Sentences with phrase «rather than in a book»

While their post is directed at people in PR rather than in book publicity, you can see how the issues raised in the post apply to us.
And that show did not include photographs meant to be viewed as such, rather than in books.
If you're looking for in - depth information on some problematic, arcane or unusual aspect of a subject, you would probably expect to find this in the journal literature rather than in a book.

Not exact matches

How about we agree that you just take my word for it (or read my book), rather than try to learn these prison leadership lessons in their natural setting?
Summit does this by chartering an ocean liner and taking attendees on a camping trip to the mountains rather than booking a hotel in a major city.
That means weighting stocks in an index by qualities such as earnings, cash flow, dividends and book values rather than the sheer size of their market caps.
Conversely, in our book, «The Innovator's Method: Bringing the Lean Startup into Your Organization,» we found that successful disruptive innovators start with the problem rather than the solution.
All used stories grounded in daily life rather than just stating principles (or making lists of them, as most business books and articles do today).
The book is an inspiring message of how technology can be used to help our employees in the new economy rather than hurt them.»
They can also integrate things like parking, popcorn and drinks with your purchase so that users can book an entire experience rather than having several different touch points for each of these that increases the friction in the user experience.»
From great online content to endless book recommendations and must - read lists, most of us struggle to fit in all the reading we want to do rather than locate cool stuff to check out.
Reading «Disrupted» strictly as a memoir of career transition — rather than as some sort of exposé of life at HubSpot or life «in the startup bubble,» as the title provocatively puts it — will open your eyes to many of of the book's finer points.
Jeffrey Pfeffer proclaims in this new book that «much of the oft - repeated conventional wisdom about leadership is based more on hope than reality, on wishes rather than data, on beliefs instead of science.»
The Internet giant recently announced it would pay certain authors based on the number of pages read in a book, rather than the number of times that a work is downloaded.
When choosing countries to invest in, Langham looks at the price - to - book ratio of the national stock indexes rather than price - to - earnings, as it's difficult to predict profits in a weak economic environment.
The millionaires in the book drive cheap, old cars, drink Bud rather than champagne, and pay off their mortgages early.
This book laid the foundation of «servant leadership» that has had a major influence on the church but in many ways I found the book condescending and patronizing rather than empowering.
Rather than telling prospective investors, depositors or others that they're worth, banks can use Enron - style «mark - to - model» accounting to say that their stock's book value is whatever in - house model - builders want to say they're worth, on whatever blue - sky assumptions they choose.
Proposing these initiatives in a budget tabled before the end of fiscal year 2014 - 15 would have required that the net savings be booked in 2014 - 15 rather than in 2015 - 16.
Based on his studies during the 1960s and his practical experience in the early 1970s, Milken was determined to focus, first, on future cash flow rather than the past as reflected in book value and reported earnings; and second, to consider human capital part of the balance sheet.
In this book on smart investing, former president of Charles Schwab & Co Timothy McCarthy quotes our chief investment officer Sean Stannard - Stockton on the benefits of focusing an equity portfolio on 20 - 30 positions rather than owning the 100 + positions that is common in most mutual fundIn this book on smart investing, former president of Charles Schwab & Co Timothy McCarthy quotes our chief investment officer Sean Stannard - Stockton on the benefits of focusing an equity portfolio on 20 - 30 positions rather than owning the 100 + positions that is common in most mutual fundin most mutual funds.
With this method, assets are measured at their gross book value rather than at net book value in order to produce a higher return on equity (ROE).
Rather than book any big losses in 2015 and 2016, if they could hang on until 2017 then the big economic boom being predicted would pay off especially for where junk prices had been at the lows.
Since most of these companies book their revenue on volume rather than commodity prices, the drop in oil prices hasn't been catastrophic.
«Rather than paying rent (in other words, putting your money towards your landlord's mortgage), you are investing money in an asset that builds equity,» Scorgie writes in her book.
Many of the dumb mistakes of omission I've made have come from caring too much about exactly what a business looks like now (what it's reporting in earnings, showing in book value, etc.) rather than what I think it'll roughly look like in 5 years.
Because of the rapid evolution of legislation, I strongly suggest you seek the proper legal advice, rather than using a pre-made template that is readily found on the Internet or in books.
You want to calculate how to live comfortably and enjoy the retirement you have been looking forward to, but it's good to remember that in my research for my book, You Can Retire Sooner Than You Think — The 5 Money Secrets of the Happiest Retirees, I found that the happiest retirees live in the middle rather than a VIP lifestThan You Think — The 5 Money Secrets of the Happiest Retirees, I found that the happiest retirees live in the middle rather than a VIP lifestthan a VIP lifestyle.
In his famous book, «The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,» Keynes writes, «a large proportion of our positive activities depend on spontaneous optimism rather than on a mathematical expectation, whether moral or hedonistic or economic... if the animal spirits are dimmed and the spontaneous optimism falters, leaving us to depend on nothing but a mathematical expectation, enterprise will fade and die; though fears of loss may have a basis no more reasonable than hopes of profit had before.»
