Sentences with phrase «rather than doctrine»

Something about Jesus» way of life rather than doctrine carries them along.
This group appears to meet the criteria defined by Chuck, but congregational finances, rather than doctrine, might be the driving force behind that appearance.

Not exact matches

Justice Gascon considered that the appeal should have been resolved on the basis of the doctrine of interjurisdictional immunity rather than on the basis of the pith and substance doctrine.
Read Revelations and look this up * Spirit to be poured out on all flesh (Joel 2:28) * Universal apostasy (2 Thessalonians 2:1 - 4) * The watering down of the gospel, teaching the doctrines of man rather than those of God.
For me as a Calvinist, that suggests that rather than spending a lot of time defending the doctrine of total depravity or of election I would do best to share my deeply felt sense of my own unworthiness, and to point people to the way in which I have experienced God's gracious workings in my life.
On the right, the conservative hermeneutic prefers a silent pope because, from the conservative perspective, we already have enough doctrine and it will always stay the same, like a petrified forest rather than a living body.
Scholasticism Theology moved from the monastery to the university Western theology is an intellectual discipline rather than a mystical pursuit Western theology is over-systematized Western Theology is systematized, based on a legal model rather than a philosophical model Western theologians debate like lawyers, not like rabbis Reformation Catholic reformers were excommunicated and formed Protestant churches Western churches become guarantors of theological schools of thought Western church membership is often contingent on fine points of doctrine Some western Christians believe that definite beliefs are incompatible with tolerance The atmosphere arose in which anyone could start a church The legal model for western theology intensifies despite the rediscovery of the East
If we thought that, then we may be able to fit creation as a doctrine more easily into our theological systems, rather than reducing it to the relationship between science and the Bible or us and the environment.
Perhaps the best way to judge an individual is by the walk they walk... rather than obscure doctrines that many laymen aren't even aware of.
Rather that than live on you knees under a religious doctrine you can in no way believe or conform to and should not be any where near the poling station.
Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.»
So Catholic doctrine is not so much about pushing people to have kids but demanding they use a «hit and miss» technique rather than a «sure fire» technique, when the people DO N'T wan na have kids?
Rather than just make a case against emergence, DeYoung and Kluck make a case for doctrine, for conviction, and they do so with an authenticity that would make any emergent devotee proud.
When someone is accused of «cherry - picking» verses from the Bible, it means that they have a particular doctrine or idea they want to teach to others, and rather than considering «the whole counsel of God,» they pick a choose a few select verses from various books of the Bible which seems to prove their point or present their case in the strongest possible way.
The most innovative gesture in Jones's feminist remap - ping of sin is her linking sin to the eschatologically oriented doctrines of sanctification and justification rather than to creation, as many of her feminist predecessors have done.
Ironic isn't it, that our doctrines can cloud rather than clear our understanding of God.
Rather than insisting that scripture make the doctrine of the Trinity explicit, perhaps we should allow the Trinity to remain implicit and affirm it out of our own experience, our own living with God.
The word «doctrines» is unfortunate here, because it suggests beliefs rather than regulations for conduct or worship (TEV, God's rules).
If, as some persons maintain, Christianity was a total transformation of the message of Jesus — a doctrine about Jesus rather than Jesus» own teaching — then it is of paramount importance to see how and why this transformation took place, or rather, first of all, whether the theory of transformation is true.
If everything we do from the first awakening breath of our day until we close our eyes at night doesn't reek of love; if our theology, doctrine, missional statements and creeds are born out of a need to «convert» rather than a deep and innate need to love those around us (aka, our neighbors), than all we have become is an annoyance and a disgrace to the communities around us, (clanging cymbals, anyone?)
To some, the church may seem to purvey doctrines and dogmas rather than the path to authentic encounter with the divine.
Griffiths further fails to understand Newman's «development of doctrine» when, one assumes by innocent ignorance rather than willfulness, he obscures Newman's tenets on «preservation of type.»
Rather than go highlighting or cherry picking different stories in the ancient text that point to very disturbing characteristics, (because that would bog us down away from my point and launch a ti.t for tat against someone who has already displayed belief over evidence is what matters to him), I will add to my «doctrine» statement that has inflamed and dominated your attention.
He draws on a naturalistic morality, not entirely unlike natural law, rather than invoking doctrines of revealed religion.
Brinsmead had rejected all the SDA's distinctive doctrines except its view of hell as a place of total destruction rather than a place of everlasting torment.
One or two modern Muslim writers, rather than just repeating the condemnation of Christian doctrine have tried to understand it, but they are the exception.
and he argues that the doctrines about him «name a mystery which is felt rather than thought; and people may very well feel differently about different ways of phrasing the mystery».
