Sentences with phrase «rather than their bottom»

Newest post are at top of page now rather than bottom?
In this position, your hand supports your baby's neck and upper back, rather than his bottom, and his bottom rests either in the crook of your arm or on the pillow on your lap.
Common examples include the fact that liquid water expands on cooling below 4 C, which is responsible for lakes freezing from the top rather than the bottom.
Rather than a bottom - up approach, the researchers worked their way down from bulk gallium by heating it to 29.7 degrees Celsius (about 85 degrees Fahrenheit), just below the element's melting point.
This process of adaptive diversification driven from the top - down due to enemies (rather than the bottom - up) may help to explain the enormous diversity of plant - feeding insects generally.
The triceps works the hardest at the top of the movement rather than the bottom.
For this post, it doesn't really matter, because the blue I am trying to match with the Blue Bell color is the top tier of the skirt, rather than the bottom tier.
Also, when applied it looks better on the top lashes rather than the bottom lashes.
To put this in perspective, the advantage of being the student of a teacher in the top quarter of effectiveness rather than the bottom quarter is roughly three times the advantage of being taught by an experienced teacher rather than by a novice, and more than ten times any advantage created by teacher certification!
Their conclusion, as reported by the Brookings Institute, was that «Having a top - quartile teacher rather than a bottom - quartile teacher four years in a row could be enough to close the black - white test score performance.»
If you're planning on only firing the bottom 10 percent or 15 percent of teachers, though, you're better off doing that quickly even though sometimes you may fire a teacher in the bottom 30 percent, rather than the bottom 5 percent.
The handbrake lever does, however, still tighten up normally when I pull it, rather than bottom out, so I assume it isn't just that it needs tightening.
The DC IN, Headphone Jack, Mini HDMI out is on the top of the device, rather than the bottom.
I really got thrown for a loop when they decided to put all of the inputs on the top of the unit rather than the bottom.
This means that cats walk on and balance with their toes rather than the bottoms of their feet, like plantigrade walkers such as humans.
This approach must be a top - down rather than a bottom - up approach.
I think I would make the single particle have the 300K KE at the mid-point of the column rather than the bottom, but it only makes a difference for very small numbers.
Each of these trends has a logic grounded in physical processes, but the values I used were pure regression rather than any bottom up calculation from physics.
It bears more than a passing resemblance to the Motorola Razr in terms of its overall shape in that it's thicker at one end than the other — although for this device, it's slightly thinner at the top, rather than the bottom as it was with the Motorola.
Honestly, the Quick Settings shade in stock Android is pretty decent, on some devices it's customizeable, and apart from it coming from the top rather than the bottom of the screen, they're not terribly different.
Fortunately, my services are in very high demand, so you will get honest service with integrity that focuses only on your achievements rather than the bottom line.
Competition at the top is steep — and a resume that is generic or dated in how it describes you, and focuses on your responsibilities rather than your bottom - line impact — is not likely to bubble to the top.

Not exact matches

/ (Oh no) / I swore I wouldn't tell / But most of you share bars like you got the bottom bunk in a two man cell / (A two man cell) / Something's in the water / (Something's in the water) / And if I got a brown nose for some gold then I'd rather be a bum than a motherfuckin» baller.»
Those looking for a deep dive into what Laszewski thinks will actually work can check out the complete post, but for non-wonks, his bottom line seems to be this: To fix health care we need to control costs overall, and to do that, the industry as a whole must be forced to stay within a set budget rather than gobbling up more and more of the nation's money.
«Twenty - first - century leadership relationship dynamics are from the bottom up rather than the top down; from the outside in, rather than the inside out.»
Although both favour a bottom - up approach when selecting stock (rather than, say, trolling a specific sector or region), Cooper and Ragan agree that it's becoming increasingly difficult to find European blue - chip companies at discount prices.
In business, it means measuring actual performance — not just bottom - line financial performance, but social and environmental performance, too, rather than just relying on the vague feeling that your company is «doing OK.»
In this light, everything from embossed furniture to logo - bearing plates sends the message that your brand cares about more than just the bottom line; rather, you're committed to providing the best service and experience possible.
Rather than simply focus on the bottom line, these wise lessons emphasize the things that truly shape it, and in more than a simple 12 - month cycle.
The hundreds of millions of dollars Target has been pouring into its e-commerce to help it self - cannibalize its sales rather than lose business to (amzn) and a resurgent (wmt) among others took a big toll on its bottom line.
Bottom line, programmatic is the direction that the online advertising industry is moving, Pitz said, «so I look at this as an acquisition that keeps them moving their business in a forward direction rather than keeping them behind.»
Rather than leading an automated race to the bottom, Boomerang's tools push retailers into the realm of game theory and psychology — anticipating what competitors» responses to their moves will be, and how shoppers will perceive them.
Rather than open a new tab and open yourself up to distraction, you can select the icon in the bottom - right corner and search without leaving your document.
When you have a bottom - up rather than a top - down culture, it's all the more important to hire the right people to shape your company's direction.
While the dispute could further hurt the company's bottom line, both SBB and Swiss seem intent on getting delivery as soon as possible rather than cancelling their orders.
The bottom line: Rather than checking China's ambitions as intended, the tariffs will likely create a vacuum of economic and diplomatic leadership for Beijing to fill.
Similarly, we always take the same approach on the long side when buying pullbacks of strong stocks; we wait for a pullback to form some sort of reversal pattern before buying (rather than trying to catch the bottom of the pullback).
Again, with trend reversal setups, it is crucial to first wait for an extended base to develop at the lows, in order to ensure the ETF has actually found a significant bottom, rather than trying to catch a falling knife:
Starting at the bottom rather than the top is a great user acquisition approach for SaaS companies.
Kevin Milligan says the case for raising the annual TFSA limit is shaky as the benefit will be mostly to high wealth households rather than those at the middle or bottom of the wealth distribution.
We analyze the fundamentals of individual stocks from a bottom - up perspective rather than a top - down view of the market.
Rather than breathe a full sigh of relief, the junk market rebounded but quite clearly remains still on edge now more than two years after that prior bottom.
Rather than spending it haphazardly, why not come up with a plan that will help boost your bottom line and overall net worth?
If the media industry, in particular, continues the current race to the bottom on price, rather than focusing on business value, it will forever be a commodity.
Well, Slater is really talking here about to spot a bear market bottom, rather than a turning point in the middle of a cyclical recovery.
The telephone number flashed at the bottom of the TV screen and the camera's occasional glance at three tiers of telephone operators might make you think you were watching a telethon, with the callers transmitting promises of gifts rather than the confessions of faith they are in fact making.
What I try to do is view things from the top down, rather than from the bottom up.
Volf joins a widening cadre of Christian theologians who seek to anchor the nature and mission of the local church in trinitarian thought rather than the shifting sands of cultural practices or the muddy bottoms of tired cultic traditions.
There emerge, however, from the «periphery» (so to speak) rather than from the center, pockets of order, meaning, and value which grow, spread, and die — that order, those values, and those meanings which gradually grew and spread until they constituted the various Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt would be an example of how order, value, and meaning emerge from the «bottom» and spread «upward» and «outwards» into dynamic pockets or aggregates of order, meaning, and value which prosper - overcoming and absorbing other pockets of order — until they no longer embody the imagination, vigor, and zest required for continued vitality and find themselves absorbed into other competing orders or gradually disintegrating into the silence of a Dark Age.
When challenged on why he was speaking about grassroots reconciliation rather than a political settlement, Welby said both were important: «The process has to be top down, bottom down, middle out.
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