Sentences with phrase «rather than poor people»

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Rosling encourages people to use this framework, rather than use labels like «developed» and «developing,» because, as Gates explains, «It's hard to pick up on progress if you divide the world into rich countries and poor countries.
Despite the equity, some people — including Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad — consider homes a liability, since they absorb rather than generate money.
Rather than having the poor on the public dole, thus providing a double hit, not paying taxes, and also requiring huge amounts of support, they believe in getting people back to work.
If people want to give to the poor, I say do it out of charity and kindness... and do it DIRECTLY, rather than let the Roman Catholic Church OR the Govt.
Churches and Mosques should be used to shelter poors, feed and educate them rather than making people fanatics.
Through a series of brief questions at the end of his book, Sigmund invites liberation theologians to seek ways of fusing capitalist market «efficiency» with the «preferential love for the poor,» to consider how private property is not always oppression but may in fact free people from it, to develop liberalism's ideal of «equal treatment under the law,» to nurture the «fragile new democracies» in Latin America, and, finally, to develop «a spirituality of socially concerned democracy, whether capitalist or socialist in its economic form,» rather than «denouncing dependency, imperialism, and capitalist exploitation.»
Although they've volunteered in order to do something for the poor, their paternalism comes apart when they meet articulate poor people who often believe in God more than they do and who want a world where North - South relations are characterized by justice rather than charity.
We are guilty of using «the poor» as objects or foils sent to teach us about ourselves rather than people in their own right.
That means in this instance that economists refuse to judge whether it is better to add to the consumption of one person rather than another, that is, they are unwilling to judge that the increase of wellbeing in toto will be less when a hundred dollars is added to the income of a rich person than when it adds to the income of a poor one.
If people travel to Mexico or other third - world countries, it will most likely be to take advantage of beautiful beaches and favorable exchange rates rather than to explore the causes of hunger and poverty.16 The majority of people, rich or poor, who actually follow the news rely heavily on major television networks and local newspapers.
Yet answers to the question of why some particular people are poor rather than others devolve immediately to the level of individual behavior.
Working on the principle that it is better to teach a man to fish than give him a fish or a sandwich, people, like the local council, can criticise us for encouraging the poor rather than helping them to escape poverty.
It was a book whose title was to prove more memorable than its content; during the two decades since its publication «blaming the victim» has remained on the lips of politicians and intellectuals as a codified rebuke to any suggestion that people are poor because of what they have done or not done rather than because of what has been done to them or not done for them.
Those who sound that tocsin usually accompany it with the demand that more money be devoted to poverty» the bulk of it for the expansion of the bureaucracies of the poverty industry, with just enough going to poor people to keep them in the agitated discontent to which they have become accustomed, destroying their neighborhoods rather than ours.
Similarly, it seems more accurate to say that it is a lack of compassion rather than political conservatism that would prompt a person to believe that blacks are basically less intelligent than whites, or that blacks have failed to achieve equality because they lack initiative, or that the poor remain poor because they are lazy.
Therefore the Churches should be persuading people to generously give to support the poor rather than asking the government to take from one to give to another.
But maybe the problem you've had is that you see the poor as an abstract group rather than people who are a part of your family.
One should also appreciate the fact that though an institution founded by Christian Missions, considering the inter-religious character of the academic community of the college, the founders emphasized the Christian «values» of self - giving service to the poor and concern for the whole person rather than Christian salvation, thereby somewhat separating the common «culture» and values of humanism of academic community of the college, from the Christian «religion» and thus relatively secularizing it to keep the academic community free from discrimination on the basis of religion.
Not for the defeated players, but for your poor choice of shopping in person rather than online I would wager — shame on you Darren, shame on you.
The poor guy keeps getting booed since since last season, he is a # 10 million player on # 60,000 a week but people would rather blame these sort of players than our Rolls Royce of a player.
Many people think the «terrible twos» are a symptom of a poor sleep schedule rather than an unavoidable developmental problem.
With British food banks serving around a million people in a year and poverty spiralling out of control, some of Britain's poorest people may feel under attack from their own government rather than a foreign power.
By your logic about «scarce public funds», surely it would be fairer to give the Child Trust Fund only to poorer families, rather than as a capital endowment for all young people?
People in the Labour movement generally believe swing voters to be ignorant (because they did not understand what Labour had achieved), credulous (because they believed what they read in the right - wing press) and selfish (because they thought only of their own interests, rather than public services and the poor).
