Sentences with phrase «rather than the environment»

This vacancy is counterintuitive because we focus on objects rather than their environment.
Doubly so when it's obvious that a lot of the art budget has been spent on sprucing up the mecha rather than the environments, so you not only play the same missions over and over again but also have to deal with multiple missions using the same bland environments.
And with the mountain always in the background, the art became part of the game's goal rather than the environment.
This approach produced photographs that focused on the subject, rather than the environment in which they might have been found.
In particular his conclusion that the debate around climate change is fundamentally about power and politics rather than the environment seems undeniable.
Lindzen suggests «the public has long seen the climate issue as almost entirely a political rather than an environment or even a scientific issue.»
Even the Green Party has chosen to emphasise its social justice agenda rather than the environment.
Because the collaborative law and mediation processes are non-adversarial, it allows parents to have the opportunity to create a partnership for the parenting agreement, rather than an environment that pits one against the other.

Not exact matches

Those who would rather be in control of their own destiny than feeling secure in a corporate environment.
One area experiencing a boom is hydroponic farming, in which plants are grown in water rather than soil, often in a controlled environment.
Investors simply need to adjust to the current environment rather than ditch their equity portfolios amid geopolitical concerns and fears of a market correction, a U.S. asset manager told CNBC Wednesday.
«Sustainability» is a catch - all phrase that refers to the science, or practice, of acting so as not to harm the environment, protecting (rather than depleting) natural resources and supporting long - term ecological balance.
«For better or worse, it looks like many hybrid and EV owners are driven more by financial motives rather than a responsibility to the environment,» said director of industry analysis Jessica Caldwell.
By doing this, you've used the interview environment to have a full discussion, rather than simply participating in a stilted meeting.
Rather than adjust to the shifting environment, RadioShack remained fixed in its ways and began the downward spiral that led to its recent bankruptcy filing.
«Prime yourself for courage,» he said, «rather than hoping you show up that way, based on the triggers of your environment
Recent signs in the economy are pointing to late - stage business cycle activity rather than the Goldilocks environment indicated by the Federal Reserve, Ron Insana says.
In a study done last month in the journal Environment and Behavior, researchers at Cornell University manipulated the gaze of the cartoon rabbit on Trix cereal boxes and found that adult subjects were more likely to choose Trix over competing brands if the rabbit was looking at them rather than away.
It emphasizes preparation, creating a safe environment to speak, and «transforming unpleasant emotions into powerful dialog» through persuasion rather than demands.
But here is the greatest misunderstanding: «Imagine a world where people could contribute the skills that inspire them - teaching, tutoring, urban farming, cleaning up the environment, painting murals - rather than telemarketing or whatever other stupid tasks bosses need done to supplement their millions.»
Typically, new talent shows are a supportive environment where there is cheering rather than heckling — but, hey, this is Wall Street so I would never short heckling!
Dillon pushed to create a collaborative environment rather than one rife with internal competition.
But just because conflict is inevitable when colleagues of diverse backgrounds and temperaments are thrown together in a high stress work environment, doesn't mean disputes can't be dealt with constructively and in a way that reinforces rather than erodes morale at your company.
Their Game Design degree, like many other schools that offer such a degree, focuses on visual communication and game design theories, rather than the culture and businesses behind gaming environments.
«In this environment, the big tech companies try to keep a low profile and play defense rather than take positions that draw attention.
At the heart of the internet is interactivity, and it's critical to acknowledge that we operate in an environment of engagement, rather than an old broadcast model.
They act as if they are still operating in an environment where the function of a physical store is to drive transactions, rather than to provide an immersive physical experience, build personal relationships and upsell.
When choosing countries to invest in, Langham looks at the price - to - book ratio of the national stock indexes rather than price - to - earnings, as it's difficult to predict profits in a weak economic environment.
«Automation creates a stress free, clear - minded environment for people to focus on more meaningful financial decisions, rather than day - to - day bills,» explains Certified Financial Planner Samuel Rad.
Instead, banks should evaluate the AFC landscape, determine what they need from a working relationship with an AFC, develop a detailed request for proposals, and move forward into this new lending environment rather than hoping to hide behind the regulatory barriers that harm borrowers and the banks themselves.
Rather than create an environment that welcomes technological advancement, Chelan County is working against efficiency and growth.
How this disinflation happened, caused a dip among inflation indicators meaning that real wages accelerated at 2.5 % rather than 3 % which is where we were headed with a stable energy price environment.
Zakaria wasn't suggesting ceding Western values and beliefs — but rather recognizing that prevailing attitudes on such issues as the environment, human rights, and social affairs are different in many parts of Asia than those that hold sway in the West.
Thus, what matters are relative valuations across assets rather than putting too much emphasis on historical valuations that belonged to a very different economic environment.
Many Thai farmers grow crops to feed animals rather than people — to the detriment of the environment.
When pushed on the topic of investing in current operations or buying assets, the CEO said, «This is an environment where, in many respects, buy, rather than build, is more attractive.»
We, too, would prefer an environment where market returns derive from economic improvement rather than cost cutting and financial engineering.
In fact, 75 % of job successes are predicted by optimism levels, an environment of social support, and ability to frame stress as a challenge rather than a roadblock.
Through policies such as withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, rescinding the Clean Power Plan, approving the Keystone XL Pipeline and removing countless Obama era regulations on energy production, the Trump Administration has created an environment which fosters energy independence and growth rather than stifling it.
Rather than thinking in terms of valuation and risk, they are focused on the carry they hope to earn because the default environment seems «benign» at the moment.
Recall 2000 - 2002 (chart) and 2007 - 2009 (chart): no amount of Fed easing is supportive of stocks or the economy once investors shift to risk - aversion (because in that environment, low interest liquidity is a desirable asset rather than an inferior one).
Hence, the gateway economy is about fostering secondary industries, attracting head office activity, building commercial clusters around the gateway, and creating an environment which captures the experience, skills and networks of the people coming through our ports, rather than simply facilitating their passage to other destinations.
If we thought that, then we may be able to fit creation as a doctrine more easily into our theological systems, rather than reducing it to the relationship between science and the Bible or us and the environment.
Education today in the industrial environment and in the political and cultural environments consists of how to ensure that the human resources (since both you and I are now reduced to being human resources rather than human beings) can be trained on a continuing basis, throughout our lives, to be recycled at the right moment, to be a profitable human resource?
In several instances, Catholic students quite understandably prefer to attend a local parish rather than be isolated in a sometimes - cliquey chaplaincy environment.
(My manhood and my intelligence) None the less my question still stands... Why do you believe it is MEN who are responsible for the environment in the church rather than all church members?
The efficiency we need is to gain maximum end use from minimum degradation of our environment rather than maximum production from minimum labor.
But equally important is the other pole, the commitment to the welfare of humanity, the commitment to justice, the commitment to peace, the commitment to an environment that promotes life rather than threaten to extinguish it, the commitment to eliminate toxic drugs and nuclear weapons» (A Source Book for the Community of Religions ed.
Nevertheless, making such neighborhoods today is very hard, not only because we have largely lost the requisite cultural and social habits, but also because in most places zoning laws (which mandate segregated uses) and street design regulations (which are crafted exclusively to make streets efficient for cars rather than also safe for pedestrians) make it literally illegal to build such environments.
But the deeper I delved, the more I realized that science approached environment as a problem to solve rather than a Mystery to revere.
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