Sentences with phrase «rather than pain»

Through personal experience and extensive training, Carrie will help you control your pain rather than your pain controlling you.
Think about the positioning the possibility in short rather than pain of the company, not the same approach as a cover letter
The Inquisitor by Mark Allen Smith (Macmillan / Holt; Macmillan Audio) is a thriller about a professional torturer in the «information retrieval» business, who instills fear rather than pain and has a gift for recognizing when he hears the truth.
You probably don't need any more reasons to ditch standard Jewish dating websites, but I'll give you three more anyway - as well as some helpful suggestions that can make the Jewish dating process a pleasure rather than a pain in the you - know - where.
Pain is thought to have lasting aftereffects Dr. Anand thinks that health - care providers should be more concerned about the long - lasting effects of pain, rather than pain relief.
«The current study identified sleep quality, rather than pain and low mood, as a key driver of physical activity the next day.
But overlaps on a brain scan don't necessarily mean the two function through identical pathways — the shared brain areas could relate to attention or emotional arousal, among other things, rather than pain itself.
That's how our kids and we help transform the world we live in — by adding to the love, rather than the pain.
That's how we, and our kids, help transform the world we live in — by adding to the love, rather than the pain.
Women who experience them say it's more of a tightening and discomforting feeling rather than pain.
These include not remembering a discrete traumatic injury, generally having dull discomfort as opposed to sharp / stabbing feelings, having pain that lessens as they progress through their sporting activity (i.e. as one warms up) rather than pain which persists in the heat of the game, and having a diffuse area of pain rather than a specific location.

