Sentences with phrase «raw local»

The phrase "raw local" refers to something that is natural and unprocessed, and comes from the nearby area or community. Full definition
Add in a tablespoon of raw local honey, 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla and a half teaspoon of instant espresso powder.
Add up to 1 cup of raw local honey to the liquid (make sure it is cooled because hot liquid will kill the healing properties of the honey).
Making your own syrup with raw local honey increases the health benefits even further.
1 cup raw local honey (preferred), maple syrup, date syrup, molasses, or alternative natural sweetener.
Do you like raw local honey, or maybe maple syrup?
I gave my kids raw local honey mixed with cinnamon when the flu was in our house.
Eating 2 - 3 teaspoons of raw local honey each day has been shown to help with seasonal allergies.
She's old enough to have raw LOCAL honey now.
A bowl of fresh berries, a grapefruit half (drizzled with a little raw local honey if it's super sour), poached pears, strawberries dipped in dark chocolate, grilled pineapple or frozen organic fruit blended for a sorbet make for a good sweet treat!
Keeping heat away from raw local
omg sooo yummy... i added a tiny bit of unsweetened almond milk and used a teasp of organic raw local honey instead of Agave... did have the pumpkin or hemp seeds so i opted for sunflower.
3 Tablespoons High Quality Unrefined Coconut Oil 1/2 Cup Organic Yellow Popcorn 3 Tablespoons Butter 2 Tablespoons Raw Local Honey 1/4 Teaspoon Salt 1/4 Cup Peanut Powder 1/2 Cup Roasted Salted Peanuts (optional)
i have access to raw local cow milk.
This Paleo Peanut Sauce is made with raw local honey, coconut amino, almond butter and coconut vinegar.
Hi Annie, I made these tonight using raw local honey and they are fantastic!
Often I sweeten the oats with stevia, but today I opted for a little raw local honey.
«As someone who has suffered from allergies my entire life, it was only natural to come up with a convenient form to take a tablespoon of raw local honey everyday», says founder David Luks.
simmered for 5 min, strained, then added 1/2 cup ACV and 1/2 cup raw local honey.
I've also started 2 different batches (the orchard has been very fruitful this autumn) one of chopped quinces and the other with halved crab apples, using a raw local honey instead of sugar.
Stoneground cornmeal, millet flour, a wee bit - o erythritol for sweetness and then (optionally) topped with some raw local honey and a dollop of organic honey Melt spread!
easiest dressing ever!ingredients: 4 tablespoons raw local honey 4 tablespoons organic yellow mustard (organic stone ground works too) mix above ingredients until...
-- same as above except with a thin rice cake — thin rice cake spread with cream cheese or laughing cow and smoked salmon — Plain whole milk yogurt with fresh fruit and a tad of raw local honey or with some low sugar jam mixed in.
Raw local honey is a common
2 tablespoons 100 % raw local honey (if vegan, substitute with 2 tablespoons coconut sugar or maple syrup)
The companies «lemon cayenne cleanse» is made with a tablespoon of raw local honey sourced from local beekeepers from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut while its Apple, Ginger booster is packed with raw Manuka Honey.
Strawberry Lemon Honeyade: This nutritionally enhanced updated version of the time - honored classic adds pressed strawberries and raw local honey for a vigorous pick - me - up.
Each 10 - ounce bottle of the new flavors contains a tablespoon of raw local honey or Manuka honey, providing purifying and nourishing juices that are gluten free, GMO free, and contain active enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
«Raw local honey contains pollens from local flowers that may alleviate allergy symptoms.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, shredded Organic coconut, unrefined Organic coconut oil, Organic Dutch alkalized cocoa powder, Himalayan pink salt, red rose petals, lavender oil.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, shredded Organic coconut, unrefined Organic coconut oil, Organic Dutch alkalized cocoa powder, Himalayan pink salt, peppermint oil.
After many years as a vegan, I now occasionally eat local eggs and raw local honey, and I realize that my choices are a fortunate privilege.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, sprouted Organic almonds, unrefined Organic coconut oil, raw Organic Peruvian cacao powder, vanilla, Organic Saigon cinnamon, Himalayan pink salt, Organic cayenne pepper.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, shredded Organic coconut, unrefined Organic coconut oil, Organic Dutch alkalized cocoa powder, vanilla, Himalayan pink salt.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, shredded Organic coconut, unrefined Organic coconut oil, alkalized Organic cocoa powder, vanilla, Himalayan pink salt, ginger oil, and ground cardamom.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, shredded Organic coconut, unrefined Organic coconut oil, Organic Dutch alkalized cocoa powder, Organic cacao nibs, ground coffee, vanilla, Himalayan pink salt.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, sprouted Organic almonds, unrefined Organic coconut oil, Organic Dutch alkalized cocoa powder, vanilla, Himalayan pink salt.
Ingredients: Raw local honey, sprouted Organic almonds, unrefined Organic coconut oil, raw Organic Peruvian cacao powder, vanilla, Himalayan pink salt.
Without a lot of research, just wild instinct, I started taking 1 tb turmeric in a 1/4 cup plain yogurt with a teaspoon of raw local honey.
Organic virgin coconut oil, raw cacao powder, raw local honey, local organic strawberries, and perhaps organic chia seeds.
Like pure maple syrup, raw local honey, or frozen organic grape juice concentrate.
You could also add bee pollen for immune boosting, raw local honey if you desire a bit of sweet, various spices (cinnamon is good for blood sugar balance), grated ginger root to enhance circulation and improve digestion, or powdered vitamin C or probiotics.
Consider truly healthy, delicious and sustainable alternatives instead such as date sugar, raw local honey, dark maple syrup, cane or coconut jaggery and coconut sugar.
Try to replace sugar with natural alternatives, such as, raw local honey, maple syrup, Stevia, and dehydrated sugar cane.
This Paleo Honey Chicken Stir - fry recipe is made with antibiotic free chicken breast, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots and broccoli and is seasoned with coconut vinegar and raw local honey.

Phrases with «raw local»

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