Sentences with phrase «rather than living»

This unattractive area — along with dated wood paneling and cement flooring — restricted the basement to a storage space rather than a living space.
Or whatever it is that drains your energy and makes you go through life feeling frantic rather than living a beautiful life.
Oh I think you're so right, what starts as a hobby and hopefully a passion can quickly morph into a wierd competition where you choose to be online caught up in some numbers game rather than living your life and my favorite bloggers are the ones who do (and write about) the latter.
In Calgary, some affluent buyers, rather than living through the chaos, are moving to higher ground while their homes are being rebuilt.
Suggesting, even subtly, that your wife is an object, rather than a living, breathing, feeling, person that you love, may not be the best message to send on Valentine's Day.
Rather than living fully today, we often spend our entire day worrying about what's coming up in the next one.
You get a divorce and both move on with your lives, rather than living together in misery forever, constantly arguing.»
Their platform included people with severe disabilities having attendant services rather than living in group facilities.
Overshoot means we are drawing down the planet's principal rather than living off its annual interest.
The Urban Land Institute's annual study, Emerging Trends in Real Estate, provides yet more evidence that young people, aka GenY (born between 1979 and 1995), prefer living downtown close to work, rather than living in the suburbs and commuting.
Maybe if Tim Curtin just asked Pieter Tans, rather than living in the egotistical hope that a very busy man is trawling through blog comments and gagging for a chance to answer Tim's crankery then Tim might not be so disappointed
I would have as many disagreements discussing climate change with a «denier» as I would with a firm believer in CAGW or someone who shares my general beliefs but is a firm believer in the precautionary principle which roughly states the even if the science is not settled, we should treat CAGW as a real threat and focus on preventing it rather than living with it.
At both ends of the economic spectrum, people are camping in their homes rather than living in them; at one end, those who have lost their homes in the economic crisis; at the other end, people who have the flexibility and income that they can travel or the employment flexibility that they can work from anywhere; the ones with their lives in a hard drive or their office in their pants.
I would that people were afraid of this real threat rather than living in fear that a bogeyman with bogey - weapons of mass destruction is going to get us.
Developing urban farms in and around Istanbul, operating soup & salad bars that use locally grown organic produce, and providing workshops on permaculture and sustainability, EK BİÇ YE İÇ seeks to build a community of people who are committed to becoming net producers rather than living on as typical urban consumers of world's resources.
His figures appear more like objects arranged in an environment rather than living organisms, and the compositions seem like frozen moments or film stills.
Within this fascinating cave are artifacts, relics and remains that depict a different aspect of Mayan culture: rather than living in the sophisticated dwellings built at Tikal, this underworld of dark mystery housed indigenous peoples, all of whom disappeared without a trace.
It is often the vacant shell of an urchin that is most visible (it bleaches white after death), rather than the living animal.
These oral prescription antibiotics are used if the bacteria your pet has in their ears are invading the cells rather than living outside the cells: quinolones, azithromycin, and clindamycin.
The court performed something like a cost - benefit analysis to answer the Medlens» perplexity that they could seek sentimental damages if a taxidermied Avery, rather than a living, panting Avery, had been negligently destroyed.
Ill and injured cats may be very disturbing to other compassionate citizens, who may call animal control authorities believing that the animal should be euthanized, rather than living with illness or injury.
One model doubles as a washstand, more suited for hiding the litter tray in your bathroom rather than your living room.
But rather than living in fear and shame of my debt, I'm accepting and addressing it.
(be sure to keep pretax / post-tax equivalent when calculating this, i.e. either gross or net income on both ends)(also, 4 % assumes «spending down» a bit rather than living only on principal, I believe)
I wasn't sure what bracket I'd be in at retirement — some models have my retirement cash availability higher than my current salary, if I want to draw it down rather than living only on the income — so I've been splitting the difference.
But rather than living in one rent free; I'm going to rent out both of them to speed up the building of equity so I can continue on with my next project of flipping.
And it's best that you take control and make the call to them first rather than living in fear each time the phone rings.
Rather than living on 50 % of my pre-retirement income, Iâ $ ™ m getting by on more like 60 %.
Lately, she said, she's seen far too many «fairies and vampires» rather than living, emotional (human) characters with real stories to tell.
At least you're starting to acknowledge reality, rather than living only in your little bubble of delusion.
This little indie about the indiscretions of the great leader has some potential, but rather than living up to that potential, it turns into one of the most dreadfully boring movies in recent memory.
A lot of these actors seem to be reading lines rather than living them.
You must show that you do life rather than living it.
It is always better to spend your life filled with love and joy rather than living without it.
«Are you tired of being tired, constantly feeling miss - understood, disabling negative thinking, just existing rather than living?
Rather than living on iron pills, I decided to seek out a nutritional therapy practitioner to help me cure my anemia with whole food.
By practicing yoga, we are helping our bodies achieve normal levels of cortisol, which allows us to use inflammation when we need it, rather than living in a constant state of elevated stress and inflammation levels.
Rather than living with these ails why not try a lifestyle change?
That's because most studies on single human brain cells use dead rather than living tissue, and many others rely on cells from common laboratory animals, especially mice.
Most of the native bees were solitary varieties: individuals that make their own nests in the soil rather than living in social hives.
Because Wade's replicator copies itself piece by piece, it is analogous to a photocopier rather than a living cell, she says.
«It's reassuring to have a politician paying attention to reality rather than living in a fantasy world where the laws of physics don't apply,» says Bob Ward of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at the London School of Economics.
The plans are designed to ensure those with the ability to work will have to, rather than living off from benefits.
When labels are applied to anything as complex as all of the choices and love and anguish that go into being a parent, that role is immediately trivialized and for some frightening reason parenting is converting into following a set of rules (or «principles») rather than living in the moment, responding to your child and doing the best you can with what you've got.
Are there any systematic reasons for affirming that God is on actual entity rather than a living person?
But it seems like modeling is only healthy to a degree, beyond which it becomes (variously) idolatry, trusting in one's understanding, respecting a collection of static images rather than living spirit «not made by hands,» and so on.
He also criticizes the authors of the statement for seeming to dismiss those who identify as both gay and orthodox, who have chosen celibacy rather than living out their orientation.
It does not mean that one lives every day simply as if it were one's last — a kind of crazy living «for the moment» rather than living «in the moment,» to use a distinction made by the dying poet Ted Rosenthal in his book and movie bearing the same title, How Could I Not Be Among You?
As followers of Jesus, we are to live like Jesus and love others like Jesus, but far too often, Christianity degenerates into arguing about words related to Jesus, rather than living like Jesus.
Are there any systematic reasons for affirming that God is an actual entity rather than a living person?
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