Sentences with phrase «rather than satisfactory»

Professional - Requires an applicant to (1) successfully complete, rather than merely complete, at least three years of effective, rather than satisfactory, teaching and (2) have a record of effectiveness, rather than competence, while holding the initial certificate.

Not exact matches

Instead, it tries to make their impact local rather than extended, so that actions that are effective on average can gradually produce results that are satisfactory overall.
In view of the qualifications that Toulmin makes it would seem that Toulmin is arguing for a more satisfactory reformulation of Newton's theory rather than for a more accurate reinterpretation.
One response is that we are referring to a common moral tradition rather than a common religious tradition, although that is not entirely satisfactory since morality and religion can not be so neatly separated.
Hence when you find me somewhat long - winded, repeating the same things, «about the same things» please notice, you must remember that it is for the sake of the illusion; and then you will no doubt pardon my prolixity, and interpret it in a manner more satisfactory to yourself rather than suppose that I allowed myself to think that this matter needed consideration, even by you, in that I suspected you of not completely understanding yourself with respect to it.
What he opposes most stridently in this book is not religious doubt itself or attempts to understand religion as a human construct or a biological phenomenon, but rather what he sees as a very artificial and incomplete view of human nature and its purpose: the very presumption that religion can be explained away as unnecessary and that such materialistic perspectives could be definitive or anywhere near ultimately satisfactory for beings who are obviously designed to crave so much more than mere birth, death, and extinction.
I was in fact asked by a colleague why I was bringing my lunch in a jar rather than a lunchbox, and I couldn't really give a satisfactory reason, but here are a few reasons why you might:
The issues paper notes that the Ministry's preliminary view is that the operation of s 36 has «not been satisfactory» because it appears «to be failing to maximise the long - term benefit of consumers», it is «too complex to allow for cost - effective and timely application» and is «misaligned with other prohibitions» in the Act by relying on a purpose test rather than an «effects» test.
Since most of your magnesium is stored inside your cells and bone rather than in blood plasma, there are no satisfactory blood tests for assessing it.
Whether you're itching for a drama and want to dive deep with To The Bone or new series Ozark or would rather grab some laughs with Friends From College, you'll find the service's selections more than satisfactory.
Yet if the challenge can be met, if the attention of the adolescent culture can be directed toward, rather than away from, those educational goals which adults hold for children, then this provides a far more fundamental and satisfactory solution to the problem of focusing teenagers» attention on learning.
They must have four grade levels rather than a simple satisfactory / unsatisfactory, for example.
Nearly 200 schools received an alternate rating — either «satisfactory progress» or «needs improvement» — rather than a number score because they are new, don't have enough test - takers, serve exclusively at - risk students, or serve only grades kindergarten through second.
[3] To further increase the utility and validity of evaluation systems, states should require that evaluation instruments differentiate among various levels of teacher performance rather than only giving binary satisfactory / unsatisfactory ratings.
Federal requirements include the use of multiple categories of teacher ratings, rather than just «satisfactory» or «unsatisfactory,» based on multiple observations, feedback, and the use of student test scores to assess effectiveness.
State inspections could encompass such things as assessment of the curriculum assuring that it is broad and engaging, appraisal of teachers» continuing education ensuring quality and sufficient learning opportunities are being offered, evaluation of the level of parental and family engagement opportunities and communications, and that there is satisfactory evidence that the school is conscientiously working towards improving rather than just complying with paperwork.
They might not have the niche models like Power Wagon, Raptor and TRD Pro, nor as many sub-menus as the primary triumvirate, but if you're shopping pickup rather than luxury car or trail buggy, the range, and truck, should be more than satisfactory.
The primary concern that you need to stress over with regards to writing personal statement essay isn't simply thinking of something satisfactory, however something one of a kind, that will get the attention of the foundation and genuinely help your odds of acknowledgment rather than simply keeping them steady.
Has anyone heard of a lender who was willing to negotiating a «paid settlement» or «paid satisfactory» on a credit report in a situation where the borrow was willing to agree to a deed in lieu rather than letting the property to go into foreclosure?
Grant funding is supposed to be for research rather than personal aggrandizement, so claim # 1 needs to be supported to a degree satisfactory to the criminal standards of proof, not blog standards.
is not satisfactory, but a serious understatement, when the truth seems clearly be that it's an artifact rather than «not robust».
As an addition rather than replacement for existing face - to - face or telephone services, on - line approaches provide potential benefits for educating and preparing parties so that dispute resolution can proceed more effectively to mutually satisfactory agreements.
Rather than settling on one of those fixes, I've instead been trying the competition in hopes of finding something else satisfactory.
It's best for everybody when a satisfactory agreement is reached the first time around, rather than enduring years of prolonged and expensive custody disputes in court.
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