Sentences with phrase «rather than the experience»

He showcased his ability rather than his experience: he read the company's IPO filings in their entirety, built a website analyzing the company's business model and suggested four ideas for new features.
Weisberg suggested that journalists boycott the White House Correspondents» Association's annual dinner and agree to dispatch low - level staffers, rather than experienced reporters, to White House press briefings if Spicer continued to stand by untrue statements.
Survivors who assert their rights, rather than experience a «rescue» recover more quickly from their trauma.
Those that do not allow the seed to fall upon the fertile soil of their souls are eager to accuse him of being «a liar» and «a madman» as they would rather lead a purely utilitarian life rather than experience the grace and love that He willingly offers.
Rather than an experience of humility, fasting has become an experience of pride.
This new belief in the Devil is such an integral part of the Reformation discovery that if the reality of the powers inimical to God is not grasped, the incarnation of Christ, as well as the justification and temptation of the sinner, are reduced to ideas of the mind rather than experiences of faith.
His explanation rests on the basic tenet that, «Rather than experience depending on consciousness, consciousness presupposes experience» (PR 83).
Rather than experiencing the joys of a free - wheeling, zero - responsibilities, foodless existence, I laid around and felt like death.
Most doctors treat a pregnant woman as if she has a condition that needs to be treated rather than experiencing the miracle of birth.
However, despite the financial success of these videos, one study reported that for babies from 8 to 16 months old, every hour spent watching these videos rather than experiencing human interaction resulted in their having six to eight fewer words in their vocabularies compared to other babies their age.
Studying them as scientific subjects rather than experiencing them like parents can cause the tantrums to stop feeling traumatic and even become interesting.
The latter told MPs the government wanted to «encourage Mr Young to develop the best sides of his personality», as if he was a youthful trainee applying for an apprenticeship rather than experienced and influential middle - aged man.
In a society preoccupied with the young, the beautiful and the thin rather than the experienced, the intelligent, the skilled, is it any wonder that our politicians are becoming both younger and less experienced?
When Alan Johnson told reporters he was too old to become party leader many scratched their heads and wondered when youth, rather than experience and knowledge, had become a necessary qualification for leadership.
Quick Pay enables vendors to get paid significantly more expeditiously rather than experiencing the delays caused by the standard voucher process.
«In the post-Trump-era, celebrity means a lot, rather than experience,» he said.
The findings suggest that Antarctic sea ice has fluctuated substantially through the last century, rather than experiencing the sort of steady trend seen in the Arctic over many decades.
Rather than experiencing wholesale destruction, many coral reefs will survive climate change by changing the mix of coral species as the ocean warms and becomes more acidic.
They too, struggle with performance anxiety and so focus all their attention on proving that they can climax, rather than experiencing the moment they are sharing.
They just are and we become fully able to experience life as it is, rather than experiencing the story our mind is telling us about what is occurring.
Rather than experiencing «FOMO,» I've enjoyed using my after work time to do exercise classes, read, have «me time.»
As a result, development has shifted to creating the massively complex schedule of the world at large, rather than an experience tailored directly to the player.
In terms of questions over pay, we believe that linking to performance rather than experience is a way to make the teaching career an attractive prospect once again.»
«We need to be sure that we're identifying the master teachers on the basis of demonstrable results rather than experience or credentials.»»
Many organizations find themselves focusing on only the formalities, rather than the experience for new starters.
I believe this was more of a comparison of the tablets themselves, rather than the experience.
It's one nuclear family living under the same roof (rather than her experience as a young child at the commune) and they have electricity, they eat and play together, etc..
Rather than experiencing sticker shock when you receive a ridiculously high medical bill, you can be proactive and do what you can to reduce the balance you owe.
BUT that only leads to a confused, insecure adolescent who makes decisions based on impulse and emotion rather than experience and common sense.
Rather than experiencing watery eyes or congestion, however, pets suffer from itchy skin.
So rather than experiencing frank viral diseases such as the «flu, measles, mumps and rubella (and, in the case of dogs, parvovirus and distemper), we are allowing the viruses to win anyway — but with cancer, leukaemia and other inflammatory or autoimmune (self - attacking) diseases taking their place.
However, most people who go about the purchase of a new dog especially those who want to acquire a new family member rather than experienced show people who want an Italian Greyhound for the show ring either do not want to take the time to read anything or they simply do not know where to find this kind of assistance.
Oh, and by all means, please base all of your future decisions on what other people say rather than experiencing something for yourself.
But Macklin does ask us to remember that play is useful because it's useless, a call that seems to try and resist the corporatization of gaming that seeks to churn out products, rather than experiences or tools of liberation.
Phantasy Star II is a towering artifact that deserves to be studied rather than experienced.
As a result, development has shifted to creating the massively complex schedule of the world at large, rather than an experience tailored directly to the player.
The problem with game journalism is just that it refers to the games as products rather than experiences, some times thought provoking experiences.
So, more and more, game design is more about saying: OK, rather than you experiencing the exact same sequence every single time, it is about taking and combining random elements in different ways so that each time the player plays the experience is fresh and interesting and it has more vibrancy and is more alive.
I am very interested in the physicality of the artwork rather than experiencing it through the filter of an art historical perspective.
Rather than experiencing transcendence from something hidden within the painting or from some interpretive element in the work, the only transcendent experience Stella intended for viewers of these paintings to have came from the psychological relief of being allowed to interact with an aesthetic object on its own terms.
Rather than my experience with most incubators — something along the lines of coffee shop meets office meets collaborative space — Greentown looks 1 part incubator and 2 parts mad scientist workshop.
Not sure if any of the really great storms were recorded as we were entering the warmer more benign modern period rather than experiencing the severity of the depths of the LIA when most extreme weather seemed to have occurred.
«The good news is that, rather than experiencing wholesale destruction, many coral reefs will survive climate change by changing the mix of coral species as the ocean warms and becomes more acidic,» said Terry Hughes of James Cook University in Australia.
Felix Matthes, responsible for energy at the think tank Öko - Institut, says the law is guided by abstract principles rather than experience, which might «set us up for a less than optimal development in the future.»
To be disqualified from ownership simply on the basis of professional qualification rather than experience flies in the face of sound business logic.
Try to lead with your skills and abilities if you're in this position, rather than experience.
Your executive cover letter should show more of your personality and creativity, rather than your experiences in the industry.
This accomplishment section will talk about your success and qualification in detail rather than your experience and will talk about previous employers and the positions that you held in the respective organization.
The functional resume is the one where more prominence is given to the job seeker's qualifications, abilities and skills rather than his experience.
For example, if you had frequent job hopping in past, it is good to use the functional resume format that will focus more on your skills rather than your experience and qualifications.
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