Sentences with phrase «rational tuition»

State University of New York chancellor Nancy Zimpher said Tuesday that the need to renew the school's rational tuition plan and increase state funding is about a long - term commitment.
Meanwhile, another portion of the state budget creates a «rational tuition plan,» allowing both CUNY senior colleges and SUNY's comprehensives to raise in - state tuition by up to $ 200 annually.
A plan called SUNY2020 was implemented to keep tuition increases small and steady, but there have been complaints about the «rational tuition» program.
And in order for the bill to pass, a lot of the details dealing with the TAP, dealing with the rational tuition, dealing with procurement... dealing with the public private partnership are very important to all different members of our conferences.
Zimpher also pushed «rational tuition» that automatically increased tuition by about $ 300 annually for five years.
In 2011, he and lawmakers enacted a proposal they called a «rational tuition» policy that hiked SUNY tuition $ 300 annually for five straight years, resulting in about a 30 percent tuition hike.
I guess the «Rational Tuition Plan» has made college unaffordable even for the children of a State Assemblyman.
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