They are opposed to the use of force, and although they are a bridge between Wahhabi and Sufi practices, they follow orthodox Sunni doctrines, rather than the usual Sufi teachings, and accept the school of Malik in the particular requirements of religion.
Rather than being spirit giving I have found and experienced many core doctrines of Christian belief to be spirit killing.
The predominant tendency was to emphasise action over belief, praxis over orthodoxy, «values» rather than moral truths, and «story» in place of doctrine.
Nygren gives an important suggestion about the history of doctrine when he says that the Church Fathers were saved from falling completely into a Greek pattern of thought by the three biblical assertions of Creation, Incarnation, and Resurrection.32 But rather than conclude, as Nygren does, that these themes require us to reject all metaphysics, why not say that they require us to reconsider our metaphysics?
In other words, you're incapable of understanding the «truth» of their doctrines because you're working with a sinful, carnal mind, rather than a spiritual one.
But the ordinary person had to keep fixed in mind that the Syllabus lists liberal theses rather than Catholic doctrines, and then had to go in search of just the right negation.
Am not anti-Christ nor Anti-Jewish just like all Muslims am a monotheist so must be rather Anti-Polytheists & Disbelievers... but believe me it is not hatred but rather pityness for the innocents and hardness towards the wicked transgressors... Guess that is all about it unless few of our brother got the message wrong!?! Since we learned from the Quran verses that there will be in paradise from the Jews, Christian and others from other beliefs... and since God forgives any thing else other than to assign for him partners as polytheists do, then that means many of Christians and Jews are monotheist towards God although might show otherwise of fears from dominant doctrine... As it seems few Christians have realized some how they were wrong some where, then had to introduce that Trinity to correct it to show as if monotheist but made another mistake by having God the One Divided into Three then and remained Divided as Three as now and for eternity...!?
You make generalized statements on Christianity rather than a knowledge base of theology and doctrine, so your post is worthless.
Second, the doctrine would suggest that God's Subjective transcendence is fluid and adaptive rather than solid and unchanging.
We should resist, rather than insist upon, weird theories that old men conspire on behalf of pedophiles at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, or Penn State, or wherever.
Generally Whitehead begins with the understandings of physical science and attempts to show how this is compatible with the world of direct experience; for instance, the doctrine of transmutation is his means of explaining our perception of continuous regions rather than of atomic particles.
He believed that his doctrine of original sin was but a commentary on Paul's thought, such as in Romans 1:24 - 25: «Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.»
Rather than a strict denominationalism, distinctions are based more on ritual and doctrine than on social divisions.
Rather than finding God in institutions or in doctrine, Christians should encounter him and engage in the Kingdom of God by being on the forefront of social change.
At this stage, it is Catholic teaching itself which is felt in some obscure way to be responsible for the abuse, rather than human failure at the individual and institutional level, and other Christian denominations are beginning to wake up to the fact that this is a brush with which they too are ultimately tarred, since (C. S. Lewis again), most Catholic teaching is simply Christian doctrine.
In a free society the same is true, but the official doctrine is one of responsible freedom rather than of unquestioning compliance to fixed orders.
Christians have failed to do their christian duty because they entertain themself with «doctrine» rather than actual practice.
For this reason, among others, the faith is presented as adherence to a set of formulations of doctrine rather than a following of the moral teaching of Jesus that God is love and calls us to love one another.
Given this situation, we can understand why Shintõ scholars proudly emphasize that Shintõ is a natural expression of Japanese life, rather than the product of a definite set of doctrines or a conscious conversion.
The doctrine of Jesus» «deity,» however it may be explained by sophisticated theologians, necessarily affronts Jews and appears as a repudiation rather than a fulfillment of their understanding of God.
Thus the gospel was concentrated in the person of Jesus; the hope of the Kingdom receded and became eventually only another name for «heaven,» the other world, the state of bliss beyond death, or, as in Thomas Aquinas, a term for the divine theodicy in general — though in truth this interpretation really emphasized a fundamental element in the whole biblical conception, in Jesus» teaching as elsewhere — and thus an intellectual concept of the person of Jesus tended to become central for Christian doctrine, theology, and devotion, rather than the person of God, his sovereignty and his redemptive will, his wisdom and his love.
To the extent that they neglect their own training in the faith, or teach erroneous doctrine, or deficient in their religious, moral or social life, the must be said to conceal rather than reveal the authentic face of God and religion.»
I'm afraid this will increase more and more because the Bible predicts this behavior at the end times that people will not listen to sounds doctrine anymore and people will use their emotions rather than absolute truth to verify their beliefs.
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