Sentences with phrase «rather than love»

What's more, the surge can be directly tied to the potential of Valve's living room - focused SteamOS operating system rather than a love for Linux itself.
Sting has said that this hit song from 1983 is about unrequited love — «ugly and sinister» rather than the love song some think it to be.
Do you think people more people visit the Alamo because of @peeweeherman rather than their love of history?
She looks like a woman in a Dutch Old Master, holding an artifact of mass media rather than a love letter.
I mean, aside from creator Neil Druckmann's declaration at the 2016 PlayStation Experience that an older, wiser, more bitter Ellie will be taking over protagonist duties from Joel, the only specific information we have regarding the highly - anticipated sequel is that the game will focus on hate, rather than love, and will feature a mysterious cult characterised by its penchant for disembowelment and disarming people (almost literally) with household tools.
It just isn't fair to your best buddy, who may start to resent the crate rather than love it.
In relating his history and that of Leopolda, whose wonder working is documented but inspired, he believes, by a capacity for evil rather than the love of good, Father Damien is forced to choose: Should he reveal all he knows and risk everything?
It seems Tobei had married for position rather than love, and now, ingratiates herself into his family by caring for Iguchi's children and mother while he's at work.
Even as McAvoy hints at a good side, a sad wreck with a traumatic past and a chance of redemption, he remains despicable — he's a character to loathe or pity rather than love — yet he's always fascinating, thrilling to watch.
But for me The Lobster fell somewhere on the side of admiration rather than love, which was something I was hoping for with this satirical romance about a newly single man who, per the rules of his society, must find a mate in 45 days or else be forever turned into a...
Rather than the love stories expected of her sex, Cushing is attracted to tales of things that go bump in the night.
Her exploration comes off like curiosity rather than love.
That may sound like a case of lust rather than love, but lust and love involve very different brain networks.
You got married for status reasons rather than love.
4 If the answer to the last question is yes then perhaps we're dealing with aesthetics and attraction rather than love, a point driven home by Ben - Zeév when he points out that «attractive people are more likely to be the object of love at first sight.»
You may be subconsciously buying into beliefs, illusions, and fantasies that play off a «lack of» or fear mentality rather than love.
Making the decision from fear rather than love has cost her dearly.
I would, however, go so far as to state that a he - teros - exual man and woman engaging in the act of s - ex out of lust rather than love would be more abominable to God than two ho - mos - exuals who have intercourse founded out of deep love and affection for one another.
Political discussions often make me dislike my neighbor, rather than love my neighbor, as Jesus commanded.
Historically, the emphasis upon God's will stressed divine sovereignty rather than love.
Kind of like getting married to money rather than love.
So lately I've been asking God to show me how to give out of guilt rather than love.
For large groups the highest goal is justice rather than love.
Still, if you clammer for more sources I'll provide another... though your mind is clearly so muddled with arrogance and your heart so full of contempt rather than love... it will likely have no chance of penetrating your thick skull.
Western Christianity has become more deistic than theistic and Scriptures that reveal a metaphysics of Divine Transcendence and a deterministic legal agenda rather than a love story of God's relationship with the people S / He has chosen to prepare to become sacraments of Divine Love in the world.
I'd like to suggest that's because it's been done badly, from a place of fear rather than love; not because it's bad in and of itself, irrespective of the culture anyone might find themselves in.
focus far more on the wrath of God rather than His love.
Human spirituality, when it is not infused with Grace, is disordered, fear - driven rather than love - inspired.
Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love.
I did read somewhere that the golden rule originated from one of those rather than love your neighbor as yourself.
I believe that we are all born with an intuitive faith in the goodness of life; but it is a fragile faith that can be easily lost when we experience cruelty rather than love, often tragically early in life, from those whom we intuitive trust and who are often unconsciously passing on their pain to others.
In other words, a god that instills fear, rather than love is not worth worshipping because even my hell bound soul should be of exponential value to god, despite the fact my soul is just one of billions.
I think of God as being more like the ocean and that he fills us rather than loves us.
What a shame that Christianity has been cast as a position in a debate rather than a loving, life - giving way of life.
How is it «teddy - bear» like to define yourself as a fleeting clump of organic compounds, rather than a loved child?
Many of us (including myself for a long time) are looking that «dot» when pursuing God's rather than loving Him and walking with Him.
They call them peddlers of religion, and they do not mean that in a positive way, but rather are referring to people they believe are trying to push their own agenda of a psuedo - religious toxic mix of some sort of religious something, politics, power, control, personal profit (think $ $ $) and efforts to feel good about ones self while at the same time looking down on neighbors (condescension) rather than loving neighbors.
Further, the writer doesn't seem to realize that he is being hypocritical by judging those who judge him, rather than loving those who judge him.
Only a blind man can not see we are at end times, third world countries with nuclear arms, a finacial system that is about to collapse, global disasters becoming more prominate, Godlessness that would try to redefine nature, men marrying men, women marrying women, mothers killing their babies rather than loving their babies and those who would mock the only one who could save them, JESUS, all that will hear prepare to stand before him let him be your savior rather than your judge, just a little while not much time is left before this world learns his wrath.
I'll be praying your hearts are not so hardened by those who would rather place their faith in reason rather than a loving God.
When we get wrapped up in «the vision» we tend to forget about the people who are involved — we bcome more institutional rather than loving.
You said, «You may disagree, but you respond with attacks and insults rather than loving and reasonable statements.
We are called to love people and use objects, rather than loving objects and using people.
Maybe this is the problem of religion — everyone claiming God's mind — everyone trying to be right, rather than loving.
And when fear is motivating the behavior, the system becomes controlling rather than loving.
If you're somewhere in between, i.e., someone who kinda, sorta likes the films rather than loves them, you'll probably find this one to be only sporadically amusing, but will also think that tedium is now going to be an ingrained part of the series.
I'm realizing that my tone often sounds harsh, judgmental, critical, rather than loving and supportive.
Unfortunately, this game dog has too often appealed to people seeking it for its fighting rather than its loving abilities.
Unfortunately, this game dog has too often appealed to people seeking him for his fighting rather than his loving abilities.
It may be that you have grown apart, and you now feel distant and lonely, as though you are living with a roommate rather than a loving spouse or partner.
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