Sentences with phrase «rather than your professional»

The fact that the body washed ashore has fueled speculation that the murder was the work of amateurs imitating something from the movies rather than professional assassins, and some have even suggested that the remains never sank at all, perhaps due to air bubbles in the concrete.
Ahrens also trimmed expenses by turning to an independent designer like Dossett rather than a professional Web shop.
In fact, in all of these disagreements with PBO, the Government's attacks have become personal rather than professional disagreements.
Perhaps because Safranski is a freelance writer rather than a professional philosopher, he is able both to make Heidegger accessible and to do him justice.
Although he is surrounded by people, a minister may be hungry for relationships in which he can function as a peer rather than a professional leader.
She's finding evidence that suggests members of indigenous communities exchanged these items, often as gifts, rather than professional merchants establishing trade between towns.
«What you have is the Endangered Species Program being run by lawyers and judges rather than professional biologists,» says Hugh Vickery, an Interior Department spokesman.
But as Price points out, there are very few spacecraft monitoring the planets at present, and any exceptional phenomena are quite likely to be discovered by amateur observers rather than professionals, who are justifiably far more concerned with objects far beyond the Solar System.
The early years of NEA - AFT competition brought thousands of districts under union control, with the NEA winning the lion's share and maintaining its position of leadership - but now as a union rather than a professional association.
In other words, at least 16 percent of the total Stuyvesant staff was composed of teachers who received their jobs because of seniority (or race and ethnicity) rather than professional accomplishments.
«It [the education system] is run like a marketplace rather than a professional place,» Sahlberg, the author of Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland?
That culture is often absent when observation is associated with performance rather than professional growth.
To support this theory, research conducted by Teachers Support Network Group adds that teachers are increasingly concerned about their day - to - day lives, rather than professional issues.
Attended by unwilling and bored students, they are staffed by workers rather than professionals.
If the NUT can not get the other teacher unions to support its action it will be seen as a political gesture rather than a professional organisation defending its members working conditions.
Being a friend rather than a professional invokes the doormat syndrome; students will soon be walking all over you.
-- but that paying teachers based on test scores is «treating them like donkeys rather than professionals,» and that teachers elsewhere were saying «How are we going to be able to fight this off if they agreed to it in Newark?»
Some indie writers use beta readers and colleagues rather than professional editing and proofreading services, because it can be far less expensive to go without formal edits, and many indies — understandably!
Like tweets, many are written by average people rather than professional authors, and there is often a similar disregard for the conventions of spelling and grammar that career writers observe.
They also claim that sites charging very little per page will be selling students» papers on to someone else (which PapersMart don't do), because otherwise they wouldn't be financially viable, or that they will be using amateur students as writers, rather than professionals.
You're welcome to investigate Monte Carlo simulations with a financial planner (or even buy your own software that's been designed for consumers rather than professionals).
Some, like their Fidomax 1, are intended specifically for home use, rather than professional groomers.
The pieces are then shipped via FedEx, rather than professional art shippers, between the artist's studio and each exhibition venue.
Many who showed were teachers rather than professional artists, but all were young and untried.
In 1993 Annely Juda Fine Art organised the exhibition Partners, a selection of works by artists who, either through marriage or otherwise, were considered partners in their personal rather than professional lives.
I am an amateur rather than a professional climate scientist.
I'm not aware of this ability in other languages, but programming is just a tool for me, rather than my professional field.
But what troubled me most is that many of the comments suggest that women lawyers prefer to rely on their physical assets rather than their professional merits to impress clients and male colleagues.
I long for authentic confirmation hearings devoted to the interpretation of the Constitution and the practical application of law, rather than professional spin and political dealmaking.
She noted that we need to start from a personal, rather than professional standpoint and that formation of authentic relationships with Indigenous people is a necessary foundation to any understanding of Indigenous legal tradition.
What's amusing, however, are that the comments on the outages sounded more like those of addicts forced to go cold turkey rather than professionals missing a communication device.
It further proposes that the criteria for determining who qualifies for the federal privilege should be based on the product an individual produces, rather than professional affiliation or chosen medium.
Lawyers and staffers at other firms and clinic operators often used Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail accounts, rather than their professional emails.
Many of my YouTube videos (such as this Xbox build video) were recorded using the headset mic, rather than a professional desk mic, and the results have always impressed me.
If you're emailing a resume to a random job posting on Craigslist that lists a personal rather than a professional email address, for example, you should be cautious about including an address.
The trauma of losing a job is made worse if it was unexpected or if the situation involved personal as well as / rather than professional circumstances.
Personal references are testaments to your character rather than your professional aptitude.
«Having an objective statement rather than a professional or executive summary is the next mistake,» Smith says.
Again, your personal hobby could influence the reader on a personal level rather than professional, which is discrimination.
Being shut down when addressing something like your salary without adequate explanation can make denials seem personal rather than professional, said Valerie Streif, a senior adviser for Mentat, which helps job seekers and others build their professional networks.
As people assess bios for determining their interest to follow, in all likelihood this person is probably going to attract grandparents and seniors, rather than professionals in the hospital administration space who could help her build industry relationships.
Worst: «Photos - Putting a photo on your resume gives people the opportunity to judge you by your looks, your hairstyle, and your fashion sense, rather than your professional credentials.»
But the biggest (and totally avoidable) mistake is to frame your resume around past job responsibilities, rather than professional accomplishments.
Also, your efforts can draw employer attention toward your academic credentials rather than your professional workplace experience, since you may have plenty of the first and little of the second.
Given the complexity of the health reform environment, the need for sustained and ongoing efforts at health reform, and the inadvisability of relying on «the market» to drive health reform, this Commission — if sufficiently empowered in the public interest (rather than professional, bureaucratic or private interests)-- could be very useful, not least in helping to demonstrate your genuine commitment to a healthy future for Medicare.
We've created «body shops» rather than professional workplaces.

Not exact matches

It does mean that you should think of your content as leisure reading rather than as professional updates.
Although it may be easier for some professionals to quickly hit «delete» rather than actually reporting a message as spam, continuously hitting the trash button can take up more time than you think.
In my observation however, there is a greater appeal among startups with a handful of employees rather than self - employed and freelancing professionals.
To become a destination for innovative professionals, take a cue from some of the tech industry greats: Google, Apple and Facebook know the key to attracting the best people is creating a space where creativity is rewarded, collaboration is encouraged and mistakes are seen as learning opportunities rather than failures.
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