Sentences with phrase «rather than that of adults»

twins tend to spend more time with each other, so they pick up each other's speech rather than that of adults and older children around them

Not exact matches

In a study done last month in the journal Environment and Behavior, researchers at Cornell University manipulated the gaze of the cartoon rabbit on Trix cereal boxes and found that adult subjects were more likely to choose Trix over competing brands if the rabbit was looking at them rather than away.
A January study of more than 2,000 adults in the United States by Clarizen and Harris Poll discovered some employees would much rather watch paint dry (17 percent), commute four hours (12 percent) or endure a root canal (8 percent) than attend a boring meeting.
«Rather than waiting until after your death to leave the company to your adult child — who might have to pay 55 cents in tax on every $ 1 of its value — you want to start transferring a minority stake now, let's say 30 % of the stock.»
On Thursday, Trump confirmed that Cohen had paid $ 130,000 to adult film star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about her allegations of an affair with Trump, although the president stressed that the payment was from his personal funds, rather than from the campaign's coffers.
Labels given by science only justify adult behavior without Jesus rather than the adult taking responsibility of their behavior.
Labels given by science only justify poor adult behavior without Jesus rather than the adult taking responsibility of their own behavior.
Nor did it mean all adults were amused by or even interested in children; much more than today, adults socialized with other adults, rather than enjoying the company of their children.
Harsh external discipline delays rather than fosters the emergence of what the adolescent must develop to be a responsible adult — self - discipline.
The new Roman Catholic «Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults» has also attracted attention as a means of making the conversion of an adult an experience shared in community rather than an individual matter.
When it was about to die in the late 50s, they decided to start doing things differently — lay leadership, challenging theology, real adult education centered on life issues — rather than eliciting statements of faith, etc..
«My goal with this book,» he writes, «is to assure people of faith that they do not need to feel anxious, disloyal, unfaithful, dirty, scared, or outcast for engaging these questions of the Bible, interrogating it, not liking some of it, exploring what it really says, and discerning like adult readers what we can learn from it in our own journey of faith... We respect the Bible most when we let it be what it is and learn from it rather than combing out the tangles to make it presentable.»
The trend has reached a tipping point: A recent Consumer Reports survey found more than 70 % of U.S. adults would rather have foods free from GMOs.
Unlike their parents» and grandparents» generations, for whom marriage and parenthood were prerequisites for adulthood, young people today more often view these markers as life choices rather than requirements, as steps that complete the process of becoming an adult rather than start it.
If I can't sleep as an adult I can go to a doctor and try to figure out why, as babies... they need our help to get to the WHY rather than believing it's behavioural or a battle of wills.
Ideally, the first months of family life, rather than often being in the care of a single adult or couple, children should have the opportunity to observe and interact with a wide range of people with varying degrees of commitment to their well - being.
ACEs Connection is a social network that accelerates the global movement toward recognizing the impact of adverse childhood experiences in shaping adult behavior and health, and reforming all communities and institutions — from schools to prisons to hospitals and churches — to help heal and develop resilience rather than to continue to traumatize already traumatized people.
school of parenting, one that creates fear rather than respect for parents, and often leads to adults who have trouble thinking for themselves while too often acting out of rebellion and insecurity.
Without a booster seat in the event of a crash, an adult seat belt can actually cause injury rather than prevent it.
However, this type of play therapy allows children to stay stuck in the trauma and manipulate the therapist with the play, rather than learning to safely follow and trust dependable adults.
LOVE the notion of considering kids to be future adults rather than fragile creatures incapable of enjoying healthy «adult» foods.
The Noodle & Boo Baby Skin Care line is a great set of products that treat your baby's skin like a baby rather than with adult like products.
Your baby's gag reflex is in the middle of his tongue rather than all the way back, like adults.
Enjoying this closeness with baby leads to a better verbal ability of your child later on, better sense of balance, better emotional balance, better concentration, and better self esteem as baby is on eye level with other adults rather than always looking up.
I wrote a blogpost recently about how as adults we've demonised the so called «terrible twos» when really it is a natural stage of great change resulting in sometimes erratic emotions that need to be understood rather than viewed as naughty or «terrible».
Rather than assuming that sleeping arrangement produces a particular «type» person it is probably more accurate to think of sleeping arrangements as part of a larger system of affection and that it is altogether this larger system of attachment relationships, interacting with the child's own special characteristics that produces adult characteristics.
If your enquiry is of an urgent or critical nature (i.e. relating to the social care of an adult or child) we would advise that you use our telephone service rather than contacting us by email so the matter can be dealt with is a quicker timeframe.
On the other side of the debate, the American Academy of Pediatrics states that the benefits for the infant in terms of reduced risk of infection, adult obesity, allergies, and asthma are so great that breastfeeding must be viewed as an «investment in your child's future» rather than a «lifestyle choice.»