Not exact matches

Rather than helping treat the symptoms often associated with tooth sensitivity, this toothpaste is intended to provide gentle but effective cleaning that leaves your mouth healthy without causing any undue pain that harsher chemicals sometimes create.
India will predictably apply fresh restrictions (e.g. protocols, new net worth norms) after it experienced some pain (after some scam or loss as in the Vodafone case), thus making the country a follower rather than a leader in this space.
Rather than just talking to them, you'll actually listen to them and try to understand their goals, their needs, their pain points and any problems with similar providers they've had in the past.
A range of experts agree that Donald J. Trump's proposals are more likely to deepen America's economic pains, particularly if China or other targeted nations retaliate, rather than accept his demands.
Rather than debate their utility, we should focus on how we can minimise the pain of the inevitable adjustment and maximise the benefits of our resource economy for all Canadians.
So at this point, I think we're closer to the start of something great, rather than on the brink of much more pain.
Inbound sales is a strategy that involves focusing on individual buyers and their unique needs, pain points, and goals, rather than using the same generic sales technique on every prospect.
She said: «My twenty - nine - year - old daughter's choice to die gently rather than suffer physical and mental degradation and intense pain does not deserve to be labelled as reprehensible by strangers a continent away who do not know her or the particulars of her situation.
I believe that we are all born with an intuitive faith in the goodness of life; but it is a fragile faith that can be easily lost when we experience cruelty rather than love, often tragically early in life, from those whom we intuitive trust and who are often unconsciously passing on their pain to others.
If everyone agreed to contribute by their own sweat to the gain of the rest of the world rather than standing at the altar lecturing how God will show us «non-believers» rapture, suffering and pain is then worth wondering at that moment, how many other faiths at that moment are saying their God will do the same to you?
Lu, yes, it is sad that so many find pain rather than comfort in places that call themselves churches.
God's promised fulfillment includes, among other things, the image of a New Jerusalem where «death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away» (Rev. 21:4) As we begin to engage in the business of genetic co-creation, how can we be sure that our path goes toward this fulfillment rather than toward some irreversible destruction?
A Woman's pain would have been valued and listened to more than a man's continued productivity and usefulness, follow would have been committed to rather than left up to others.
You go «eliminate» some cell clumps... but if it was just «cell clumps», why has every woman I've ever met who's had an abortion express great pain and sorrow and lament over killing their unborn baby rather than feeling like they just clipped their nails?
Certainly death is now seen as something which lls us with dread (together with the expectation of «bodily pains») rather than, as it was meant to be, the gateway to eternal life.
The old crank instinctively knows this and resists his isolation by striving, ad nauseam, to articulate the inarticulable, to share the unsharable, to enlarge his shrinking world, to transform pain into a basis for communion rather than a rupture of it.
The God we encounter there is the God in whom we live and move and have our being, the God who rejoices over His children with signing, the God who spreads Her wings over Her children like an eagle over her chicks, the God who loved the world enough to experience all of its pain alongside of us, the God who — as Nadia Bolz - Weber puts it — «would rather die than be in the sin accounting business anymore,» the God who loves to watch us play.
It saddens me that rather than recognize that God is with us in our pain and suffering, crying when we cry, holding us when we tremble, wailing with us in our pain, some people think God is actually the one making us suffer, causing us to cry, inflicting us with fear, and torturing us with pain.
Any patient who now enjoys good pain control by taking a sustained - release opioid owes her a debt of gratitude for her discovery of the importance of dosing opioids around - the - clock rather than «as needed» for pain.
Take a step back and schedule that difficult conversation for sooner rather than later in order to avoid a greater fallout of pain in the end of things.
As a child I used to suffer tortures of shyness, and if my shoe - lace was untied would feel shamefacedly that every eye was fixed on the unlucky string; as a girl I would shrink away from strangers and think myself unwanted and unliked, so that I was full of eager gratitude to any one who noticed me kindly; as the young mistress of a house I was afraid of my servants, and would let careless work pass rather than bear the pain of reproving the ill - doer; when I have been lecturing and debating with no lack of spirit on the platform, I have preferred to go without what I wanted at the hotel rather than to ring and make the waiter fetch it.
Or are we content with a gospel of uplift — a narcotic that eases our pain, rather than a cure that leads to health?
However I think I would rather have connection and belonging even if that means experiencing pain and anger than be numb and surround myself with a fortress, never hurting but also where love can not penetrate.
Reinhold Niebuhr, writing in these pages nearly 50 Easter seasons ago, reflected on these matters: «The whole creation groaneth and travaileth; and if God is love rather than power, it follows that He gains his victories by pain rather than by force.»
«You disappoint me», «You've ruined everything», «Your actions caused me pain»... «I would have never done what you did...» yeah... all manipulation rather than edification.
They would rather stay in the world... a world of pain and suffering - as it compares to heaven - than to be received by their god in heaven ** OR ** 3) Believers really don't believe
What the Cross of Christ says to me is that God loves ALL of us so much that S / He would rather we pour out our pain and rage on her / him than on each other.
Or why make them unable to survive the process well in later age rather than have them be able to endure that pain throughout their life?
Rather than thinking, «What is wrong with my daughter's throat and this pain she is experiencing?
The theodicies of punishment and pedagogy, however, do not directly attack suffering but leave the sufferer in his or her pain, rationally justifying it rather than eliminating it.
I would suggest that it's due to an awakening to the real pain that promiscuity and abortion entail; others might say that it's actually based in «rights talk,» that young people identify with aborted children (as of this January 22, anyone under the age of thirty could have been aborted) and see abortion as an attack on their siblings and classmates, rather than a matter of women's self «determination.
I'm at the point that if I have to lose him, I'd rather lose him in a place that brings him some peace, however small, than lose him in this city that has brought him nothing but pain.
We can rejoice that we are saved not through the immanent mechanisms of history and nature, but by grace; that God will not unite all of history's many strands in one great synthesis, but will judge much of history false and damnable; that He will not simply reveal the sublime logic of fallen nature, but will strike off the fetters in which creation languishes; and that, rather than showing us how the tears of a small girl suffering in the dark were necessary for the building of the Kingdom, He will instead raise her up and wipe away all tears from her eyes» and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor any more pain, for the former things will have passed away, and He that sits upon the throne will say, «Behold, I make all things new.»
Yes, john, we all know that you'd rather little children die in pain rather than be provided basic medical care..
Rather than take responsibility for my life and become the master of my own destiny, I surrendered my life out of my hands and willingly tolerated pain longer than necessary.
It is not a glorification of it, but rather a reminder that you can overcome the pains of the mind, body and soul because there exists something far greater than this veil of tears.
That said, this has been a painful few weeks, and I think I've felt some (self - inflicted) pressure to speak from that pain rather than listen to it.
It may well seem more compassionate to starve and dehydrate a patient rather than to allow him to live on in such pain.
Very clever: since the plants are used just for one season, they collect the whole plants and harvest the pods at a more convenient location, rather than slowly picking their way through the rows in the field, which would be quite a pain in the back.
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