Sentences with phrase «rational people pay»

And by out - styling a conventional E-Class sedan, the CLS hit on a trend - setting formula that makes otherwise rational people pay thousands extra to feel a bit better about themselves, and their car.
Reason for consternation: What rational person pays $ 100k for property that is only worth half that amount?
No rational person pays $ 100k for property that is only worth $ 50k.
Disclaimer: This ain't geek nitpicking — just basic logic and reason accessible to any rational person paying moderate attention to the events depicted on - screen!

Not exact matches

There are religious people that are paid good money in universities to teach science to atheists and «Rational Thinkers».
Also, the money seems not to be the main reason — if it was, people would not pay extra out of pocket for lay midwives if their hospital birth was covered by insurance, something that often happens, and people would definitely think twice before paying for the services of midwives in full at 36 weeks and then if they have to transfer end up with further hospital bills — these are not rational monetary decisions, they are paying these con artist in order to reinforce their feelings or beliefs.
People don't pay more for something because of a rational explanation (or an abstract complaint that culture costs money).
That is the rational answer, beyond that, one of the main reasons is that people like the feeling of receiving dividends - it might not be the answer you are looking for, but many people prefer companies that pay dividends for no rational reason over companies which grow their asset value.
The two leading theories are the Debt Snowball, as advocated by Dave Ramsey, in which you pay the smallest debts first, and the Right Way, as advocated by rational people, in which you pay the highest interest rate debts first.
For some people, the rational idea that over time they could pay less money and be done faster just doesn't pack the emotional kick that paying off a credit card quickly does.
No rational newspaper or person would pay any attention to it at all.
Like most people, they are rational pleasure maximizers and pain minimizers who have paid a price (measured in time) to achieve their success.
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