposable diapers; others have done cost - effectiveness calculations and found that cloth diapers may be more economical for their family; and many are hoping that, yes, cloth diapers would lead to earlier potty training.

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Cloth diapers use absorbent fabrics rather than chemical gels which can be found in disposable diapers; parents can save significant money when they choose to use cloth (even part - time); and the reduction in waste is so powerful it speaks for itself.»
His thought was that now that we had disposable diapers, we could wait until kids were more developmentally «ready» to train, rather than train the traditional way.
This time around, I got a small package of Pampers newborn disposable diapers to use for the first few days until baby has regular poop and I'm able to get out of bed to wash the cloth diapers myself, rather than having to rely on someone else to wash them properly.
That way, you can just throw both the wipes and the diapers into your wash rather than having a separate garbage can in your baby's nursery just to collect dirty, disposable wipes.
«Rock star Dave Matthews's infant son, August, is getting an early lesson in environmental protection: He wears reusable cloth diapers rather than the disposable kind.»
I'd much rather wash cloth diapers than deal with the frequent disposable diaper - induced poop blow - outs.
I'd much rather see those families buy used or cheapie diapers than disposables.
With any of these 5 diapers above, the only thing that makes them different from disposables is that you put them in the wash, rather than in the trash.
We could use 2 to 3 covers for the week, and we opted to use disposable inserts, rather than wash a VERY small diaper load every 2 to 3 days
Rather than spend that $ 20 / week on disposable diapers, you can rent 30 newborn diapers instead.
I realize that both cloth and disposable diapers also take a toll on the environment in their production, but rather than delve into that, I think it's safe to say that the difference between production and disposal of twenty four diapers and the production and disposal of 6,000 diapers is huge.
In the first few days when meconium is being excreted rather than breast milk poo, disposables can be better as meconium stains are very difficult to remove from cloth diapers.
When traveling or doing outdoor activities, I recommend that you will bring disposable diapers rather than cloth diapers.
Reusing the same cloth diapers (rather than trashing disposables) allows your family to save money and reduce your household trash.
I was and am very pleasantly relieved we chose to cloth diaper rather than use disposables.
Cloth diapers rather than disposable ones.
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