It might not go down very well, but not all benefits are universal — I think Labour needs to bite the bullet and do what makes economic sense to most people rather than stick to vague arguments that «if the rich don't get it, they won't want it given to the poor»
«Welfare needs to become an engine of mobility, changing people's lives for the better, rather than a giant cheque written by the State to compensate the poor for their predicament.»
«Our goal was to show exactly how environmental protection can reduce poverty in poorer nations rather than exacerbate it, as many people fear,» says co-author Paul Ferraro, a professor of economics and environmental policy in the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.
When we profile people, we often make poor decisions about them because our decisions are based on generalities rather than information about each individual person.
«Beatriz at Dinner:» A pandering fantasy about the divide between America's rich and poor that seeks to further alienate people rather than bring them together.
Even if fraud or corruption is not obvious, school, staff, parents and the community should always stay alert for warning signs such as poor record - keeping and a lack of documents supporting financial transactions, different procurement duties being carried out by the same person rather than different people, or a school operating outside its approved budget.
«Middle - class and middle - aged; not rich and not poor; people who are irked when asked to press 1 for English and who wonder how white male became an accusation rather than a description.»
E-books open up the world of reading for many people, especially those who require large print or who prefer to listen to a story rather than reading the physical copy because of poor eyesight or frailty.
Somebody took the Puppy Kickers advice to heart and with DragonCon, came up with awards that returned the emphasis to fans and readers rather than a small clique of people dependent on the fading traditional publishing and the poor stuff that they had been putting up for awards.
Some people even end up with a poor score because they haven't borrowed enough, rather than because they have difficulty in servicing their debt.
But I chose to leave the shelter and training world rather than feel forced to deal with other people's poor choices of dog breeds, and the myths popularized on TV, which I would have to painstakingly try to dispel while eyeing the aggressive monsters being adopted out as pets to unsuspecting people.
Another program that works with poor people rather than penalizing them is the Coalition to Unchain Dogs.
The most probable reason why many credit card companies do not give 0 % balance transfer options to people with a poor credit rating is because such people will use it to postpone paying off their debt rather than making strides to pay off the balance.
For people in less advanced countries with poor infrastructure, I wonder there is nothing we can do rather than donation after tragedy?
If the general public doesn't understand this then it might be in part due to poor communication by climate scientists and journalists, but what the general public might believe is not the issue here — this is a forum for people who actually take an active interest in the subject so there should be an expectation that they are rather better informed than the average man on the street, especially if they are going to make confident pronouncements about the supposed flaws in the IPCC position (and other things).
For example, fair trade is sold byNGOs as a system which will transform the lives of people in the developing world, but the truth is, again that it only asks people in the West to respond to the guilt they generate, and it barely makes a difference to the lives of the poor; it doesn't create the possibility of mass primary, secondary and tertiary education, it doesn't deliver a system of welfare, it locks people into heavily manual — rather than industrialised — systems of production on a promise that it can not deliver, and it doesn't create civil infrastructure.
Instead, he favours carbon offsetting — paying poor people not to develop their economies — rather than trading.
Yet this principle assumes that there will always be poor people, and so creates an «ethic» out of avoiding making life worse for the poor by minimising our environmental «impact», rather than expressing genuine solidarity by lending a hand in ending the poverty which prevents development.
He concluded, «This motion is very wicked and should be rejected by everyone who takes the urgent needs of the world's poor into consideration rather than prioritizing an intolerant if well - meaning green agenda that is hurting millions of people.
Rather than eschewing moralism, the technocrat could turn the table on «energy poverty moralizers» and talk about the responsibilities of fossil fuel companies and their political allies... Ordinary people get this stuff... The lament of the technocrats is self - defeating, counterproductive, and ultimately poor social science.
If law societies regulated fees, I suggest it would have two effects (1) increase both the availability of legal services to the poor generally, and the size of the pool of potential clients who could seriously even consider retaining a lawyer, and (2) in the long term, change the character of the legal professional (as a collection of individuals) for the better by making the practice of law more like social work, rather than drawing in the sorts of people who's skills are better employed in such fields as sales and business entrepreneurship.
In some cases, these intermediaries play a valuable role, but in others, it's hard to see what argument remains for funding them rather than funding the poor directly — especially given the overwhelming evidence that poor people generally use money responsibly, improve their lives, and in some cases achieve quite impressive financial returns.»
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