Sentences with phrase «rather than hating»

«I embrace winter rather than hating it,» said Hilberg, a meteorologist who works at the Midwest Regional Climate Center in Champaign, Ill..
The leader is now enjoying rather than hating his role.
Rather than hating the rapist, we should celebrate God's plan.
That would have been more clear that there are indeed reasons to hate particular people who happen to be Jews, rather than hating a group regardless of what the individuals have done inside that group.
All I am saying is rather than hating Muslims, maybe you should put your energy to ending this kind of activity within your own government — sounds a little more useful.
Nonetheless, I would like to assure Prof. Novak that there are many Jews who convert to Christianity out of sincere religious belief, and that while we are keenly aware of the hostility of many Jews toward our existence, most of us love, rather than hate, our Jewishness.
They point out that Jesus instructs us to love our enemies rather than hate them (Matt 5:44), point to the places where Jesus tells His disciples to both hate and love their parents (Luke 14:26; Mark 10:19), and remind people that God has strictly forbidden the Israelites from hating the Edomites (Deut 23:7).
I also hope that the response of the Christians in Baghdad is that of grace and forgiveness rather than hate or retaliation.
Now if only the people in this country and around the world could try, at a minimum, to judge with love rather than hate.
@jebo Did you mean rate rather than hate?
Rather than hate my body though, I decided to appreciate it more by learning to alter my clothes.
Since the rising rates are happening in a profitable economy with strong growth forecasts and increasing dividend payouts (with an extra boost from the income tax reduction,) the variables impacting the equity duration are moving to love stocks rather than hate them.
And doing stuff the world admires, rather than hates, is key in that arena too.
You will like, rather than hate, your attorney and your spouse.

