Sentences with phrase «rather than the propaganda»

Have there really been changes of significance rather than propaganda
Surely as the decade goes on it will be more evident that global warming is nonsense so why not allow the bet to show how views are changing based on what is being measured rather than the propaganda of the IPCC.

Not exact matches

Many critics called the script, which was required to be read during news time, rather than a commercial spot, «pro-Trump propaganda
Saladin's personal beheading of Reynald of Chtillon «satisfied the needs of propaganda rather than anger.»
These are (usually) liberals trying to produce news rather than liberals trying to produce liberal propaganda.
In the use of the mass media of communication, reverence is manifest in the aim of creating a blessed community, bound together in the truth, through media of public education devoted to the common good rather than to propaganda and profit for the advancement of selfish interests.
Rather than considering the possibility that such narrations reflect genuine conflict over the question of selective abortion, Rapp suggests that these women are unwitting victims of both pro-life propaganda and an atavistic ambivalence about the entry of women into the workplace.
Gradually we are realizing that such propaganda often makes other peoples despise rather than honor us.
Now, rather than being an instrument of information, I've become a pawn of propaganda.
And if you were in any doubt that this is anything other than a bit of Labour propaganda rather than serious research, they rather give the game away by putting an embarrassing photo of Nick Clegg on the front cover.
Innovative — though controversial tools — could be employed by the NTC and facilitated by Western policy makers such as anti-militia propaganda, engagement with the political rather than the military wings of the moderate Islamists, and reaching out to the «losers» of the revolution.
Dickson maintained that rather than embark on propaganda and outright lies, it was high time the party came together in the interest of peace.
He advised the new governor to settle down for business of governance rather than engaging in «cheap propaganda».
It is not meant for election propaganda but to educate Nigerians on the need to stand up for good governance and new Nigeria where national resources will be used to practically transform the nation rather than transform political associates for selfish gains.
It begins with a propaganda - filled monologue from Erudite leader Jeanine (Kate Winslet), claiming our heroes, Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James), are the ones responsible for the Abnegation massacre rather than her own corrupt faction.
To me, there seemed to be an agenda for getting kids to care about the environment, almost as if this film were meant more as propaganda rather than entertainment.
So I did know from the beginning that I wanted to make a movie that was a propaganda film for Superman; I wanted to make people love him, rather than deconstruct him and take him apart and be like, what is the why of Superman?
Rather than an attempt to start an important dialogue, the film proffers slick Hollywood propaganda that does nothing to reveal truth or document the reality of what's going on in Philadelphia.
So rather than 24 hours of a VW - Audi propaganda fest?
Fairey uses the visual lexicons of advertising and propaganda to implore viewers to question their surrounding environment, rather than passively accept the messages broadcasted to them by corporate and government entities.
[2] Observing this style of artwork proved to be eye opening to Kanevsky and he realized «that paintings could find the reason for their existence within themselves rather than being merely a decoration of a propaganda tool.»
In spite of his rather mild (in comparison to many sceptics» claims) position, Lomborg was the subject of more vitriol from the alarmist propaganda machine than perhaps any other climate - sceptic / denier / realist figure.
Since science is based on observations and measurements of the real world, it follows that a denier of science (rather than a denier of propaganda) must be denying real world data.
Instead, they divert our tax money into the UN's propaganda machine — money that could do a lot of good in many other places, rather than enriching a small clique of self - serving rent seekers at the public's expense.
Although the faith has waned for some years, there is still no real alternative to the BBC propaganda, and this has probably happened through doom fatigue and financial crisis rather than much hard evidence.
IMO, the point is to call out the facile nature of statements such as «global warming has stopped,» rather than to argue how, if you squint just so in the exactly right kind of light, it might not look exactly like propaganda.
You didn't answer either of my questions, they relate to why you resort to propaganda (40 %) rather than «small numbers».
Simplistic without the grace of simplicity, generality - strewen without general applicability, relying on inference from dataset rather than mathematical analyses of data, following none of the usual rules of hypothesis testing nor verifiability, unvalidated, sometimes specious and occasionally jumping from the subject to throw in a slide about a red dot on a grid that could only be described as propaganda, unless one chooses to describe it as false, the «Pope Theory» is far from infallible.
Shifting of the basis of the argument (as Dr Meier does above) in this way is a sure sign you are reading propaganda rather than science.
In both cases there was / is a real threat, but the response relied on propaganda rather than a realistic fact - based description of the threat and evaluation of possible responses.
The entire record of climate science, rather than being a narrative based on fickle fads, is one of relentless, hard - nosed, continual progression of knowledge, which is characteristic of science, as opposed to politics or propaganda.
Being juvenile doesn't get the point across very well — and some of us are actually interested in facts rather than personalities and propaganda.
This is precisely the kind of diabolical propaganda which all of us need to combat, rather than promote!
CNN president Jeff Zucker laid into chief rival Fox News on Thursday, arguing it is producing «propaganda» rather than journalism.
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