Sentences with phrase «rational people into»

He likens Brooke to a hustler, someone with the «bluster and bravado» to rope otherwise rational people into schemes like a restaurant that doubles as an art gallery and hair salon.
It changes otherwise rational people into believing in an imaginary friend.
It changes otherwise rational people into fools hoping an invisible man will magically grant their wishes.
But just because these domestic terrorists try to instill fear of rational people into their idiot audiences, doesn't make them right.

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Anyone like Kahneman who can provide some insight into why people are not rational and when that is most likely to happen, is a valuable resource for anyone in business.
The platform moves away from rational buying points and into a more emotional pitch of improving people's lives.
History is full of people like yourself — yes intelligent, rational and logical — who dove into scripture to rip it apart and wound up being theologians and biblical scholars and Jesus followers.
Where rational reflection and laws order the multiplicity of instincts into a unity, so religious belief issues its imperative and laws to each person and to the collective entity.
The political theory assumed that people benefit so much from that order that it is rational for them to enter into contractual agreements that sacrifice considerable personal freedom.
Insanity, I am guessing, is something that we slip into unvoluntarily, and it can cause us to believe things that, to the rational person, are absurd.
People are born into one of many religions and then manipulated using fear and guilt to not only believe everything that is told to them but to completely avoid all rational arguments contrary to it.
Obviously the only rational explanation is that an all knowing and all powerful being, who is invisible and who requires that people worship it at the penalty of eternal punishment just puffed everything into existence.
«Some people want Jews to walk into gas chambers,» I offered, «and we can have a rational and civilized debate with them.»
Ben, perhaps what you are really getting at is that when people try to bring their religious «beliefs» into what ought to be a rational political discussion, either their religious «beliefs», or the rational character of the political discussion, or, unhappily, both, end up on the losing end.
people, really, in common sense, if one falls into prey of fearful, scare tactics like these mind molesting words that don't even qualify as rational prophecy, one forgets to follow ones joy and excitement and one becomes a fear mongerer who loses out in the joy of life, so sad.
Because the rational structure of the human mind finds its source in divine rationality, this Word illuminates the eye of the soul turning ordinary persons into prophets who can begin to read creation.
I understand anyone who hesitates to step into the path of their buzz - saw, but we just must find strong, rational people to lead.
This approach works well on people who are basically rational, but who were raised into a faith.
If we can avoid the dangers of environmental devastation or global warfare brought about by the megalomaniacal pursuit of technological power, and the almost equally dreary prospect of a world of persons controlled by behavioral engineers in the name of technological rationality, we may move into a future in which the pursuit of power and rational order gives way to the cultivation of «intensities of experience.»
When scientists frame human beings as neural machines, recall the hyper - rational rulers of Laputa in Gulliver's Travels, whose instruments of measurement fail utterly to capture the whole person and turn the rationalists themselves into twisted souls.
This definition of reason is significant, because if willingness to believe is written into the very conception of reason, then the rational person is the one who exercises the proper amount of faith, and not the one who eschews faith altogether.
Your problem is obviously that you go into your rationale with the intent to make people feel like their beliefs are childish and they are inferior to you and your so - obvious rational adult mentality.
Whenever I debate a believer, in a calm rational debate it usually devolves into the person defending religion getting angry because he or she can not simply answer any question other than by saying stuff along the lines of, «well our brains are too small to understand» or «god works in mysterious ways» or my personal favorite «God will judge you for you unbelieving ways».
Degradation of the Representative System into a Bi-party System (the blue against the red, or the right vs the left, etc), and this happens cause the rational ignorance of the people, many people have a political conviction that is suppressed by the parties alliances.
Metaphor is like the nuclear weapon of communication, bypassing rational scrutiny, striking deep into people's subconscious.
«The passion and rational that I have for all the years of being a neurosurgeon, of trying to help people - listening and helping is the same thing I'm gonna do when I get into Congress,» Maxwell said in an interview with 13WHAM News Monday.
Sure, you're a smart and rational person that puts a lot of thought into the decisions you make.
The idea also got picked up by Sigmund Freud, who then thought of smell as an animalistic thing that had to be left behind as a person grew into a rational adult.
Failing this and other steps, the authors feared, research would cease to be «a rational career choice for bright, talented, highly motivated young people,» who would take their abilities into other career fields.
It apparently didn't have the effect we wanted it to have, but it was a little known part of the effort that people who worked at Los Alamos put into trying to get a rational decisions made about where we go from here.
Then again at a certain point people simply talk past each other and no rational dialectic can be entered into.
Although a coding bootcamp isn't ** technically ** a federal institution I did what any rational person would do and turned my new endeavor into a reason to go shopping.
Rational people don't take sunk costs into consideration when they make decisions!»
«When people get into serious relationships, or get married, they use coupons,» he says of his rational approach.
They very crafty and know the power of emotional strength people put into online relationship — unfortunately the rational part of the users brain is somehow overruled by the need to be loved, and this is where vulnerability takes place.
When a new person would come into some position of power that we had never dealt with before, we would ask others who knew him better, «Is he economically rational
If you believe that people are rational and markets are efficient, this will largely determine your views on gun control (unnecessary), consumer protection laws (caveat emptor), welfare programs (too many unintended consequences), derivatives regulation (let a thousand flowers bloom), whether you should invest in passive index funds or hyperactive hedge funds (index funds only), the causes of financial crises (too much government intervention in housing and mortgage markets), and how the government should or shouldn't respond to them (the primary financial role for government should be producing and verifying information so that it can be incorporated into market prices).
You will become far more rational and productive, and then, you will have more opportunities «to do that thing rich people do, where they turn money into more money.»
Just considering bringing a new pup into your family can cause a normally rational persons thinking process to implode.
Rational gamers, the ones who didn't proclaim their boycott of BioWare, the crab people and anyone else they could lay blame on, now have a chance to hop back into Commander Shepard's shoes in the Leviathan DLC pack, which boasts a few hours of welcome single - player gameplay.
It's hard to perhaps make a rational argument about, but emotionally there seems to be a big gulf between mowing down countless innocent people who stand between you and a goal, and just breaking into someone's house, viewing a part of their lives, and murdering them for absolutely no reason other than shits and giggles.
As Reich argued back in the 1930s, «If the psychic energies of the average mass of people watching a football game or a musical comedy could be diverted into the rational channels of a freedom movement, they would be invincible.»
We can study this til the cows come home and we probably will, but it's clear to any rational person that we have moved into dangerous territory with CO2 of 405 ppm and above and we actually have to move the needle down.
Slipping into the perspective of a rational outsider, there are lots of facts such a person could attend to that would make them less confident in it, like the behavior of some climate scientists, the smears of the «denier!
Moreover, rational people must accept that even if America commits economic suicide and Western civilization descends into feckless nihilism, the global warming alarmists» predictions of doomsday will not change anything.
It's interesting, though, that when you strayed from abstract argument into publicity for the Modern Movement, you attracted a lot of comments from people who are obviously not used to rational criticism of their pet ideas.
When talking to people who are experts in narrow fields, it is remarkable how short their rational framework extends into the world outside their expertise.
OK, so you can't get your average WUWT sycophant to even read a few paragraphs into what DC documented here, but hey, what about rational people who actually give a sh # t?
To be honest, I am not sure if people are buying into Bitcoin based on rational decision - making.
Most times I empathize with these individuals because the job search process can take a toll on anyone; people get into panic mode, and all rational thinking goes through the window.
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