Sentences with phrase «rather than successful»

The term «mogul» on the 4Runner's headliner - mounted control panel apparently refers to wandering, uneven terrain like washed - out ditches and ruts, rather than successful film or recording execs — good to know.

Not exact matches

In the spirit of the series, rather than harping on the shrinking funding, I talked to a number of startup companies — Toronto - based Clickfree and SecureKey and Edmonton - based Empire Avenue — that have been successful in attracting venture capital money to find out how they did it.
Think of Edsel Ford, who rather than being remembered for his decades spent steering the hugely successful corporation, is instead known for the auto industry's biggest flop.
She says too many of today's young aspiring entrepreneurs are fixated on founding unicorn startups, focusing on the handful of fabulously successful examples rather than the many, many more that don't make it.
Rather than relying on high - profile examples that everyone is writing about, such as Steve Jobs, consider case studies of other successful people who may be under the radar.
Examining modern campaign politics, the open - source movement and some of the few recent bright spots in the traditional music business, Benkler isolates a handful of «design levers» — «elements of successful cooperative human systems that we can employ to motivate [people]... to contribute to the collective effort rather than exclusively pursue their own interests (at the expense of those of the group).»
Conversely, in our book, «The Innovator's Method: Bringing the Lean Startup into Your Organization,» we found that successful disruptive innovators start with the problem rather than the solution.
Highly successful people are effective at shaping their lives around their inspirations, rather than the other way around.
Successful goals are actions rather than intentions.
Executives also feared that quotas would result in too many women being appointed because they were the daughters, wives or sisters of prominent men, rather than women who were successful on their own merits.
Even if your startup's mission isn't as grand as saving the world, entrepreneurs can be more successful business leaders by focusing on sharpening strengths rather than compensating for weaknesses.
You'll be much more successful if you influence (rather than coerce) others to your way of thinking.
Rather than looking at the most successful content in your market and saying, «What can I do better?»
Finally, for a meeting to be successful rather than wasteful, you need to make sure the right people are there, no more no less.
Rather than dreaming up some novel configuration of services, successful entrepreneurs look at a given problem in a target market and develop a solution for it.
These visions aren't to say that one scenario is better than the other, but rather to encourage organizations to consider what they would do if the workforce looked different and how they would adjust their strategies to stay relevant and successful.
Part of the implication for other parts of the country is that there may be ways to implement successful policies if they build on the strengths unique to those regions, rather than try to imitate New York City.
Every successful business evolves, and sometimes part of expanding means moving into territory that is more advanced than what you were initially doing, and by taking on that dreaded project, it might actually be holding you back rather than helping you.
But when a company rebrands after it's failed to launch successful new products, and that rebranding makes no sense whatsoever, it's a sign that it has run out of ideas and is now focusing on appearances rather than substance.
Great entrepreneurs are not successful because they had a great idea, but rather they executed on that idea better than anyone else.
«I would rather have a successful game than a dead company,» he says.
Like most successful businesses, CMHC prefers to focus on the benefits its product provides, rather than on how much it costs.
Rather than go national from the very beginning, a fourth competitor should look for areas that aren't already well - served by a successful regional fourth competitor.
Review the vendor's press contacts and ask to interview previous clients to ensure that the success it's touting resulted from that vendor's own efforts rather than the work, staff and budgets of the companies behind those successful campaigns.
But remember that the most successful communicators are those who have earned respect, rather than laughs.
But what if income inequality — rather than being a roadblock to ambition and upward mobility — is actually the indispensable mojo that keeps things moving forward in a modern, successful economy?
Understanding a person's true goals (rather than their stated intentions) is critical for successful negotiating and collaboration.
But Canada's attempt to diversify its own base of foreign customers (away from the U.S., that is, rather than Europe) have been far less successful.
The equity option is the most successful, according to the NCFA, but tends to work better for established companies looking to expand, rather than bootstrapping startups.
It is a hard concept to explain precisely and to quantify, but the idea of differing levels of social capital helps explain why, for example, French entrepreneurs (not to mention Indian, Chinese, Mexican and Nigerian) are more likely to create successful tech startups in the US or the UK than at home, or why it is easier to start a business in Sidney than in Beijing, or why technological innovation is not evenly spread out among countries, even among countries at similar development levels, but rather tends to cluster in a few areas in a few countries where tech entrepreneurs seem to believe that their work is made easier and the rewards greater.
There are no shortcuts to being a successful trader and your time would probably be better spent on real trading rather than automated trading.
Our successful entrepreneurs overcame reservations about their long - term viability by selling concrete performance characteristics — faster chips and fourth - generation language software, for instance — rather than intangible attributes like a tangier sauce or more evocative perfume.
Top tip: A successful business is one that identifies a need / want and provides products / services that produce valuable solutions rather than just answers.
If your business is successful and your current lease is about to expire you may want to consider buying commercial space or industrial space rather than continue leasing space for your small business.
Meanwhile, our emphasis on uniformity of market action, rather than attention to the large - cap indices, is built on principles that have been used by successful investors, in various forms, since the markets began.
It was the book that helped me to better understand the function of marketing and how much of successful sales is structural rather than based upon personal ability.
Rather than take his word for it, in the coming months, we're going to be tracking just how successful the plan is.
While a few entrepeneurs have managed to make successful companies this way, they are the exception, rather than the rule.
If you want to be successful in business, you might be better off «falling in love with boredom» rather than constantly «pursuing passion».
We have pointed out numerous times about how most successful investors think like owners of businesses rather than owners of stocks.
For the most successful transitioning companies, that means investing in the core content and product to satisfy paying readers, rather than investing in more speculative if shinier - to - investors new business lines.
In October 2011, Litecoin was released and became the first successful cryptocurrency to use scrypt as its hash function rather than SHA - 256.
Rather than avoid volatility, we see the challenge of managing risk as trying to take advantage of the market's movements — an essential skill for any successful active manager.»
Grant firmly believes that if you spend the time investing and building in the beginning of starting your business, you will gain momentum faster and hopefully have a successful business sooner rather than later.
Some evils may be derivative from earlier evils (e.g. evil choices by people) rather than necessarily always directly imputed from without by Satan, but for classical Christian cosmology, especially in the Roman Catholic system of inherited guilt, the one (Satan's rebellion and successful tempting of Adam and Eve) causes the other (the Fall and subsequent evils).
The answer will be divided into three categories: (1) AA's effectiveness in breaking the addictive cycle and producing initial sobriety; (2) its effectiveness in producing long - term sobriety; (3) the extent to which the approach is successful in changing underlying personality - structure, rather than simply controlling symptoms.
It was hope and love rather than faith that seemed most clearly associated with maturity of defenses, with successful aging, and with generativity.»
The most successful interpreters of the moral teaching of the NT have focused on the text's paradigms and «symbolic world» rather than on its rules and principles.
Rather than litigation, it has been suggested that reparations activists pursue a legislative agenda, since time after time this has proven to be a more successful strategy.
Tragically, we should expect that those systems providing the greatest degree of freedom, security, and economic opportunity (today, almost all Western or Westernized states in Asia) will be viewed as rivals and threats to be eliminated — or overrun and poached upon — rather than beacons to be praised and emulated by the less successful.
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