Sentences with phrase «rational conversation»

I fear that soon it will be impossible for anyone to have a calm and rational conversation about it.
Wow... you guys are having a more rational conversation then the people in the gamer zone.
Further, given that his argument is, in effect, that AGW must be doubtfull because the scientists who study it overwhelmingly report evidence that confirms it, I doubt sincerely he is capable of rational conversation on the topic.
Not the boisterous celebration of gore you might anticipate, Monroe and Hansen offer a surprisingly rational conversation on their film, its adherence to and departure from the original and the logic that went into what to show / say and what not to.
Because it's difficult for anyone to think clearly and engage in rational conversations when in a heightened emotional state, your two objectives in these situations are to keep students safe and to help the agitated student calm down — not to get that student to apologize or discuss consequences.
I'll just say that rather than blindly bashing something of which you obviously know or understand very little about, you might take the time to have rational conversations with people you may disagree with.
If we are going to have rational conversations about respecting beliefs, then in the same way Christians should respect an Atheist's views, so should an Atheist respect a Christians.
If you are then able to turn to what the real statistics are, also known as science, and talk in terms of what the big pattern is, then you can have a rational conversation.
We don't all have to believe the same identical thing to carry on a rational conversation, however.
Please stop the bigoted comments and try having an intelligent, rational conversation.
fred, if you believe that Adam and Eve were actual people who talked to a snake and ate an apple, then you are disqualified from any rational conversation in the first place.
Rational conversation can resolve conflict to the betterment of all involved.
But since it is something that people have been raised to accept in the face of conflicting evidence, rational conversation will never be reached.
But I have found, as everyone has, that rational conversations are few to be had these days.
For example, you'll stop being able to have rational conversations and instead fall back on a book written over 2000 years ago.
The torpor of his mind renders him, not only incapable of relishing or bearing a part in any rational conversation, but of conceiving any generous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming any just judgment concerning many even of the ordinary duties of private life.
We can't stress enough how important it is to sit down with your partner (in the light of day) and have a calm, rational conversation about nighttime roles.
Do not discuss it any further unless you feel that person is ready to have a rational conversation.
Don't try to have a rational conversation about procrastination with your child when they are in the middle of getting something done at the last minute.
Comparing beheadings to MMA is frankly insane and shows you are incapable of having a rational conversation on the topoic.
They have a rational conversation, stand back up, and then mid-sentence again, Arkin takes off, only to be knocked down again.
These are minor concerns overall however and even if the film is compromised, I still admire it for trying to start a rational conversation about race.
Once again, the sub-standard SBAC measure is discussed as if it is entitled to a rational conversation; no discussion of its blatant inadequacies, its psychometric shortcomings, or its unfair and discriminatory use on minority students, special education populations, and foreign language learners.
It was all rational conversation.
I have given up trying to have a rational conversation with such people.
The more prepared you are for negotiating a raise, the easier it will be for you to have a calm and rational conversation.
No matter how much you try to have a rational conversation, you continually get cross-wise with them.
Once our emotions are heightened, we are no longer able to have a rational conversation with another person because we are now operating from our limbic system which has also been called our «reptilian brain» because reptiles react, they don't think through the consequences of their actions.
This doesn't mean either person should be blamed for the lack of chemistry; just have a civilized, rational conversation and check in with them about their feelings.
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