Sentences with phrase «rather than with»

Dear Mick: Can you explain to me why so many stories in movies can not be told in chronological order rather than with constant flashbacks and / or jumping from one time frame to another?
In his second feature, Fukunaga, working in a contrasting milieu after his indie immigration drama Sin Nombre, is defeated by a few traps of dramatizing a sprawling novel in two hours rather than with miniseries languor.
The principal drift of this sort of English theater was what critic Manny Farber once called «termite art» — an art concerned mainly with its own boundaries and rules rather than with overarching «statements» that reek of significance, something Farber pejoratively termed «white elephant art.»
Morris interviews McKinney with his trademark «Interrotron» to get very intimate interviews in which the subject seems to be directly engaged with the audience, rather than with an interviewing mediator.
If only every Arab - Israeli conflicts could resolved with Biblical wisdom rather than with bombs and bullets!
Just as effective is the epistolary therapy that attests how in moments of grief it is easier to vent out to a stranger, rather than with those who know us well and can therefore be critical and judgemental.
««What about about the part where Shane hits Nancy and he runs into those big glass doors and hits the doors with his head rather than with the baton he is holding?»
Granted, it's an issue with the Switch console, rather than with the game, but Splatoon 2 handles chat through a fucking app on your mobile phone.
The film opens with Bob Merrick hurtling dangerously across a lake in his speedboat, an accident waiting to happen, rather than with Helen picking up Joyce and Tommy at the pier in New York.
Rather than with a hail of bullets or whiz - bang haphazardly edited action sequences, the lead character of Sarah defeats the villain with smarts and intelligence.
It doesn't always fit together as well as it should, sometimes forcing the player to work around the game rather than with it — but the wildly vacillating tone is the bigger issue.
In these days when people go out to drink and let their hair down rather than with the serious intention of meeting someone, if you are single a Speed dating event can fill the gap and give you the chance to meet that perfect partner.
In the present day, the word miscegenation is avoided by many scholars, because the term suggests a concrete biological phenomenon, rather than a With so much winning for the anti-globalists and patriots lately, it is easy to observe delicious amounts of salt on social media.
Being bisexual does not make a man sex - crazed, inherently more driven to cheat or more likely to want group sex or a polygamous relationship but if that does turn your crank, you're going to be more likely to fulfil your MMF threesome fantasy with a bisexual boyfriend rather than with a straight one.
Love coach Persia Lawson explains how to flirt According to the Oxford dictionary, the definition of «flirt» is to «behave as though sexually attracted to someone, but playfully rather than with serious intentions.»
However, it may just be that Kiwis have beef with the ultimatum itself rather than with the vegetarian lifestyle.
However, it may just be that US singles have beef with the ultimatum itself rather than with the vegetarian lifestyle.
Amazing the difference it is to apply wax this way rather than with a paper towel that I am use to.
Does your hair always seem to be working against you rather than with you?
Wear white jeans with pale, silvery grey in late winter, rather than with charcoal grey and brown.
The only bump in my purchase with One Necklace was a slight delay in receiving the product via the mail; however, after some research, it seemed more like a delay in the postal service rather than with One Necklace.
And preferably use something hydrating rather than with actives and acids like AHA, BHA or Vitamin C. I know Innisfree created Clinic Masks Sheets which contains those ingredients, but it has a low concentration.
The Subcommittee discussed placing soft margarine with solid fats, rather than with oils, because of their trans fat content.
Studies have also noted that hip extension moment is greater when the lift is performed with straight legs rather than with bent legs.
We must learn to train our mind to create with love rather than with fear.
So, drinking green tea between meals rather than with a meal may improve bioavailability and how much benefit you get from it.
Be more concerned with the way you look in the mirror (or in pictures) and your waist size rather than with your total body weight in the scale.
My practice has allowed me to face life's challenges both mental and physical as opportunities for improvement rather than with fear.
It is the «healthiest» of the oils, but that's like comparing a used car you might want to buy with a junkyard wreck, rather than with a brand new car!
Dry cleaning involves cleaning clothes with an organic solvent rather than with water.
If you find yourself having to swing or use jerky motions then perform this exercise with your knees bent 90 degrees rather than with straight legs.
I like to make simple cake rather than those with icing and fondant.
Come back at your work with an excitement, rather than with anxiety.
In this coming year, we may need to break old habits of speaking at our children, rather than with them.
Although turmeric can be used by itself, the best thought is always to use it as a background to other flavours: if you find you have added too much and created unwanted bitterness, counteract this with lime or lemon juice rather than with any sweetness.
It is sweetened with monkfruit and inulin rather than with stevia, so if you don't like the aftertaste or are concerned about the safety of stevia, this is a great option.
It was found that toxicity correlates with oxidative stress rather than with cellular uptake.
It's astounding to me that many of these were taken with telescopes you can easily buy online (granted, for thousands of dollars) rather than with the Hubble or some building - sized scope on the top of a mountain in Chile.
Newly formed groups of monk parakeets do not show evidence that they perceive rank, yet an awareness of it emerges quickly, after about a week of interactions, which is when individuals direct aggression more frequently against those nearby in rank rather than with lower - ranked birds.
Later studies showed that theta frequently begins several hundred milliseconds before the onset of movement, and that it is associated with the intention to move rather than with feedback produced by movement (Whishaw & Vanderwolf, 1973).
He and others believe that these cases were associated with infection by the live H1N1 influenza virus itself, rather than with the Pandemrix vaccine.
His work is important, given that on average, 8 percent of rams seek sex with other rams rather than with ewes.
Lagos watched one of the mares consort with this stallion rather than with the stallion from her own band.
«Our study suggests that follow - up with bariatric specialists more than 5 years after surgery, rather than with specialists with no bariatric expertise, can decrease long - term anemia risk.
The impact of a change in unemployment on suicide was stronger in countries with a lower rather than with a higher pre-crisis unemployment rate.
Like jet engines, ramjets mix and compress incoming air with fuel, but they do so with a clever geometric design rather than with huge compressor blades.
Studies show that young people who spend most of their time with responsible adults rather than with peers — one of the hallmarks of homeschooling — seem to be able to avoid the turmoil that is so typical of American adolescence and, in turn, the immaturity and uncertainty of the post-teen years here.
Over the years the magazine's editors have preferred to illustrate covers with science rather than with scientists.
For example, fossil ants which once lived in Europe were more comparable with modern South East Asian, Indian or even Australian ants, rather than with the ants currently populating Europe or Africa.
Jalal says that an app may make it possible to do this kind of treatment virtually, rather than with a therapist in a clinic, making it easier and accessible to more people.
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