There * is * a growing problem of overweight kids and adults in HK, but I think it tends to be on the salty - fatty spectrum of foods & portion control, rather than kids bringing in cup - cakes to school (which is not a tradition here).
Rather, the focus should be on helping to provide parents and other adults in the child's life a new set of skills to help the child approach rather than avoid situaRather, the focus should be on helping to provide parents and other adults in the child's life a new set of skills to help the child approach rather than avoid situarather than avoid situations.
Certainly infants sleeping separated from their caregivers at night (solitary room sleeping), infants sleeping on their stomachs (prone) to promote uninterrupted, early consolidation of adult - like sleep, and bottle - feeding with formula or cows milk rather than breast milk were all novel, culturally - sanctioned but scientifically - untested (as safe or best) infant care innovations.1 It is now known that each of these practices has contributed to or led to thousands of SIDS deaths.3 - 5 Many of these infant lives, we can infer, could have been saved had we more carefully examined and come to understand the biological validity of mother - infant safe co-sleeping, breastfeeding and infants sleeping on their backs (supine).
Similarly, in your comparison with advocating for exercise and healthy eating, of course no one says not to do that, but it is important to advocate in a way that does not marginalize people who are obese (ie talk about the benefits of healthy eating rather than the hurtful ad campaign that recently came out in Georgia with pictures of overweight kids saying things like, «Fat kids become fat adults»).
Treating 16 and 17 year olds as children, rather than adults, in the justice system will positively impact the lives of roughly 1,000 Westchester youth every single year.
In contrast to adults, acceptance of evolution in schoolchildren in the UK is linked to their scientific aptitude rather than conflicts with belief systems, say scientists at the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath.
Experiments in the 1990s indicated that great apes and some monkeys do understand deception, but that their understanding of the minds of others is probably implicit rather than explicit as it is in adult humans.
With tasks involving the temporary storage and manipulation of memory, long term memories and inhibitory control, young adults favor the right side of the PFC, while older adults engage both the right and left PFC.. In fact, with aging, we tend to use both sides of the PFC during mental tasks, rather than just one.
Studies show that young people who spend most of their time with responsible adults rather than with peers — one of the hallmarks of homeschooling — seem to be able to avoid the turmoil that is so typical of American adolescence and, in turn, the immaturity and uncertainty of the post-teen years here.
Examples include changing policies to encourage older adults to remain part of the workforce for longer (e.g., removing tax disincentives to work past retirement age), emphasising low - cost disease prevention and early detection rather than treatment (eg, reducing salt intake and increasing uptake of vaccines), making better use of technology (eg, mobile clinics for rural populations), and training health - care staff in the management of multiple chronic conditions.
Stem cells harvested from embryos rather than adults remain the most powerful for cloning and other purposes; Yang's team showed that cloning from such cells succeeded in 49 percent of attempts and led to 18 mouse pups.
If this is the case, those who migrated as children, where the process of migration can be assumed to be instigated by the parents rather than the child, would report more health problems in old age than those who came as adults.
Clownfish travel hundreds of kilometres, but it is the larvae rather than the adults that migrate
For that matter, the fact that people can develop allergies as adults, rather than having them since childhood, is still relatively unknown, though it's not unheard of to become allergic to shellfish or walnuts later in life.
Interestingly, she found that intricate community layouts might help to keep cognition sharp, rather than serve as a source of confusion in older adults.
The results may well apply to other groups since they are in line with a meta - analysis of previous research based on a million adult men and women, which indicated that physical activity rather than sedentary behaviour affects the risk of mortality.
In fact, the Food and Drug Administration's approval of pembrolizumab in May 2017 for adult and pediatric patients with solid tumors and high microsatellite instability, was the first time it had approved a cancer treatment based on a genetic feature rather than the cancer's location of origin.
[5] Of the remainder, only three were serious adverse events, none of which were judged by the investigators to be unexpected or related to therapy: all occurred in the low - rather than the high - dose vaccine group, and all were lower back or knee pains common in older adultOf the remainder, only three were serious adverse events, none of which were judged by the investigators to be unexpected or related to therapy: all occurred in the low - rather than the high - dose vaccine group, and all were lower back or knee pains common in older adultof which were judged by the investigators to be unexpected or related to therapy: all occurred in the low - rather than the high - dose vaccine group, and all were lower back or knee pains common in older adults.
The discovery, by scientists at Kyoto University and the University of Wisconsin - Madison, seemed to promise a way out of the bitter debates over embryonic - stem - cell research: rather than using human embryos as a source of stem cells, produce them from adult cells.
Pawlenty, Bush and other critics of the research propose funding studies on stem cells taken from adults rather than destroying embryos to harvest the cells.
In general, adult stem cells have low plasticity, although reports of differentiation outside traditional lineage boundaries suggest that some adult stem cells may be more pluripotent rather than multipotent.1
The study shines light on the overlooked factors associated with being chronically overweight, and it highlights the importance of helping young adults manage their weight, rather than allowing weight problems to determine their fate in life.
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