Sentences with phrase «rational people fixing»

We need rational people fixing our gun violence issue.

Not exact matches

Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
It's ten years old at this point, but I don't believe any rational person can view the film and think that a more laissez faire approach to health care would fix the problems that have historically plagued the US health care system.
In conjunction, it becomes extremely difficult to change the minds of people who are fixed on conclusions inferred through analogical reasoning, even if it is rational for them to soberly reconsider.
I can not seriously believe that rational people can not understand how the greenhouse effect works any basic science readings will fix that issue up and you can avoid the whole climate change science go to a hard physics site.
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