Sentences with phrase «rational people want»

CO2 emissions will keep climbing, and climbing and climbing, because rational people want PROGRESS, not the backward leap towards unreliable sources that can only exits by government mandate.
What most rational people want is equality that is not defined by YOUR religious beliefs!

Not exact matches

«A rational person thinking through this might say «I want them to take this money and spend it on programming, not on a gift,»» Meer said.
No — I want those people to be SANE, RATIONAL HUMAN BEINGS.
They're doing what any rational person would do who wanted something but couldn't get it - won't let anybody else have it either.
The problem is that very few people what to have this rational discussion — they want to have an emotional arguement and play a game of «my god is better / kinder / bigger / badder than your god.
This is why arguments about what god wants are as discredited as arguments about who people were in their last life or what Xenu wants amongst the rational.
They want a rational chronology of events that make rational sense and there is an obvious pattern of one person being the wrong doer.
You can call me a coward and say I «ran away» or whatever your malicious, childish mind wants to make up to make yourself feel better, but I prefer to actually have adult conversations with rational people who can articulate their opinions based in reasonable, rational thought.
If persons were only intelligent organisms with finite wants, the problem of adjusting demand and supply could in principle be easily settled by rational calculation.
First, its premisses concerning society and modern man are pseudoscientific: for example, the affirmation that man has become adult, that he no longer needs a Father, that the Father - God was invented when the human race was in its infancy, etc.; the affirmation that man has become rational and thinks scientifically, and that therefore he must get rid of the religious and mythological notions that were appropriate when his thought processes were primitive; the affirmation that the modern world has been secularized, laicized, and can no longer countenance religious people, but if they still want to preach the kerygma they must do it in laicized terms; the affirmation that the Bible is of value only as a cultural document, not as the channel of Revelation, etc. (I say «affirmation» because these are indeed simply affirmations, unrelated either to fact or to any scientific knowledge about modern man or present - day society.)
You can call me a coward and say I «ran away» or whatever your malicious, childish mind wants to make up to make yourself feel better, but I prefer to actually have adult conversations with rational people who can articulate their opinions based in reasonable, rational thought ========= Apparently, since you are still addressing me, I must be «adult» in my conversation and displaying rational thought.
I do nt want to end up being like you, a drone who looks incredibly silly to rational thinking people speaking on and on about their invisible man even in situations where its simply not wanted or warranted.
If you cling to the irrational belief that it's the literal word of a diety, and you read it and actually decide you want to follow it, be self - aware enough to understand when rational people question your morality and intelligence.
If you want to convince people of the truth of Christianity, the best way to «argue» it today is not through reason and and rational propositions, but by becoming more and more like Jesus in everything we do.
In deciding what enhancements to make generally available, it make sense to say, Mehlman goes on, that «The government decision - maker might look to John Rawls» notion of «primary goods» — those that every rational person should want
«Some people want Jews to walk into gas chambers,» I offered, «and we can have a rational and civilized debate with them.»
@Willowspring — if you don't want rational people to think your beliefs are absurd, you shouldn't believe absurd things.
It's great for winning others to the side of reason, of course — but I assume you want to slow the flight of rational people from Christianity rather than making them flee so as not to be associated with the nutters.
We need rational level headed people in public office if we want our problems solved, not deluded cowards clinging to death denying fairytales.
Just as some people relish the idea of a beef tongue sandwich and others are repelled at the notion, many consumers want to avoid pink slime for reasons both rational and irrational.
Common Cause executive director Susan Lerner said that «any rational person doesn't believe these things happen in isolation,» and said there are «inherent conflicts of interest, either in campaign contributions and taking other money from entities who want something from state government.»
Micah, I see that others have answered your question, but I just want to say that DL's don't have a lot of power, so even if she did nothing, I'd be fine with that, because she is such a smart person and a rational, sane leader when so many of them are wackos.
It apparently didn't have the effect we wanted it to have, but it was a little known part of the effort that people who worked at Los Alamos put into trying to get a rational decisions made about where we go from here.
Hope to meet someone special here... Lets see what happens... Looking for honest, respectful, kind hearted person... Someone who knows how to be fair, reasonable and rational... They want me to keep writing more here....
You'll never think of James, the Camino, or the making of the stories you believe in the same way.AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Q: Who is this is juicy, erudite entertainment meant for?A: History nerds, religious seekers, rational skeptics, thinking people, and anyone who likes Monty Python or thinks they might want to take a long walk on the Camino de Santiago.Q: Can we learn from any other historical source why Jesus really called James a «Son of Thunder»?
Larry Swedroe is the author of Wise Investing Made Simple (2007), The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need (2005), What Wall Street Doesn't Want You to Know (2000), Rational Investing in Irrational Times — How to Avoid the Costly Mistakes Even Smart People Make Today (2002), and The Successful Investor Today: 14 Simple Truths You Must Know When You Invest (2003), and co-author of The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need (2006)(All Affiliate Links).
«Some people are highly rational and just want cash back,» she says.
My basic view is that people should have a perfectly rational fear of missing out on the experiences they want to have, while trying to assuage that fear with respect to a particular deal or particular opportunity is far more likely to lead to expensive (or at least time - consuming) errors.
LCD: The reason we want to categorise people and put certain labels on them is because it gives us a secure and rational way to deal with them.
Bottom line: I fully understand the need to «communicate» but I just want to remind people that if we want people to make rational assessments and come to a rational understanding of situations, and thereby make solid decisions, we can not just follow «communicators» guidelines because these are not about rationality.
If you wanted to fly from New York to London, rational people would likely make sure they bought a seat on a plane with a highly qualified expert Pilot.
If you want to make it an issue, find people in the center who speak in tones like this — who can sit across and not yell and not throw out invectives and not even use language like people like me create — but have a rational, common - sense dialogue over the challenges of what changes in climate could be doing, are doing, and what is the best way to deal with it.
Stanley Milgram wanted to understand why so many apparently rational, kind, normal people got taken in by the unmentionable Austrian lance corporal.
It's easy to see why — no one wants to think about death, people may find their options confusing, and they think that life insurance is a gamble and they're «wasting money» if they don't die — but for many people it's not the rational decision.
It is a very real example of what happens when people look for scapegoats, aren't rational and just downright want to lay blame on anyone but themselves.
I, however, think the rational expectation that mortgage rates will increase in the future will cause many people to want to buy sooner rather than later.
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