In the introductory text for Part I of their 2016 book, Adaptive Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Porfolios to Profit in Good Times — and Bad, Adam Butler, Michael Philbrick and Rodrigo Gordillo state: ``... we have come to stand for something square and real, a true Iron Law of Wealth Management: We would rather lose half our clients during a raging bull market than half of our clients» money during a vicious bear markeIn the introductory text for Part I of their 2016 book, Adaptive Asset Allocation: Dynamic Global Porfolios to Profit in Good Times — and Bad, Adam Butler, Michael Philbrick and Rodrigo Gordillo state: ``... we have come to stand for something square and real, a true Iron Law of Wealth Management: We would rather lose half our clients during a raging bull market than half of our clients» money during a vicious bear markein Good Times — and Bad, Adam Butler, Michael Philbrick and Rodrigo Gordillo state: ``... we have come to stand for something square and real, a true Iron Law of Wealth Management: We would rather lose half our clients during a raging bull market than half of our clients» money during a vicious bear market.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
What if, rather than seeking answers in books, pastors and ministry leaders opened their minds and hearts to the less certain possibilities that emerge when we let go and let God be God?
I am reading a book called Mystery of Emptiness & Love by Domo Geshe Rinpoche, and in the first chapter it says «The purpose of this book is to help you uncover the view that is holding you, rather than the view you are holding».
Unfortuanately, many lunatic Christians in the US are blindly follow a book, rather than listen to their hearts and think with their brains.
Reviewers of the book in the New York Times and elsewhere opined that ecology was little more than a commonsensical concern for global housekeeping, and quite innocent of the far - reaching and rather alarming implications about which I warned.
In an earlier writing Milosz had shown himself to be aware that this was the key insight of Job, even if, in the poet's version of the story, God says things that are rather more severe than anything to be found in the book of JoIn an earlier writing Milosz had shown himself to be aware that this was the key insight of Job, even if, in the poet's version of the story, God says things that are rather more severe than anything to be found in the book of Join the poet's version of the story, God says things that are rather more severe than anything to be found in the book of Join the book of Job.
Back then the prophets like Ezekiel wrote on scroll paper that was wrapped around sticks, rather than using book form like the Bible is in today.
Chudacoff, who throughout his book tends to introduce the theme of homosexuality with hints and surmises rather than data, counters Stott's argument with this: «More recently [actually less recently — in 1985 and 1988] other historians have discovered hints [of homosexual relations].»
Many many other places, but you won't accept reality I already know... you think the book is more than the product of men's imaginations, so trying to show you where it is false is something you are not willing to hear... you would rather believe the fake pearls men planted in your book.
i rather struggle in equality and justice than live in power and abuse the rest... but that kind of morality seems to be misread in your book... so sad that it is preached in it, but not followed...
I truly do hope that if people use this book, it is used in the way that Thom undoubtedly intended it to be used, rather than to put guilt trips onto people for not being committed enough.
When someone is accused of «cherry - picking» verses from the Bible, it means that they have a particular doctrine or idea they want to teach to others, and rather than considering «the whole counsel of God,» they pick a choose a few select verses from various books of the Bible which seems to prove their point or present their case in the strongest possible way.
In his book, The Bible Tells Me So, Peter Enns invites Christians to read the Bible as a conversation or dialogue, rather than an infallible text or guide.
I grew up singing songs from an over-head projector in old gyms and community centres with terrible acoustics rather than from a hymn book in a chapel.
In addition, it may be useful to point out that in his valuable book Understanding Whitehead, Victor Lowe states (UW50) that Whitehead's «conception of growth has points of similarity with Hegel's, but differs in having no use for «contradiction,» and in presenting a hierarchy of categories of feeling rather than a hierarchy of categories of thought.&raquIn addition, it may be useful to point out that in his valuable book Understanding Whitehead, Victor Lowe states (UW50) that Whitehead's «conception of growth has points of similarity with Hegel's, but differs in having no use for «contradiction,» and in presenting a hierarchy of categories of feeling rather than a hierarchy of categories of thought.&raquin his valuable book Understanding Whitehead, Victor Lowe states (UW50) that Whitehead's «conception of growth has points of similarity with Hegel's, but differs in having no use for «contradiction,» and in presenting a hierarchy of categories of feeling rather than a hierarchy of categories of thought.&raquin having no use for «contradiction,» and in presenting a hierarchy of categories of feeling rather than a hierarchy of categories of thought.&raquin presenting a hierarchy of categories of feeling rather than a hierarchy of categories of thought.»
A third reason for selecting political theology rather than liberation theology for discussion in this book is that other process theologians have begun the dialogue with liberation theology, and I am confident that this will continue.
When legalists look to the Bible to give them a clear outline on what to do in every facet of their lives, they are engaging in idolatry by worshiping the book and the letter rather than the Spirit which produced the book.
Had our approach been essentially empirical rather than theological and biblical, this chapter should have stood first in the book.
This is remarkably personalistic language, and it is interesting to note that it all occurs in the more philosophical part of the book rather than where he is surveying the evidence of religious experience.
But the value of the book lies in the interpretation of Jesus» teaching as a whole, and this interpretation becomes more rather than less convincing if we ascribe to Jesus himself more of the Gospel content than Professor Bultmann is ready to do.
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