Sentences with phrase «rather than nonsense»

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Rather than confront these evils, our nation turns to the Prosperity Gospel nonsense in order to rationalize our immorality.
I would rather follow science and thought than childish religious nonsense.
Idiots like you really should have had evolution explained to them in clear and simple terms as children, rather than a bunch of nonsense.
Highly significant for Christology are these two quotations from Hartshorne's The Divine Relativity10 In the first he refuses to allow «paradox» to cover up illogicality: «A theological paradox, it appears, is what a contradiction becomes when it is about God rather than something else...» In the second he applies this to the relation between God's power and our human decisions: «For God to do what I do when I decide my own act, determine my own concrete being, is mere nonsense, words without meaning.
Would there were a poet who might resolve to prefer such situations, rather than the stuff and nonsense with which comedies and novels are filled!
Rather than simply spout nonsense, consider reading your post and editing it, and then click on POST.
More ranting nonsense rather than anything rational.
------ Col. 2:8 - 9 «Don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and hig - sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.»
Rather than implying limit on divine power, this more helpful response explicates a limit on theological language — a limit excluding nonsense.
Paul said in Colossians 2 v 8 «don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from spiritual powers of this world rather than from Christ.
Please inform yourself rather than spout nonsense.
And yes, it does get generalized to ALL Christians because more people hear about this nonsense rather than miracles happening in other countries and small parts of the US.
Cathleen, I'd rather eat vanilla ice cream than any of the popular ooey - gooey flavors full of candy and cookies and nonsense!
would you not be better served to come up with some quality articles for a change rather than write childish nonsense just for reaction.
Being a realist, I have never bought into his uttered nonsense about doing whatever is best for the club, rather than him.
I believe this is absolute nonsense and driven more by personal emotional narratives rather than analysis.
Too often leadership is used simply as a synonym for old, mostly English cloggers who shout at their teammates about anything, often as a way to venerate their era (see: Ince, Paul; Adams, Tony; Fashanu, John) which lead some to dismiss it as another nonsense cliché, however it's better seen as players taking responsibility for their team rather than just their own actions.
«written in a down - to - earth, straight - talking, no nonsense, humorous way, the book goes through everything the other «pregnancy» books go through, but with Dad in mind, rather than mum»
The fact that the headlines chose to claim «protein will kill you in middle age» rather than «protein will save you in old age» just highlights the nonsense and bias.
People who believe this NONSENSE should be forced to EXPLAIN why we can see the BONES of an anorexic then in basically EVERY case I've ever seen rather than them holding on to weight or worse getting fatter?
Rather than sorting through nonsense nicknames attached to suspiciously flattering photos, users can see other singles» full names, the friends they have in common, the pictures they've used as their Facebook profile photos, and, depending on their privacy settings, their hometown, alma mater, interests and employer.
For one, the story is utter nonsense, and it just like a tutorial rather than an actual campaign.
In the final analysis this nonsense is in the cold - war culture shared by Russia and the U.S. rather than in some bacterium belonging to one side and not the other.
Nancy (Lake Bell) and Jack (Simon Pegg) meet cute via a consciously gimmicky romantic - comedy misunderstanding — he mistakes her for his blind date because she's carrying a smarmy self - help book (which his actual intended date pressed on her in a spirit of Good Samaritanism), and she decides to play the role — but rather than stretching this nonsense out to the end of the film and turning it into a barrier to their relationship, Morris and Palmer dispense with it early, then find new ways to play havoc with the budding relationship.
We did not have the option of evaluating what teachers actually do, as the geniuses in Albany and DC, many of whom send their children to private schools where this nonsense does not apply, appear to have determined that teachers teach tests rather than students.
They need to make money, subscriptions alone aren't enough to keep a mag in the black — but I'd rather see ads for general products, like cars, clothes and electronics in WD than self - pub nonsense.
This phenomenon leads to nonsense when people attribute the regression to the mean to some particular scientific law, rather than to the natural behavior of any random quantity.
