Sentences with phrase «rather than fat»

1 sheet of puff pastry, 1 egg (beaten), 300 - 500g of salmon fillet cut into 4 «matchstick» shapes (long rather than fat or the pastry won't wrap around them), 1 tub of spinach, cashew & parmesan dip.
The other three finalists offer a sense of adventure rather than a fat dossier.
I personally think his newer design suits him much more (it makes more sense for a speedy character to be skinny rather than fat).
It may churn pennies rather than fat stacks at the start, but it's out there working for you, and builds with every passing day and every fresh release.
Common sense would seem to say that exercising on an empty stomach would burn more fat, but the research actually shows that the calories burned actually come from muscle rather than fat.
Always choose full - fat, plain unsweetened yoghurt, rather than the fat reduced, sugar laden ones, despite what the health label on it might show (ticks or stars).
You taste the flavor of the ice cream rather than the fat on your tongue.
Lavender oil — an essential oil (rather than a fat - based oil) derived from the petals of the lavender flower.
Do I need to do anything differently to reduce muscle rather than fat?
As a result, most of the weight lost is actually muscle and water weight rather than fat.
One product indicates that it keeps blood sugar low and turns carbs to muscle, rather than fat.
High levels of ketones are desirable for therapeutic purposes rather than fat loss.
A slight over-consumption of protein will signal to your body that times are good and will promote fat burning rather than fat storage.
Choosing the right low - calorie foods can tip the scales in your favor toward fat burning rather than fat accumulation.
Regular exercise not only helps you breathe away excess fat, but it also better sensitizes and regulates cell function to be fat burning rather than fat promoting.
Interesting to see you replenishing glycogen stores with Superstarch rather than fat.
Insulin also plays a key role in fat storage: when insulin levels rise, our cells are forced to burn glucose rather than fat.
Or is it, instead, the type of fat eaten that makes the difference rather than the fat percentage?
Nuts vary widely between high n - 3 walnuts to high SFA macadamias and a past NutritionFacts video shares the hypothesis that its their magnesium content, rather than fat content per se, that accounts for their well established cardiac health benefits.
Due to the fundings of nutritional studies done in the past, reports given to the public were not only false, but they directly benefitted the sugar industry by compelling people to eat sugar rather than fat.
The questions to me are: a) what nutrition is needed to help the body decide to add muscle rather than fat?
Because it has all of this readily available, easy to burn energy in its blood stream (thanks to the food you ate), your body will choose to use that as energy rather than the fat you have stored.
While I have no doubt that this choice of morning beverage will indeed produce a high level of focus and intensity due to the quick injection of caffeine and medium chain triglycerides (used by the body for energy rather than fat storage) to the bloodstream, any weight loss benefits to a bulletproof coffee habit over the long term are completely ludicrous.
So do your body a favor and munch on a square of rich dark chocolate after dinner rather than fat and carb - laden milk chocolate candies.
Because of the fast metabolism, mos of the weight they put on them will be lean muscle rather than fat.
Lose weight too quickly, or through a restrictive diet inadequate in protein or even through non-strength cardio training, and you run the risk of losing muscle rather than fat.
While it is true that HGH helps lose weight by improving metabolic functions so that the body can convert food to fuel rather than fat and start to burn some of the excess fat that has already been stored inside cells, the majority of overweight people will only see a decline of about 10 % of their excess body fat during 6 months of treatment with HGH therapy.
When proper metabolic actions are in place, the food that has been consumed can be converted to ready to use fuel to power the body rather than fat that will be stored away for future use.
I have also learned that eating raw veggies before eating a substantial amount of carbs (more than 200 calories from carbohydrate) slows down digestion of those carbs and helps those carbs go to muscle rather than fat.
And if you're going to get your caffeine from coffee, try using a no calorie all - natural sweetener like Stevia and some coconut milk, rather than fat storing sugar and cream.
It is fairly high in fat, but it is a medium chain fatty acid, which is converted in to energy by the liver, rather than fat.
Males have a lower percent body fat so the same weight is in muscular mass rather than fat.
When doing cardio, your body prefers to oxidize carbohydrates rather than fats.

Not exact matches

In other words, eating protein - rich meals, rather than higher - carbohydrate ones, leads to more satisfaction, less hunger, and more fat burn.
Rather than buy into the latest craze, look for a wellness program that emphasizes timeless health principles supported by science — a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats; regular exercise; plenty of rest and stress management.
Eating at regular intervals, she says, makes the body more comfortable burning fat when it needs extra energy, rather than drawing from the easier - to - get - at glucose reserves in the muscles or the brain.
The reason to push fibre out to households rather than to nodes, then, isn't just to make those gigabit speeds possible, it's also to create fatter pipes so people aren't constrained in how much they can use the Internet, which they will be if copper wires are part of the plan (Update: one network expert tells me that FTTN doesn't necessitate data caps, although that hasn't stopped providers of it from enforcing them, especially here in Canada)..
Both believed that the body fat numbers were based on a weight algorithm rather than using BIA.
Accelerated fat cell metabolism would essentially tackle obesity at its root biological level, rather than simply facilitate behavioral changes.
Rather than being used by muscles for energy, the glucose is redirected to fat cells.
This means you burn stored body fat for energy, rather than being dependent on sugars from food.
Fasting will help stabilise blood sugar levels and force your body to draw on its own fat reserves for energy, rather than being dependent on a constant stream of food.
That hinges on it cutting fat rather than bone, though.
Even the beginner student of nutritionism will immediately spot several flaws: the focus was on» fatrather than on any particular food, like meat or dairy.
This suggests Bitcoin price movements are smooth, like a normal distribution, rather than characterized by fat tails, jumps and changes in volatility like most assets.
The second is eternal conscious torment rather than conditional immortality (aka anihilationism), and Jesus said «fear him who can DESTROY both body and soul in hell» and Psalm 37:20 «But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.»
Another principle is that of avoiding foods that impose special organic strains — for example, fats for people whose bodies accumulate rather than use them or salted foods for people with certain circulatory maldispositions.
Start building employee - owned businesses that control production and manufacturing, rather than off - shoring it, and working for a layer of fat - cat C - level managers, making obscene salaries.
This is healthy, fiber - packed bread that your body will use for fuel in the digestive process rather than store as fat.
The result is a muffin that's actually good for you, rather than one that will make you fat or slow your digestion down.
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