Not exact matches

A key one is for officials or their allies to complain that a threat, hate speech or celebration of violence violates the company's terms of service, rather than any law.
Devora Zack, author of Networking for People Who Hate Networking (Berrett - Koehler, 2010) says introverts can still enjoy holiday parties by understanding and working with, rather than against, their natural temperament.
I'm going to work for people who are at least in the ballpark of going against hate rather than in favor of it.
Cruz then accused the actor of responding with anger rather than facts, snarkily asking, «Who was it that said, «Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate»?»
It said, however, that Facebook could not be expected to trawl through content to find posts that are similar, rather than identical, to ones already identified as hate speech.
People hate flash crashes, and obviously they cause some people to lose money, but they have always struck me as sort of non-systemic, a technical glitch rather than a major fear.
He mentioned the company's plan to hire «dozens» of Burmese language content reviewers as the first part of a three - pronged approach in Myanmar, also noting a partnership with civil society groups to identify hate figures in the country rather than focusing on removing individual pieces of content.
Friction between the business leaders and the president came to a head in the wake of a Trump press conference on Tuesday in which the president blamed both sides for violence at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend rather than single out racist hate groups.
This is why, in strongly uptrending markets, we find it much easier and more profitable to focus on the price action and technical patterns of individual leadership stocks and ETFs, rather than paying much attention to whether or not the charts of the S&P, Nasdaq, and Dow are «overbought» (we hate that useless term).
Thomas Paine hated Christianity (The Age of Reason) Thomas Jefferson rejected the divinity of Jesus (Jefferson Bible) George Washington preferred the terms «Grand Architect» and «Providence,» rather than biblical terms, suggesting that he was a deist.
All the added ritual and laws by the Catholic Church and politicized evangelical for example followed the footprint of the Jewish leaders of Jesus day that brought darkness, hate and division rather than unity and love.
it is not very Christian of you to accuse others of being fools when your own words show you listen more to the drum rolls of bigotry & hate promoted at the pulpit of hate here in America - rather than READING & Learning from a variety of resources about the TRUTH.
«Attempts now to rewrite the story of this hate crime appear to be based on untrustworthy sources, factual errors, rumors and innuendo rather than the actual evidence gathered by law enforcement and presented in a court of law,» the spokesperson said.
They would rather be under a party and president that promotes hate than to se gay people happy because they can get married... GET A LIFE....
I feel bad for those who choose to hate someone they know not of and you would rather have a SATAN statue than believe in our Lord Almighty sad is the only word I can use worse is that you tell your children that NO there is no GOD and you shall not be saved son or daughter.
While its sad that many Christians forget this fact in our culture today, bowing into the world and compromising the truth of God for comfort, its also said that some groups are hated for speaking «the truth» rather than displaying the radical love of Christ.
In a world of unbridled greed that could so easily become a world of sensibility rather than self - possessed greed, Limbaugh exemplifies all that the right of free speech has become — so abused in hate and money mongering — can Americans somehow never listen in, never buy his brands, get this ignorant humanoid off the airwaves and back into his cave.
If the REAL Christians want to be treated with respect rather than contempt they need to stand up to the hate and bigotry and demand their brethren put a stop to it.
Most of us, myself included, would rather have someone who was somewhat a friend than someone who hated us and never missed an opportunity to slight us.
And we often conclude that to criticize something is to hate it rather than suspect that the criticism is borne out of an intense passion for the thing.
Why not prepare to help the people effected by the hurriane rather than rant about your hate for Beck?
I think I would rather Obama follow secular Islam than to have ever had such a tight relationship with Jeremiah Wright and his horrible American hating sermons.
Anyway, those of you who have been reading me for many years know I don't hate the Church and that my posts usually suffer from being too long rather than too short.
That said, I think it would be better to say «I hate what religion does to people» rather than «I hate religious people».
To me... if the choice is to hate someone just for their faith... then I would rather chose to be on Tim Tebow's side than hate someone just because of their faith... otherwise... what's next?
Real Christians Hate Religion... Real Christians Hate Hypocrites... Real Christians should be more like Christ... How could you claim to be a Christian if you don't even know your Christ... The reason why doomed people would never understand Christ is because they never tried to search for the Truth... They only listen to such rubbish things rather than the Truth... Read and do more and Talk less... It doesn't take a genius to know that Someone created you rather than you coming to life with just atoms randomly hitting each other... If you're really smart, think about it... Stop the non-sense talk about God and Science and find it out for yourself...
RD.. How path - et - ic to see your hate and fear driving you to death...!?! Man pull your self together and have the courage to face the returns of your deeds... Wars were always there in life whether were religious or not so stop doing it on your self... Beside learn to wish people well whether you agree or disagree with might you succeed in life rather than being a loser... by being a cowered... My posts were meant for the friendly people I had known for some time, whom I found they were full of compassion and not for black hearted one's like you who hate all God creations...
Yet to bear rather than strike back in anger or hate, to believe rather than engage in groundless suspicion or attack, to hope rather than give in to despair, to endure rather than surrender to difficult circumstances — these are requirements that test the Christian's commitment.
I am often speaking to an individual about someone they strongly dislike (even hate), and rather than refer to that other person in any way, either by their actual name or even some derogatory name (that fool, that idiot, that moron), the person I am talking to will simply say something like, «I can't stand to be around that... any longer!»
I invite you to do your own research rather than wasting your precious time on hate - forums.
The Tabletatura, of course, hate the whole thing; and they object particularly to the reception of communities rather than individuals, quite simply because far more will come, numerically, under this dispensation than under what previously obtained: i.e., special fast - track arrangements for clergy wanting reordination (this has helped substantially with the shortage of priests) but the old business of «individual submission» for the laity, and off with them to some denatured liturgy at the ghastly concrete Catholic barracks down the road.
By biblical definition there has only been one perfect person on this earth, Jesus Christ, and the rest of us, including the NC minister, have sinned so we should all be thankful for God's grace and forgiveness and start looking for ways to serve our fellow human beings rather than looking for ways to hate and control them.
I'd rather have a sock puppet in the WH than this Catholic hating President.
It must be clear that this orientation toward hate and fear of life and all that is living, uncertain, and creative, characterizes the individual who, on a less pathological level, is committed to the type of ethics I have called «authoritarian,» rather than to the «creative ethics» I have attributed to Whitehead.
For both put love above hate; both would rather redeem than destroy their enemies; both see the difference between God's kingdom and the kingdoms of this world.
In their quest for righteousness, they often become self righteous, using their belief system as a weapon, to bash over the heads of others, rather than as a tool to improve their own lives and to become a living example of what true christians should be like or what truly compassionate humans should be like, it's very sad, that so many christians don't have a clue how to act like decent people, and that they are hypocrites and full of hate.
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