Earlier this year Mad Max: Fury Road was unleashed upon the world and the world responded with nothing but love for its glorious action sequences that used real stunts rather than CGI nonsense.
Evidently, this supernatural justification for what amounts to a modified form of shopping would not work in a sci - fi horror setting like Resident Evil, where the nonsense is justified using technobabble rather than (wholly equivalent) magical explanations.
The big thing for us though is that the game should use merged dedicated servers, rather than the regionally locked nonsense we have now.
By «same trick» I mean posted some nonsense here, got an inline response by Gavin, and then rather than attempt to hold a rational conversation here has gone over to her own blog, castigated the OP and Gavin's response to her post, and is running with the «climate scientists are mean therefore...» train of thought.
This also failed, but over the traditional Green issue of forests, rather than any of the nonsense we have heard about lately.
You should actually try to link to reputable sources and peer reviewed science rather than repeat again a few lines of nonsense.
This talk of «negative externalities» and «geo - political problems» sounds like academic navel gazing nonsense where the idiotic premise would be that the world uses oil merely for entertainment or some other non-factor rather than the necessity that it is.
Now I'll ask you a question: if one climate scientist, Curry, dismisses another climate scientist's, Risbey's, publication as nonsense should she not at least provide a refuation of it rather than merely pointing to the blogs of a couple of non-scientists like Montford and Lewis?
I'm disappointed that anyone would be taken in by this sort of nonsense, since it was patently obvious that Milloy was looking for excuses rather than a deal right from the outset.
It would be better if they backed up their political opinion with their real arguments, rather than presenting pseudo-scientific nonsense as as reason.
My view is that in the face of very ignorant journalistic nonsense, too many scientists are failing to maintain their research objectivity and argue against alarmist or foolish interpretations (such as the obvious alarmist tone of AIT) I see good scientists lining up ideologically rather than methodologically, and find this painful to watch.
It's at least more credible than Hansen's «runaway greenhouse» nonsense, which can be dismissed on rather elementary grounds (without clouds at least), but I think Tamino's post before about «changing the dice» a bit to land more higher numbers, and possibly a few 19's and 20's, is a much more appropriate analogy than the argument that the system behavior will deviate substantially from smoothly varying statistics
Surely as the decade goes on it will be more evident that global warming is nonsense so why not allow the bet to show how views are changing based on what is being measured rather than the propaganda of the IPCC.
It's time for the climate scientists to stand up for themselves rather than be co-opted into this nonsense.
OTOH, Eli is rather better prepared to deal with the nonsense than most because he has studied and worked in the areas of atomic and molecular physics, physical chemistry, chemical physics, spectroscopy and kinetics so he can recognize climate baff on sight.
Even if we accept that the unlikely convolution of quite likely and best estimate has meaning — the best estimate is still utter nonsense and you are still stuck on symbolic semantics rather than substantive if elementary science.
On such an afternoon some score of members of the High Court of Chancery bar ought to be... engaged in one of the ten thousand stages of an endless cause, tripping one another up on slippery precedents, groping knee - deep in technicalities, running their goat - hair and horse - hair warded heads against walls of words and making a pretence of equity with serious faces, as players might... between the registrar's red table and the silk gowns, with bills, cross-bills, answers, rejoinders, injunctions, affidavits, issues, references to masters, masters» reports, mountains of costly nonsense, piled before them... This is the Court of Chancery, which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire, which has its worn - out lunatic in every madhouse and its dead in every churchyard, which has its ruined suitor with his slipshod heels and threadbare dress borrowing and begging through the round of every man's acquaintance, which gives to monied might the means abundantly of wearying out the right, which so exhausts finances, patience, courage, hope, so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart, that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give — who does not often give — the warning, «Suffer any wrong that can be done you rather than come here!
Facebook says the study is «nonsense», and it probably is: it's an interesting academic exercise rather than a rock - solid indicator of Facebook's future.
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